The 3 WAYS To OVERCOME ANXIETY & Deal With STRESS | Judson Brewer & Lewis Howes

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Dr. Jud Brewer is the Director of Research and Innovation at the Mindfulness Center and associate professor in psychiatry at the School of Medicine at Brown University, as well as a research affiliate at MIT.

As an addiction psychiatrist and internationally known expert in mindfulness training for treating addictions, Dr. Jud has developed and tested novel mindfulness programs for habit change, including both in-person and app-based treatments for smoking, emotional eating, and anxiety. In 2012, Dr. Jud gave a TED talk about a simple way to break a bad habit, and in 2017, he wrote a book on the subject called The Craving Mind.

In times like these, mental habits are easy to form. There is a lot of scary headlines and false information out there right now, and when fear sets in, we often try to medicate it with bad habits.

So join me on Episode 930 and listen to what Dr. Jud has to say about the coronavirus and how to keep our minds from spiraling into fear and anxiety.

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To whoever is reading this, know that you will be OKAY. Good things are going to happen moving forward. 👏✨


I’m not afraid of getting sick. I feel anxious because every day, govt officials keep talking about how everything is getting worse, despite restrictions that are added to every day. I used to take daily walks to get my mind -body balance. But now the govt is saying slow down is not enough, we supposed to stay home every day / all day, for an extended period of time. Public officials say, even if a person gets sick, and recovers they should’ continue to stay home. ~ We are in spring after a long time of darkness. My apt is dark bc I’m in the bottom back of the bldg. I lost my job, where all my friends were. Now I’m supposed to self isolate, stay home with my sick dog. / By the way, local govt’s is calling for the military to step in and police the city. ( armed soldiers in the street ) These very real things are happening, in addition to losing my job, my income, my freedom to walk the streets in peace. ~ I’m not afraid of getting sick: I feel sick of being threatened every day since the news about CHINA shut down .. was announced. ~ Other people who have private property & a car can go around & live normal lives. I have a tiny apt, which I appreciate, but how can I stay well without sunlight or freedom to walk the streets ? PS / my anxiety is triggered by hearing the same threats & complaints every day from govt officials at every level . ( Federal, state, city ) It’s never ending. They’ve taken over my life. 😟


Lewis I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to make this interviews, as always excellent video. 😊🥰😍


Listening now. As someone who has anxiety (and panic disorder - I relate to the fear of panicking), I appreciated this!


Thank you for this, Lewis! People really need to be taking care of their mental health right now. We don't all need to be spinning out of control. Our mental and emotional health is so connected to our physical health. BE WELL, everyone! 🙏


I caught the Corona anxiety virus. Full panic attack at work. Lost control of my breath. Even though I went to work at the bank as a financial advisor fearlessly, even though I meditate, even though my attention is in the present moment, even though my awareness is high....fudge...all of a sudden I had a panic attack...lost control. It came out of nowhere. My old patterns and sufferings of the past, even if resurrected, even if I saw a psychologist and began to love myself...fudge! I just Lost control? I guess I felt the vibes of my clients and colleagues....I got caught in the web...the anxiety of others. Thank God it is the weekend. Meditation, sleep and a little exercise shall help me. Blessings of taking care of the mind, body and spirit....! 😇By helping myself, I will be able to help others.


Thank you so much ♥️ as someone who deals with severe anxiety, ever since that ... sorry don't want to even type its name, ever since it came up my anxiety has been sky high 🥺 I've been having panic attacks and trouble breathing at night. Literally like 3 days ago I couldn't go to sleep I was having trouble breathing and I was balling my eyes out, I stopped watching the news because I felt that was all I was seeing . Although I've heard 84k people have recovered and thank god i hope more do ♥️🙏🏼 I've been reading my daily devotions and sitting outside for some fresh air. Speaking with the lord, asking him to heal us, the world ♥️ I've been crying to the lord and asking him for a sign that everything will be alright although I know through mighty god everything is under control ♥️🙏🏼 everything will be alright, in Jesus name, Amen


Get Dr John Bergman on your show he is full of fact based information


So much great information for anyone who is feeling anxiety through this crisis.


Excellent education!!! I am therapist and will be sharing this with my clients/friends/family! I’ve actually also dealt with panic disorder myself and have over time kept it at bay. These are great reminders. Thank you for sharing!!!!


Know that you are loved unconditionally...
That as a spiritual being having a human experience you are connected to source energy...the same source energy that creates universes...and let go of all that doesn't serve fear, judgement, unworthyness...etc; and return to the loving, lovable being that you are...
We gave our power away...
Time to take it raising our vibration to that of love...
Love Light and Blessings to you all


incredibly insightful and packed full of wisdom. really enjoyed this episode!! Dr Judd seems to have a great deal of equanimity


this is the message everyone needs to hear. Thanks so much for spreading it


Yo what up Lewis! So here in houston, the biggest thing here is people rushing to buy products. Which those who haven’t gotten anything early that day, will be forced to try the next day. Thanks man for your school of greatness and I’ve been listening for about 6 months know on Pandora. We have not had a city lock down so far and one death from a 90 year old male. So sharing news from houston and again thanks man.


Loved the animal chat ending so much. The whole interview was precious. Thank you ❤


Jud Brewer’s name is misspelled on the screen, bottom left.


It's so important that we can stay calm during these times. Really appreciate hearing Juds advice on anxiety.


I used an app developed by Judson - incredibly helpful
Thanks so much


I get anxiety in the evenings and I think it comes from too much caffeine during the day. My body cannot process caffeine like it used to. I think there is a food/nutrient/chemical component to anxiety. But the thinking pattern part is important also.


Attention is the last thing anxiety sufferers want. They'd rather hide from ppl.
