Jordan Peterson - See What Happens If You Betray Your Destiny

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Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson tells the story of Jonah and the Whale.

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Failing his class would make me feel like I failed as a person.


If only so many of our Catholic priests could give a sermon like this. In these 5 minutes, Jordan explains a part of scripture in such a wonderfully intelligent way that even a child could understand. May God bless you, Jordan!


I love that Jordan is going supersayan in the thumbnail.


"How popular are you gonna be, if you go to a city full of chaotic people, and tell them why they're stupid and wrong ?"

As popular as Prof. Jordan B. Peterson when he does exactly that on US campuses, is my guess :)


JP has helped me come to the conclusion that religion was made to represent true things in the world in a way which can reach people without all the complicated explanations


I have lived the nightmare of avoiding my destiny. The man is dead on.


5:24 to 5:38 "That's what that means. What else would come out of chaos? If you fall apart and you put yourself back together what is it that comes out? It's the spirit of the illuminated human being!!!!"

Holy hell I've heard this story a thousand times before and no one has ever clearly described what it meant. That is profound!


In slav languages we have word *grěxъ instead of sin and it translate to fail or mistake, in a rural context it was used to describe a piece of field that wasn't plawed because farmer wasn't careful enough.


The reason he references the queen on the quarter is because he is in Canada, not the USA.


"Do you believe in destiny"?

"I believe a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed."


"What does that mean? Well it's easy!"
*Pauses to think*


Jonah hated the people of Nineveh the capital of the Assyrian empire so much that after he preached to them, he sat on a mountain to watch God destroy it. When God didn't destroy them, he grew even more bitter. Jonah believed that because the city wasn't Jewish, they didn't deserve a prophet of God to warn them. Completely missing what God made them a chosen people for. Even if you don't believe in the Abrhamic God, read the story of Jonah. It’s got a good message.


This man saved my life twice. Thank you


Every time things get hard, I try to remind myself that I will come out better every time. Life seems to go through cycles of The Good and then The Bad. Every time we enter The Bad, we learn lessons and wrap ourselves with armor to prepare for the next. You must be the fool before you can be the master. Hopefully, as a person that is lost and trying to harness that type of power, i find my destiny through this neverending process.


JBP: "and who's on the quarter?"

Me: "well that's obvious it's George Wash-"

JBP: "The Queen!"

Me: "wat. Oh yeah..."


It is called Divine Providence .... eventually everybody has to sit down and eats from the banquet of their choices. Choice does have consequence.

What people do not generally understand is that the world moves according to sin, sin (or lack of sin) is what dictates how the world is .... this is why as Peterson says, everything you do DOES matter - a step in the right direction vs. a step in the wrong direction. Sin is what brings chaos, without sin, there is no chaos. Think about it, what are the 7 capital sins. pride, anger, gluttony, envy, sloth, lust, greed. ... when you do any of those things you bring trouble into the world - what does an alcoholic bring? what does adultery bring? what does laziness bring? what does thinking you are better than everybody else bring? ... it all brings chaos - war does not just happen, it happens because of the rise of sin.

You can't do much about the world and sin, but you can make sure you do not contribute to it. Divine Providence makes is so that the cost of sin is always balanced - like an accounting ledger ... the books have to balance .... more sin, equals more suffering and that is not God who has done it, it is the price of sin, pride, anger, lust, gluttony, envy, sloth, greed. You do bad things, bad things happen - it really is that simple.


Amazing, such profound teachings. I especially like that Jordan can take these bible stories and make them applicable without getting people hung up on whether they believe in God or not.


>"Well what does that mean? Well it's easy!"
>3 seconds of silent contemplation


This explanation of taking a second chance to stop swimming against the current, flow with nature and follow your true purpose, it reminds us the reluctant mind of the human being... but when is it enough? .... once in my life, I was so stubborn that I almost lost my life by giving it up to someones elses desire, my husband. Depression can affect you deeply to a point where you lose direction and the compass of your life. His depression was a virus that got me too as a toxic. My partner was an extreme smart person but also a drug addict who lost his life after all my efforts to protect him, then I realized you can't help anyone if you are not helping yourself first. That time of my life, reaching the bottom of the ocean taught me my value and my worth as a woman. Since then I live fully aware and alive. I am not perfect but now I am aware to detect red flags, trust my gut intuition, set boundaries and stop myself when I am falling in the same negative pattern. Life continues ... Hope this message inspire many of you guys... never give up... the halo is there


"What does that mean? Well, what else would come out of chaos?"

