Pre Tribulation Rapture Scriptures Debunked

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In today's episode, we go through several scriptures, rebuking the Pre-Trib camp assertion that these scriptures point toward a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
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There are too many verses that point to it. You’re wrong homie, but hey… we’ll all laugh about it in heaven while we watch the tribulation. :)


I appriciate the discussion

Rev 6:17 for the great day of his wrath has come, and who is able to stand.
Jesus said no one knows the day or hour.


This looks like another mixed up video. The time of the tribulation is known in the Bible as Jacob's trouble. Who's jacob? Israel. in that time. God deals with the nation of Israel and the unbelieving world the church is home in heaven. remember Jesus said because you have kept the word of my patience I will keep you from the hour of tribulation that will come on all the world. From not through.


One of the things we miss, when we do not walk in the spirit; is where Martha says of Lazarus being dead; is when Jesus says: he will rise again. She says that she knows he will rise again on the "last day". Jesus expounded on something that we just bypass with a faint acknowledgement, when he says "I Am the Resurrection and the life".
Well to put it bluntly; if you want to know about the last day; you might want to be raised now by his word!


You can't be serious, can you? You accuse pre-tribbers of not looking at the whole context of 1 Thessalonians 5:9 because they cite only the first half of the verse. But then, in your next analysis in Revelation 3:10, you do the VERY SAME THING! You read the verse, then focus in on the word "keep" without looking at the words that come right after. It says "keep thee from". You also misinterpret it. These are your exact words: "he's gonna see you through it" which you state at the 7:30 time point of the video. That is false. This is what "keep thee from" says in the Greek text:

τηρήσω ἐκ (pronounced like "tereso ek" in English)

The Greek word "ek"' means "out of", not "through". The Greek word for through is "dia", it is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT WORD with a DIFFERENT MEANING. "Dia" is the word used when Jesus and the disciples were plucking the corn to eat in the fields in Matthew 12:1:

At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat.

You see the phrase "through the corn". The Greek word for "through" is "διὰ", not "ἐκ" like it says in Revelation 3:10. Jesus said He will keep us OUT of the the hour of temptation that will come upon the whole world, not through it. You got some improvement to do if you want to be teaching the general public on youtube, because what you said, that God will keep us "through" it is summarily FALSE and anybody can look it up in an interlinear Bible and compare the Greek and English text side by side to see for themselves EXACTLY what Revelation 3:10 says.


Isaiah 26 17 Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and crieth out in her pangs; so have we been in thy sight, O Lord.

18 We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have t


Its easy to understand why the pre tribulation rapture theory is so popular. Its like asking your child, what do you want, spinach or cake.


Isaiah 26:18 We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen.

19 Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.


In  1 Thess. 5:1-11  Paul makes it plain that the wrath of God that begins in the sixth seal of  Rev. 6:12-17 in the first 3 ½ years of Daniel's 70th week is not "appointed" for the church, but for the ungodly world. He said, "God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation [deliverance] by our Lord Jesus Christ, " so that both the dead and the living in Christ can live together in the rapture (1 Thess. 5:9-11). In view of this deliverance for both the dead and the living in Christ at the rapture, we are to be comforted (1 Thess. 4:18;1 Thess 5:11). And, since this wrath begins in the first part or in the first 3 ½ years of Daniel's 70th week, at the point of the sixth seal, then the church will be raptured before that. Furthermore, since the raptured saints are seen in heaven-in Rev. 5:8-10-before the first seal begins, we must then conclude that the rapture takes place before any of the seals begin.


Jerry Lee Colbert: Scripture actually teaches two tribulations that occur within Daniel's 70 Week 1) that tribulation and 2) great tribulation. Rapture comes between these two tribulations, thus rapture is


Don’t worry bud, God will grant you your wish as a Tribulation saint. We’ll already be there before the Tribulation. Enjoy.


Thank you for sharing the truth. The rapture is a misinterpretation of scripture. There is only one last trumpet not two. There is only one second coming not two. There is only one resurrection of the dead not two. Jesus said “Do not marvel at this for an hour is coming when ALL who are in the tombs will come out.” Jesus said that ALL will come out not some at the rapture and others at the second coming. Jesus makes it clear there is no separate rapture.


Concerning Rev 3:10 if you do a word study of endurance, you’ll find believers undergoing persecution and/or tribulation when its used. See Matt 10:22; 13:21; 24:13 and Luke 21:16-19 and Rev 13:10; 14:9-12 where you’ll see endurance and tribulation mentioned. Rev 3:10 is not a Pre Trib rapture proof. It works much better with the Pre-Wrath rapture if you look at the entire context.


Sorry brother your very smug there is no need for that. You don't have a loving demeanor and that matters when preaching the 66 book love letter from our heavenly father. just want to put that out on here. Honestly another thing i want to point out is that there is all too much proof that any translation of the Holy Bible that isn't the kjv is not the real word of God. Nkjv is far from the real word of good as well too many important truths are taken out or twisted.


Good video, I would like to add, Noah was in the ark for a year and 10 days. He was protected from the flood, not removed from the earth. I suspect in like manner, God will protect his people during the wrath(vial judgements).


I was literally talking about this today. Matthew 24 Jesus talks about immediately "AFTER" the tribulation, THEN the son of man will "appear in the the clouds" and he shall send his angels with a "great sound of a trumpet", and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 1 Thessalonians 4 is describing the exact same event with the same words. It boggles my mind how they can't see this. It's willful ignorance and the strongest cognitive dissonance I've ever seen. They refuse to allow even the words of Christ himself to interfere with this delusion.

I think the pre trib idea is one of the greatest deceptions to fall on the church. They will not recognize the tribulation when it happens. They will all be saying, "This can't be the tribulation because we are still here." Clinging desperately to this erroneous belief. I can hear it now, "What happened to our 7 year party in heaven?" lol

They can't understand that the tribulation is not the wrath of God, even when this is so clearly explained in the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. We are not appointed to wrath. It is so clear and yet they cherry pick and constantly misinterpret scriptures that they think support their belief, rather than allow the entirety of scripture build their belief.

Even in Revelation we see in chapter 14 the harvesting of the earth in verse 14. It even mentions the son of man on a white cloud and angels working with him (just like everywhere else). Then in chapter 15 the bowl judgements begin, which is the wrath of God being poured out, which we are saved from.

I used to believe in the pre trib position because that is what everyone taught and I thought they knew more than me. Then I started reading scripture myself, very carefully. When you take all the passages that refer to the second coming, the bible paints an entirely different picture from the one being sold from American pulpits. Not a lot of cheering going on when you tell people that a time is coming in which you will suffer to the point of death for your faith. That doesn't feel good to Laodicean types.

Good video. Truth is truth.


The 7th trumpet in the book of Revelation has nothing to do with the rapture. Read it for yourself and you’ll notice it’s a judgement


God often warns for 'that great day' - because the 200M visible demon army will invade earth. He also often warns that the enemy will change my words to lead His people into the Trib. What you are presenting here is the latter.


He won't return until After the final crisis on this earth which is the mark. Rev. 20. John 6:44 the saved rise on the last day.


1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 416 children of darkens only ?
