Telling the truth | Jordan B Peterson

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One of the things I’ve been suggesting to you is that you should tell the truth.
If you act in truth, then the order you produce is good regardless of how it appears.

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I told the truth at work and am getting absolutely demolished for it. That makes me even more determined to keep speaking up. My career is a continual conflict at the moment. It's stressful.
Edit: Thanks everyone. I was fired last summer and have now been in my latest job for 6 months, moving from the public to the private sector.


I started following this idea seriously for the past year and it has opened my eyes that my friend of 9 years turned out to be a sociopath...


People say to me that I'm strong, that I'm blunt, that I take no prisoners. They say people are intimidated by me.
I am a tender hearted, empathetic person ... and I tell the truth.
Telling the truth won't win you a flock of friends, but it'll win you the right ones.


If parents don't tell the truth, and are shameless about it, children will lie.


Thank you Dr. Peterson. Your great teachings and advice have made the greatest effects in my life and the lives of countless others.


Words Cannot begin to describe the thanks for the Wisdom this man portrays.


To speak the truth is to be hated, mocked, and even alienated, but everyone knows where you stand and you will exhibit a more assertive and respectful demeanor that will intimidate others. In a way, some people will respect it, but realize also, most people don’t like fake people.


An oracle, a legend. Your works are life changing. Thank you Dr. Peterson.


I started following this advice very seriously at the end of last year and my life has improved in ways I did not think possible. One of the greatest reliefs is not having to keep up with all the lies I tell. I can interact with everyone easily and without worry because I do not have to constantly remember what I told them that was not true. It is still hard because there are always situations where telling a lie is so easy in the moment. I now know exactly what he means when he says what do you really know about the truth. So many say they only want the truth or call themselves truth seekers but what they really want is comfort and to blend in with popular group think. I would be lying if I said I never fall into that category as well.


This particular quote has been lingering in my mind ever since my nervous breakdown, approximately, last Thursday. The axiom: "…Tell the truth. If you act in truth, then the order you produce is good regardless of how it happens." was the main mantra that got me through, although I miss-remembered it as "If you speak the truth, then the potential that's transformed is good." But I like the other one more.


I have a masters in engineering and decided to quit engineering as a career, I was miserable and very depressed. I am much happier now working in sales. But my parents still think that I will to back to engineering. It breaks my heart that they put so much effort to put me through school and I cant bring myself to tell them the truth.


Bible verse: Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
Proverbs 23:23


Forget about honesty in the dating market, at work or anywhere... Even your own family prefers telling you sweet little lies because in their eyes we are fragile. And when you talk back it's mostly "how dare you talking to your mother/father like that".

Wherever I go prefer not saying anything at all. Absolute impartiality and stoicism are the only ways to get by in today's society.


If you act in truth, then the order you produce is good, regardless of how it appears.


hardest part for me is now seeing everyone around me constantly lie to me and themselves. its painful.


I just posted a video on this topic- why telling small lies kills your soul. Haha but seriously it does! You can really form your identity by telling the truth on a daily basis. It’s a really deep and profound concept that changes your life in more ways than you could predict before you start doing it. God bless you all 😊


i lied so fuckin hard.. and i regret rn, i'm so desperate... i'm working really hard to get better, but how can i say the truth now, i'm not where i want to be yet, i cant say the truth for now, i really hope... omygash


"The truth is the cornerstone of society"
"You can trust people who blush"


I told my the truth to my ex. Who was still my friend even after our break up that i lost our pet cat today. She totally hates me now. But my lie was eating me inside. I dont know if telling the truth makes me less of a bad person but i really hope i can be forgiven..


I lie alot and make up lies about me that for me is a way to stop people from getting close to me, because I believe I wasn't special and that I would be judged on my true self, so I cover it up with lies. And one day I got a girlfriend, and I lied about things that I regret, and she really opened my eyes about it, but it became so much of a habit that I do it subconsciously..and it resulted in her walking away from me. And I've devoted myself to change for the better.. I'm just struggling how...
