Powerful Habits to make Games Quickly

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Hi, I'm Edwardivan Labarca. Creating video games has always been my dream, and now, I'm passionate about teaching others how to turn their game development dreams into reality. Here’s a glimpse into my journey:
• Worked at a Double-AA Studio: Gladius Studios
• Recreated Classic Games: LBP's Kirby, Mega Man, Pokémon
• Sponsored for GDC 2023: Latam-2023 PRGDA Sponsorship
• Collaborated and Play-tested: Titles like LunarLux and The Bunny Graveyard
• Upcoming Releases: DodgeKing Deluxe, Another TechnoMancer
• Active in the Community: Puerto Rico Game Developer's Association (PRGDA)
• Professional Software Engineer - And I started coding just two years ago (2022)!
It wasn’t always like this—pursuing video game development tends to be a common goal for many creatives. It’s the perfect outlet for blending art, logic challenges, and business development. Yet, it’s always been a daunting path, and for a long time, I strayed away from it. The fear of becoming a developer overwhelmed me, leading me to "play it safe" in life. I firmly believe I invested a lot in my engineering career, avoiding my true passion. Here are some highlights from that journey:
2016: Top 4 Future Boeing Engineers at a National-level Engineer Conference; Created a Google-sponsored computer science community for students
2017: Contracted by NASA to record a HASP for the American Solar Eclipse; Began research in soft robotics
2018: Developed Puerto Rico’s first microsatellite (PR-CuNaR-2); Won the National Extreme Engineering Competition
2019: Hired as a Procurement Nuclear Engineer
2020: Lived the expected successful career life... but felt purposeless
Despite all my investments in mechanical engineering, I abandoned it all in pursuit of developing video games. I quickly realized that my dream wasn’t as optimistic as I had imagined. In 2021, I quit my engineering job and lived off my savings while supporting my family. As an unemployed developer with bills to pay, I dreamed of my game being my salvation but underestimated what it takes to be successful in this industry.
You need patience, skill, time, a deep understanding of game design, the ability to avoid common pitfalls, learn to delegate, create time for your project, balance a healthy lifestyle, stay focused, seize opportunities, and say "NO" to temptations. You need to become a better version of yourself to thrive in this world.
Because of my pivot, I’ve learned invaluable lessons. My favorite lesson? There’s a difference between creating a game and creating a GREAT game. Game development isn’t as superficial as it might seem. That’s why I create content to help you become the best developer you can be while avoiding the massive life-changing mistakes I’ve made.
Today, I'm dedicated to accelerating your game development projects by focusing on essential design principles, providing educational and technical tools, and empowering you to elevate your games to new heights. We'll take the right steps together to make this journey efficiently enjoyable.
I know the Game Industry can seem saturated and challenging, but I've seen countless warriors overcome these obstacles. Whether you're learning technical skills, making lifestyle changes to accelerate your project, or just need guidance, I'm here to help you succeed.
Remember, everyone has the potential to create something magical. You are capable of making someone's favorite game, experience, or lesson.
To all the knights out there, challenges exist to prove your strength.
Get Up or Get Good - Both outcomes are amazing. Don't give up!
Never give up and keep going! I believe in you.
- Edwardivan Labarca
Algorithm Words:
#gamedev #music #composer #composition #gamemusic #gamemusicplayer #gamemusiccomposer #advice #adviceforgamedevs #adviceformusic #adviceforsuccess #megaman #ideas #unity #fruityloops #flstudio #coding #gamedesign #warning #mistakes #career #psychology #brain #tricks #composing #writing #composition #lifehacks #ideas #showcase #pixelart #newgame #upcoming #wishlist #discount #pixelart #animations #essence #2danimation #3danimation #tricks #tips #youtube #shorts #feelings #identity #steam #steamgames #steamsale #gamedevelopment #generaladvice #quick #coding #shortvideo #money #fusing #lbp2 #playstation #xbox #nintendo #oldgames #newgames #retro #howto #gametips #gameguides #statistics #gameplay #footage #entrepreneur #synthesizer #funny #interestingfacts #interesting