What is Qi Gong? Taoist Master explains power of Qi and philosophy

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What is Qi Gong (sometimes spelt Chi Kung)? Master Gu guides us through the history, philosophy and transformative power of this ancient Chinese wellness practice....

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Explore the ancient practice of Qi Gong, a transformative exercise that strengthens and circulates Qi, the vital life force in traditional Chinese culture. Delve into its roots, from the Han dynasty's Daoyin practitioners to the revered Tai Chi of Wudang Mountain. Learn how Qi Gong, encompassing movement and meditation, promotes physical and mental harmony. Discover various forms like Ba Duan Jin and Five Animal Qi Gong, enhancing your connection with universal energy for a harmonious life.



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☯️If you would like to learn Qi Gong with Master Gu (without needing to go to China), you can join his online wellness academy!
Hey thanks for opening up this comment!

I’d like to tell you more about the story of the Taoist Wellness Online, Master Gu’s Online Academy. How the Academy started is quite a funny story 🙈.

We could never have imagined that today we are now the biggest Tai Chi school IN THE WORLD!

It all began when I was 3 years into my journey living with Master Gu in his mountainous Tai Chi School.

Master Gu is fluent in English and has always seen it as his life mission to share the healing Taoist arts of Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Meditation with the world. He shared with me his vision to create not only online courses, but an online Academy.

I was excited by this vision and shared how I could use my filmmaking and inter-web skillz to make it happen.

We then had a cup of tea and Master Gu sang Chinese opera while playing the guitar… 🤠☯

We are really proud of what we have built. We now are a 16-person team from 7 countries and we are on a mission to create films, communities and transformative education to help people and planet live in balance.

The Online Academy is one of the best ways you can help us on our mission and you get so much learning!

If you become a student of the online Academy, you get:

- Access to 100+ hours of teaching with Master Gu, recorded with love from the heart of China.
- Learn with him in forests, caves and temples — all from the comfort of your own home.
- An awesome student community! With regular online meet-ups.
- Monthly livestreams with George and Master Gu
- A (new) Taoist Wellness App so you can learn easily on the go.

Best of all you can start for free with Master Gu’s free wellness wisdom course. 70, 000 people have completed it so far.

Click the link below to start learning for free, and see for yourself why so many people are getting excited! 💪

Happy learning!

With love,

George 🌎🫶☯


When the student is ready, the teacher appears. I didn't know that I was looking for this, until it found me. Thank you.


"Medicine is not as good as food, and food is not as good as qi." WOW! I loved that statement.


Blessed to live in this golden age. People would have to walk miles to get this knowledge. All I had to do was press pixels on a screen to find this. Thank you for posting this.


Just goes to show that Dads are the same the world over!!! 😂. So glad you kept that part in as it created an extra layer of humanity in an already wonderful video.


No matter what the Path...Intension is everything. Whatever you do...with good intention...goes a long way. As a Taoist Monk of 51 years...I chose the path of Tao long ago. I have NO regrets...Not a single one. I tease and say...only regret...I didn't start earlier. But...here I am now...in the Tao.🙏📿📿🙏


Always love a master who laughs at his own moment of carelessness and his dad in the video. I'm all smiles


The scene around the training area is beautiful, tranquil, and peaceful.


I've been practicing qi gong for over a year and I've went from being unable to walk short distances with so much pain it would make me pass out to being able to walk around much better. Qi gong has helped me and I plan to practice it more and more. I hope to be able to help others with this knowledge one day.


I've been practising Qi Gong since October last and I don't have a physical teacher right now, yet the universe is delivering lessons to me in the perfect timing.
I have practiced buddhist meditation and energy healing for many years now but have never known such a purely, simple and direct way to connect to source.
I would recommend Qi Gong to everyone! I've fallen in love here ❤🎉


As Lao Tzu wrote in the Tao Te Ching, “Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures”. Your wonderful video evokes a sense of these qualities and makes them come alive. Thank you dear Master Gu and George for practicing and promoting the art of peace in creative ways.


He reminds me of a calm and happy version of Shang tsung.
I like this. One must have patience to perform qi gong


My favorite part about Mr Gu is that he is a pure example of what it means to feel harmonious and in balance. His energy is so wonderful! I appreciate your content George, keep it up.


As a student of qi gond, tai qi and yoga practices, these are essential in optimal health and wellness. This is the best introduction to these sacred practices I've seen to date. Thank you so much for this real life demonstration!


This is really great----I was wondering about this. I also love the playfulness that Master Gu has about his Dad. Made me smile!


This ancient wisdom is priceless. Great job promoting such a humble master too. His kindness radiates off his very being which can be felt through his voice.

I started learning Qi Gong over 2 years ago now also from a beautifully kind master. It was immediately following a full blown kundalini rising (raising 3 snake like liquid lights up my astral spine and out of my crown). Without getting into too much detail about the mystical experiences that followed. I was forced to dance and cry profusely & uncontrollably until I started training the Qi Gong breath 24/7. Along with the routine of YiJinJing (muscle & tendon strengthening Qi Gong). Which ultimately helped me ground that other worldly energy. Allowing me to integrate my deepened understandings of how I got there & finding balance afterwards back into society as a craft or an art.

Totally recommend this traditional knowledge to anyone embarking on an inner journey to deepen their own understanding of the cosmos. Also, I would mention that meditation is foundational to anything Qi Gong beforehand for maximizing benefits. <3


Oh my! This video is awesome! The captioning is perfect! I know how hard captioning is, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate it. Thank You!


Your timing is impeccable especially when i started looking into and practicing Qiqong along with taichi, all I'm try to say is that the universe is saying something.
Much love to you brother and Master Gu


The Master's English Pronunciation is full of strong Qi ❣️


Hello George! thanks for sharing Master Gu intro, MY name is Gustavo and I am from Mendoza, Argentina. 6 months ago I had problems with my cervicals, traditional medicine did not give me answers, so I met a teacher here who did Chinese acupuncture and I started my journey at that time. I started reading and watching qi gong videos on my own, and that led me to feel much better, the practice is daily, but my perspective on health and my physical condition changes day by day. It is good that you continue to share your experience because it serves all of us who do not have the chance to go to that magical place and meet Master GU. Thanks a lot!!
