Federal Judge: TX Abortion Limits Unconstitutional

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--Federal Judge Lee Yeakel rules the new Texas abortion restrictions unconstitutional

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The abortions were legal, they were just making the umbrella of legal abortions significantly smaller than that of safe abortions for the purpose of stopping the practice entirely.


Govt. should stay out of social issues. They have way more important duties that they are already doing a poor job of performing.


How can these people tell us what to do with our bodies if a woman gets raped and she does not want to keep that member why does she have to be remained every day that she looks at that child or carry it to full turm.


When it comes to reproductive rights, we have come a LONG way from the back alley and the wire coat hanger. And those serious complications would likely only occur if someone lacks experience, or is not taking the proper precautions.


What you are talking about is "late term abortions". The Roe V. Wade decision set the limit at, I believe the first trimester. So, before the second trimester begins, great, legal (or at least, should be) in every state, and protected. After the start of the second trimester, and things start to get a little hazy. But, there is just one thing I can agree on, and that is the ban on the late-term abortions, EXCEPT in cases where the mothers life would be put in direct danger due to the pregnancy.


Regulations are a bit touchy. Too much regulation can be a bad thing, yet, at the same time too little regulation can also be just as bad, or perhaps even worse. And the incidents you are describing sounds like someone who was not properly trained in the procedure, or equipment cleaning and maintenance.


So, the fight being led by Wendy Davis is, so far, turning out to be good.


I am all for women having choices and control when it comes to their bodies, but the way in which you conduct yourself during arguments is not doing your cause any favors. Relax and compose more mature statements.
