TAOISM | The Power of Letting Go

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The power of letting go is a form of strength that’s based on sophistication rather than force.
We can approach life more intelligently, more efficiently, and go with the flow,
“effortless action” (or the paradoxical “action of non-action”) rather than swimming
against it.

Cuts, voice, footage, script by Einzelgänger. I used creative commons (links below) and some material from Pixabay & Storyblocks (links available upon request).

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"Receive without pride, let go without attachment."
- Marcus Aurelius


Ever notice that when you're waiting for the phone call job offer, or the text from a girl, or that check in the mail, it NEVER comes, but the moment you forget about it, the moment you "let go, " lo and behold...


If you are reading this, I hope you know you are special and capable of creating amazing things. Wish you lots of health, love & peace 💗


1.Letting go of "too much" control
2.Embracing change
3.Focus on the present
4.Letting go of exess


I needed this.. Never take life too seriously. Its a dance, enjoy the music instead of worrying what note is coming next


In a relationship: the more you "control, " the more you do not have control over it. The more you let go, the more you have control over it.


Follow your strengths, rather than trying to repair your weakness...
Such a good quote


I'm 60, I've been in therapy for 5 years now, and this, this opened my eyes. Sadly, I've been fighting the wrong battle and doing everything I could do, so I did not let go. I wrote songs, I made mental images, I did everything I could possibly think of doing, just so I would never let go, of the feeling. With the help from my doctors, I was able to stop the medication, to see if this would help me focus, I was so afraid of letting go because if I let go, she would be lost forever.

I wish I would have let go, letting go was the problem, I was the problem.

Today, is the 1st day of letting go!

Thank you!


I am autistic and suffered a violent father, years of school bullies, aggression from my Mum's boyfriend, and years of disturbance from my drunken violent neighbour whose outbursts and destruction brought back memories of my Dad.
I learned the power of forgiveness, and when I forgave them I let go of them mentally, and I found in turn that they let go of me.


- Too much control over someone prevents them from developing.
- Put little effort into attraction. Let it happen naturally.
- Focusing on the future hurts your performance in the present.
- Freeing yourself from excessive needs is the key to happiness.


I kinda learned this naturally. I kept telling myself I had to escape my 9 to 5 job and worked all my free time away never achieving anything. Instead, I threw this mentality away, did my best at work and it became more enjoyable and I don't feel like I have to "escape" my job anymore. Now I can enjoy my free time and spend more time with my family. Maybe I will never be rich but my job provides us with all we have and that's enough.


These things must be taught right from our schools or college time..so that people can live their life more peacefully, consiously and most importantly handle difficult situations, understanding Life and it's purpose and going with flow state...


As a kid i got cancer. Realising there is no point in stressing out, i focussed
on the things i could still do. To the point sitting in the garden, enjoying
the sun and the company of my dog was all i had. Staying calm kept me strong in a way.
In the eyes of my parents, being mentally able to keep calm was the thing what helped me
through all the hard times. Me too like to see it that way, but i also believe a shitload of luck was needed ;)


I've learned a long time ago about letting go. It is always a pleasant surprise when you let go and receive what you want but even if it never materializes it is still the same. We go with the flow, and accept the reality be it good or bad. Not stressing over life is truly living. Have a great life everyone.


He left me for another girl, despite of the fact, I am beautiful, educated, compromising and have a good earnings. I was completely lost. A couple of time I tried to end my life, but doctors saved me. After shedding countless tears and being in depression for two years, I rise up. I learned to love myself, learned to trust people again, learned that it's completely ok to be alone. Now I am that fearless and confident girl who can say yes and No without any hesitant, who has her way to the success. Now m more social and extrovert. I simply love myself more than others do.


One of my favorite films (both as a child and as an adult) is the 1978 version of Watership Down. One of my favorite quotes from that film that kept coming back to me during this lecture is “there will be no bargain. What is, is what must be.”
Seems fitting to learning to let go if you ask me.


i feel like i just had a cup of tea with Uncle Iroh


If you resist, it will persists.
If you look at it, it will disappear.


I've been holding on to a very hurtful situation for over 3 months now, I believed that letting go would hurt more than what I was going through while holding on. It hasn't even been 3 days since I decided to let go wholeheartedly and suddenly, I started receiving money I'd been waiting for. Opportunities that I thought were not meant to happen suddenly came chasing after me.

Letting go is life-changing! It's just the courage to let go that we lack to our great detriment.


“When we stop striving, we give nature space to unfold”
