Does God Know Everything? | Episode 1510 | Closer To Truth

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Western religions claim that God is all-knowing. Then the trouble starts. What does it mean to know everything? Is God’s knowledge of the future truth? Are ‘possibilities’ truth? Can God know infinities of truths? Does omniscience test a theistic God? Featuring interviews with Edward Wierenga, Peter van Inwagen, Brian Leftow, David Hunt, and Yujin Nagasawa.

Season 15, Episode 10 - #CloserToTruth

Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

#God #Theology
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It's curious that humans can't definitly define a human but some seem to be so sure of the definition of God


The interviews are textbook. Rather than playing 'gotcha' and interrupting, he asks genuinely searching and challenging questions, and then gives the interviewee space to give a proper answer.


I love these interviews.. understanding what or who God might be will take us to the next level of understanding who we are and why we exist in this huge Universe.


Even if God does not know everything, Is it that enough to distrust him? Who am I that my expectations should always be true.


If God is All Knowing, then He could never have thought up anything.

To think up things and decide whether to create them or not means that God was NOT All Knowing prior to thinking something up. God could never have any new thoughts because new thoughts would be providing Him with new knowledge which he did not previously have.


Honestly, this man asks the silliest questions. How can we, as mere humans, hope to understand God or eternity? Much of our acceptance of God is simple belief without facts. We do that every day when we believe what total strangers tell us things but we don't know them personally or professionally. Weatherman, politicians, other people on the street. Is God all knowing? Yes, but not because He necessarily puts ideas in our head. We have free will of action and he knows the outcome without forcing the outcome. He doesn't need to as that would spoil the experiment. He needs us to act a as we would and He notes the outcome.


He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has even put eternity in their heart. Yet mankind will never find out the work that the true God has made from start to finish. (Ecc.3:11)


As I see it, because there's no past or future to God and because for Him, everything is present, God's omniscience does not contradict human free will. He get to know our future as if it were happening now and He see's it as we can see something that is happening at the present moment. But we should not be too atached to concepts in our knowledge about God. They are useful, but limited.


People can not comprehend God's awesomeness we are not capable. For you to question God is a mistake.


I love the premise of the question. How can God know all infinite possibilities? Since God can't answer that question some guy at a University will know. This is the best show in God's infinite possibilities. Perhaps Robert Lawrence Kuhn is God and he's seeing how smart we are.


I love how they keep saying "He"


Maybe it's possible for God to know everything about a certain sphere of his influence. But I can't imagine enjoying life without more things to learn. So I hope that God is still learning things that are above him, but maybe he knows everything about the kingdom over which he rules. Hopefully someday we can become like him.


What really would everything mean or encompass?is everything countable or infinite?how would one know or judge about knowing everything??


God knows everything that exists, he has created, its potential and every possible scenario or eventuality. Yet, God uses his ability to foreknow the future selectively, not automatically. He does not choose to know all details if the future choices his intelligent creatures, angels and humans, will make. He leaves that up to them. Although, he does provide laws and reveals rewards and consequences for actions taken.


The Vedic scriptures reveal that God expands himself into every atom and is cognizant every neno second .


I know who make a mess. You also Do a mess, but it's a important part of understanding. Love whatching the processs of elevation. Philippe Martin


We are children who, having discovered a book on trigonometry, are trying to understand it using an abacus.


Years ago Alan Watts said in one of is talks. We will sit around the throne of God and someone will ask God how did you make everything and he will say; I do not know I just did it like opening and closing your hand. One must remember that God cannot bite his own teeth or see his face except for reflections like a mirror. Like God we cannot bite our teeth or see our face except for a reflection. The mystery is what keeps it interesting. Knowing in advance that Caption Ahab was towed under by Moby Dick ruins the story


Suppose I ask God questions in order to test his knowledge. What would I ask ? Will he answer ?
And how could I check his answers ? I would need to have access to the correct answers.
Then compare his answers with the correct answers in order to give him a grade.
I would need to know at least as much as God in order to test him, which is impossible.


I don't have enough words to say thank you to Robert and his team .
