HOMEMADE FISH FERTILISER - 9 Months Later - Fish Hydrolysate

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Thank you for watching my latest video! My name is Sarah and I am a flower farmer in East Yorkshire, UK. I am in my 6th season of flower growing and I love sharing the highs and lows with you here on YouTube!
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Most flower farmers get interrupted by their cats, dogs or chickens. Yours is the only one with Hector the pig! Always enjoyable!


We must be watching the same videos. I just made my own fish hydrolysate as well. I am happy that so many people are catching on to natural farming practices. Good luck! One tip on the fish fertilizer. I put the fish in a food processor then add 3:1 destilled water:fish (as we want to preserve the beneficial bacteria the water needs to be unchlorinated and free from chemicals so the fish can ferment, rain water, distilled water work great), 1:3 Sugarto fish or black strap molasses and finally a table spoon per liter of sauerkraut or other fermented food brine (make sure it wasnt pasturized if its from the shop) to speed up the process. The solution will become liquified much quicker and you dont need to strain it at the end (way less yukky). It's basically a fermenting process that will liquify the amino acids and minerals. This way the fermenting process won't take much longer than a month. Hope that helps
3:1 Distilled or chlorine free Water to fish
1:3 Sugar to fish (too much sugar may also kill beneficial bacteria, sugar is a food preservative)
1-3 Table spoons of ferment brine per liter
Process the fish for better liquid and faster fermentation
Store in container that allows for gas exchange
Use 0.5 tbsp per liter of water for application (again chlorine free water)


Thank you, just started using fish fertiliser - excellent videos . From Pretoria - South Africa


Thanks. Is it true my sister ? I have been researching this for 9 month. Your ratio of 1 to 1000 is unbeatable by far. That's why my question


Omg your a I've been asking all the yt gardeners for a fertilizer recipe since all the sanctions with Russia are going to make it impossible to get fertilizer. I'm so glad you made a video you are amazing!!!


That is pure dedication! 👍🏻 I gag just opening my fish emulsion container once a week and I'll bet it doesn't smell as nasty as the fresh concentrated stuff. 👃


I love watching your channel. Your voice is very easy to listen to and the visuals are colorful. Your alpaca fur can be placed around the individual sweet pea plants to help keep the snails and slugs away. I use the alpaca poo in a tea with water and it can be used right away or later. Alpaca poo is a "cool "poo so can be used immediately, unlike the pig or horse poo, and its grape cluster look is easy to isolate. We have gophers here so I use a cedar raised beds with 1/2 inch by 1inch ( about 13mm x 26mm ) wire on the bottom. I lay the wood box on dirty sheep's wool, add dirty alpaca bedding and then soil sifted from compost piles (saving every worm) or compost ordered in. Each 4' x 6' x 1' bed holds a cubic yard of soil --a ton. I built and filled 37 beds with flowers and any handful of soil will have several worms. I live in cool, never hot, coastal Northern California on river delta land called the Arcata Bottom so I know I have easy gardening for my retirement years. Bearded Iris are my favorites.


I cant wait for an update on how the plants do after their first treatment, and any adjustments that need to be made. But I am not going to lie, I was most fascinated by how completely unaffected you were by the stench (both when chopping the fish, and squeezing the mesh bag). I may or may not have gagged just watching. hahahahaha


A very beautiful, smart,female farmer...thanks for the video


Great work!...(I just put my lunch to the side for a bit thou 😆 ) would be interesting to see a comparison of a crop sprayed half with half without.


Good night my dear friend...Thank you for sharing a very good video, I wish you more success


In a fairly warm climate, you can find a recipe to have it fermented a lot faster. I was able to use mine after 2 weeks with excellent results. But you take what you need and leave the rest to keep fermenting


Really interesting. I used to swear by blood fish and bone and chicken manure pellets but urban foxes started digging up all my plants, so stick to grow more and seaweed extract now.


Hello from Vermont U.S.A. You have introduced me to many ways to produce organic fertilizers/soil health boosters. Thank you.


Thanks Sarah, I am Buddhika from Sri lanka. It is a very nice video. Please tell me
1.Can we use remaining trash again for this process?
2. How long this fertilizer can be kept stored?
3. What are the plants which will give best results?
I hope your kind response


Naughty pig! Ha ha ha! Great job on the fish fertilizer 🐖🐟🌱


I think i have a carp heads in a bucket from over 10 years ago somewhere in the basement, at this point it's either fertilizer or japanese delicacy


Hi Sarah, very interesting information about fresh fish. Thanks for sharing and take care 🙂


It's called fish hydrolysate.
Well done girl.


Made 2 containers, one I used after 6 months the other I left for this season. The fish bones dissolved into sludge. Which went in my compost.
