Why You Should NEVER Dodge Games

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Why You Should NEVER Dodge Games

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You can tell Azzapp is passionate about the game in the long run


This brought back memories of how people used to understand different roles better in early seasons like in season 3. You were never guaranteed your role so you had to be decent at your worst roles. Like there was games you won just because you actually had a pocket support pick and could fill. Now dogeing and role select feels like everyone can only play 1 champ and only in that role. So they have zero game understanding of how champions interact or finding a win condition. I'm all for improvements to the game to prevent doggeing. Que time is long enough as is.


Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!! Not only do you bring up a ton of good points, your passion for this game in the long term shines through which I find refreshing every time I witness it. I adore the fact that you don't take this game for granted and that you genuinely enjoy yourself and your fav character. This is the kind of energy I want to be around all the time - keep it up, bud!

Also, I've said to my husband in my unhinged LoL passion rants so many times that dodging has made people lazy - they don't want to strategize or learn to deal with tough situations. They just want to win and dodging gives them this false notion that they have some control over the outcome which then creates internal expectations that leads to mental booms and abuse of team mates. Your suggestions for a fix are very good imo, and I just hope someone at Riot sees this and takes notes.


nice video, I wouldn´t even say dodging increases game quality in the short run. Let´s say your top laner is on a 5 game losing streak and wants to troll his next game first timing champ because he is tilted af. So you dodge but in the big picture you didn´t increase quality of league games on average because this guy will go to another lobby and troll the next one.
You just moved the problematic piece into another game, not remove it. Vice versa other people dodging their lobbies means their trolls will go into your lobby instead, and this is something nobody thinks about in these disscusions.


There are gonna be people who dont watch this and just talk crap. I'm not one of them.
Great video hopefully people will get more positive about this.


Statistics and Logic vs Emotions and Feelings.

I'll go with statistics and logic. Ergo, I am with Azzapp on this one.


I think the prevalence of dodging has shown that players forget that solo queue is a marathon not just in terms of LP, but also in the development of your skills. Developing a proper growth mindset was the best thing that's ever happened to me because the outcome of a single game cannot matter - you've still developed muscle memory, or experienced some new situation, or reinforced your game knowledge just by trying. League is such a beautiful game to explore; I completely agree that it would be better off if we worked to take value from unwinnable games.


I follow your teaching and today i win with a yi adc 😂
#no dodge #proves your skill


I don't think I've ever clicked a video faster. Thank you, sir. You are an absolute champion.


Dread it, run from it, the law of large numbers arrives all the same.


I only dodge if the teammates already argue about the champ the other one stole of them and the guy wants to troll


I really hope the more anonymity ranked lobbies will benefit the game. Regardless of what you say. If I get a laner who is 0/16 for 10 games in a row. I’m not going to go through with that game. I am going to take that 5 min timer every time. This happens way to often on my gold/plat games.


what should people do if unexpected circumstances happen and they need to leave game lobby ? make game happen and have 4 vs 5 game?


I completely disagree, dodging a game where 2 people are flaming each other in champ select and lock in shaco ADC and rek'sai mid is the only way to save myself a wasted 30 minutes. If anything dodging should work differently when you hit masters+, you already cannot duo queue that high, so maybe dodging should be punished harder as well since it's way more impactful at that level to begin with.
Do not take away my ability to dodge 2-3 crying babies in platinum, it's gonna be a dogshit game regardless of whether or not I mute them.


You have an inting nunu robot that literally has a stream of them inting and has inted you before I think I’m gonna dodge


If you remove dodging, early surrenders and AFK's will become more common. We all know the league community won't turn positive, they will just become more toxic in game


this is not azzap podcast channel hmmm🤔


The only problem I have with the whole argument is that matchmaking is not transparent, the ranked ladder isn't either(I'm not defending dodging, I'm only saying it is part of a bigger problem) . People will still dodge counter matchups/bad drafts. The anonymity adds to this uncertainty of the matchmaking, and until riot manages to convince the player base that the matchmaking is fair, dodges and hostage lobbys, soft inting will still occur.


People on OCE needs dodging though i legit get mutiple games of the same trolls though most ive had was 5+ in a row before i just gave up and got chat restricted cause fuck people who team up on ya. Need dodging regardless soz fam even this game anomymous stuff its going to make OCE actually terrible to climb i dont know much about NA or EU ques but holy crap OCE is horrible


Bad for game good for mmr no thanks Ill keep my lp thanks

-3 lp -10 lp ill take that over losing more lp than the dodge is worth

By -10 lp dodge ill just quit for day
