GHOSTING 👻 THE TRUTH 👻 Why Do They Ghost You?

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GHOSTING 👻 THE TRUTH 👻 Why Do They Ghost You?

The truth about why people ghost, block or ignore.

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ABSOLUTELY spot on! They should distribute this in schools! So teens can at least have some semblance of balancing info!!! Looking gorge with the waves hun. Love u lots❤❤❤🌈🦌


You are absolutely THE MOST entertaining reader I’ve ever seen. I love you I appreciate you I look forward to every message you deliver.


I was ghosted by my Twin Flame.

But over time, I've figured out her issues. She's me, in so many ways. As you mentioned, we triggered one another.

However, she chose to ghost me after we separated. In a personal Twin Flame reading, which I had recently, I discovered that she really wants to reconcile.

It could be a number of weeks, or even months before I hear from her again. But, despite all the pain she caused me, I know that she was suffering on the inside; and in silence. Being a Scorpio, she's a very closed book.

The reading, however l, revealed that she wants to meet up; and finally speak her truth. I learnt also, she was really heartbroken by the separation.

It must've taken a while for it to truly hit home. But, we've been mirroring one another in alot of ways.

The woman who gave my reading, told me that the story I told her about my Twin & I, actually made her cry.

It's taken me, the best part of a year to heal. But, I managed to heal through helping other Twin Flames, by answering their questions on Quora Digest.

In doing so, I managed to answer my own questions.

But, I have been told, communication is definitely coming in. She really wants to reconcile, speak her truth; and best of all...

She definitely wants to marry me 😃💍

So, I'm keeping the faith; and remaining positive for the both of us.

I certainly do, take this woman to be my lawfully wedded Twin 😇

Love & Light ❤


Excellent video and such wonderful advise! I, as most of us have, have been ghosted and in truth in my past have hosted others. As you said it has hurt, which brought yo my awareness how I have also hurt others, recognizing the pain, feeling it, asking yourself what you need to heal and then releasing works wonders! It truly is about them, releasing them to their own journey is key! In the end you find your self love, power and peace! Thank you!🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


❤️🦋 Thank you for this. Being ghosted by TF has been hard


My dm cannot adult any day 😂 i loved this post liz really made me change my perspective thank you for your Pixie Power 🧚🏼‍♀️✨


Thank you so much Liz, when my DM ghosted me it was the most painful experience, like having a door slammed in my face, it still hurts.


Thank you for the funny visual of ghosting...that really helps!😂👻 And thank you for the advice of dealing with it all!💗💗💗😘🙌 Love and Light!


My twin said a couple of times he's Casper the ghost hahahah So it resonateds already hahah


Yes, I DF are so AGREE with you dear soulsister..💓And that is so TRUE 🤩, I ignore and DETACH from those people who ghosting..🌞
I have been blocked out so MANY times, also from DM but now I dont take it so personally 🌟
I have no place for revenge and hate in my life 💓, very RESONATING reading 🌞🦋


My twin has ghosted me a lot and hurt my feelings by making me out to be some weirdo to everyone. I've now ghosted her on one form of social media so I don't have to see photos anymore and we are no longer talking as the karmic monitors her texts. She's told her mum she doesn't know what she's done but her and her partner are still being nasty about me so I have taken a step back from her and the family. Her mum is upset and I am too but I can't let this affect my mental health, have to stand in my power and show myself some love that I have given to all of them. My twin needs to step up, I can't allow her back in my life if she is anything less than the DM I deserve. No more lies and no more me being a dirty little secret, all over me and telling me to fight for her one minute and ignored when the karmic is there. I am hoping I am on the right path as when I went to get her mum's prescription today someone had written 'believe' 3 times on a notepad at the counter and on my way home I passed a rainbow colour van with 'believe housing'written on it. Time will tell I guess. I think a little belief will do all us DFs some good, self belief and belief in the divine plan. Love and light everyone ❤


Yes!! What can we learn from this? Go within and focus on your beautiful soul!!❤️💕💕🦋


0:44 BAAAHAHAAAHAHAhaaaha omg that really helped. Love ya!!!!


Wow, Thank you 🌸
It's amazing how after i go through something, the videos confirm exactly whats currently hitting harder at this time.

We're not in communication so i doubt he even notices but i had to block his FB page just so i would stop glancing at it and messenger.

I didn't do it to get back at him, but it was for me, at least for now, because I can't handle being ignored anymore. You're right, it's actually affecting me, plus it doesn't help that I've no one to talk too, not even my son, and I'm tired of being shut out and left alone.
Though I'm grateful you're all here, so thank you. 🌸

*Update, i unblocked him. Something told me it wasn't a good move, and it was confirmed. I'm glad for that.


Thankyou so much for this video Liz! It was the perfect tonic of humour & guidance & assurance that I needed today! Hope more of our Angel family finds this today too ❤️🙏🏼❤️


Thank you, Liz. You're adorable.


Love the casper the ghost visual. LOL Makes it easier to deal with when I confront it and not get so annoyed. It is their problem.


Thank you for speaking on this topic, Liz. Through multiple connections, it came to my knowledge that my DM avoided me a few months ago at my job. As the universe would have it, I ran into him the next day (which rarely happens even though we live in the same city) during lunch. I confronted him about it. His words were that it wasn't about me, and then turned around and walked away. I was still hurt, though, and I had a huge ego struggle after that. We were connected through multiple social media accounts. He blocked me on one, but left the other untouched. I took this as, he doesn't want me to see his vulnerable side, yet he still didn't want to lose the connection (or perhaps he wanted to 'keep one eye open'). As it is, I still have a lot of work to do on myself. I have to keep on reminding myself, that for other things to truly fall into place, I have to come into alignment with myself first.


Thank you Liz, very insightful! <3


The best Liz video..we need more videos like for all ... including twin flames!♥️
