The Truth About Ghosting - What To Do If You Get Ghosted

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#Ghosting isn’t a new thing; however, it is getting progressively more common in large part because of social media. The more that connection is taking place online or via text and the less mutual social connections two people share, the easier it is and the less consequences there are for pulling a #disappearing act. Because of this, it is practically an epidemic in the modern dating world. And unfortunately, the more it happens (either to us or our friends and family) the more normalized it becomes within society.

Video References:
How to overcome the fear of conflict: 2:51

Meaning The Self Destruct Button: 6:42

Why you can’t leave the Relationship (Intermittent Reinforcement): 17:39

How to Create a Safe Relationship: 18:15

What is healing? : 18:33

How to Handle Rejection: 19:24

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Heard this quote the other day "if someone ghosts you, then respect the dead and never bother them again" 😂😂😂🙌


"Being ghosted has nothing to do with your value."
Thank you for this!


15:02 - "when someone ghosts you, what that behaviour is really communicating to you is this: I don’t have what it takes to have a healthy and mature relationship with you, much less anyone." Now that's a mic drop moment. THANK YOU.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


I feel like a person who ghosts after a lengthy time of giving you a lot of attention is a cruel game that makes them feel better. They are sadists in a way. This is a new level of power for the losers of the world.


Being ghosted is a blessing because they’re saving you time. Why waste time with someone who can’t be honest with you.


Ghosting IS abuse. Don't let someone ghost you twice.


Every rejection is a protection, and every disappointment is an appointment


"Ghosting is about Emotional Cruelty." -- so true!


when someone ghosts you, essentially what that behavior is saying is "I don't have what it takes to have a healthy mature relationship with you, much less anyone" RUN THAT BACK


I'm ghosted by someone else. I feel lost. I can't sleep and work efficiently. Ghosting is abusive, like violence.


I used to ghost in the past, but have learned to change it around. So when it happened back to me, I fully realized how tough it can be on the ghosted. Lesson learned.


When someone ghosts you just simply takes it as: “garbage take itself out” or “they left bcos they’re not meant to be in your life” and it’s God’s way to protect you! Don’t overthink just move on and meet new ppl.


I was ghosted for 6 months and she reached to me through a text message on my birthday to let me know she had broken up with me. The pain I felt was so unbearable I attempted suicide twice. More than a year has passed and I'm still trying to recover and become confident again.

If you want to break up with someone or even if you hate them, please don't ghost them. It is too painful


I think ghosting is the epitome selfishness and cowardice.


I've been ghosted. It was painful, frustrating and traumatic. I didnt deserve that but I got through by moving forward slowly. Going to the gym, lift weights to ease the trauma. I prayed every night to God to give me peace and tranquility. I dont hold grudges but i dont forget. I love the man I've become today.


Unless you're being harrased, it's a coward's way out. Grown ups don't ghost. Nor do they feel the need to play power games in the hope of hurting another person.


I was ghosted once, it really hurt my feelings, because I thought everything was going great! Then two months later, I came home to a voicemail from The Ghost, saying...Hi! Here’s a voice from the past! And I hit the delete button and said...that’s where your staying! I value myself! I did dodge a bullet! 👻👻👻


I read something along the lines Universe is doing you a favour by taking out the trash"!!!


"Dont ghost people, and don't chase ghosts."

-Teal Swan
