Why Don't We See Miracles Today?

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In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Dr. Betters As I read through word of God I find it very pleasing and hopeful. Although I'm curious as to why we do not see more miracles by those who walk with God as the disciples and apostles performed. For the Bible says Truly Truly I say to you. Whoever believes in me will also do the work that I do, and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. Also, he says if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from here to there; and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. There are many more miracles of raising the dead, casting demons out, healing blindness, walking on water, healing the crippled instantly by normal people with faith. It seems odd to me that more than ever in this day and age how beneficial it would be to bring more people to Jesus Christ."

"Ask Doctor Betters" is video series where every Monday Dr. Charles F. Betters answers questions on suffering and the sovereignty of God in 5-8 minutes.

"Ask Doctor Betters" also available as an iTunes Podcast:

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I see a miracle every day when I wake up (thank God no health problems)


Great message Dr. Betters. You are so good in explaining the Bible. God Bless You.


These videos bring such clarity and comfort. Thank you.


When you wake up in the morning, go to the mirror and look at yourself. BOOOM!! Miracle for the day is you. You being alive and breathing! God bless you Dr. Betters.


Thank you very much Dr. Betters for this ministry and your Godly wisdom and humility. May our Lord richly bless you.


James 5 says
"Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. The Lord will raise him up."
Is this a practice for the church today? If so, why are the sick not being healed today?


We do see miracles every day. Those who don't have what God calls "hardess of heart."


Cause you can't con people so easily nowadays




I hope that God still works miracles in a person's life
I agree there is no miracle workers today. Except the people on tv that need you to sow your seed to them. But never give up asking God for help . Not all of us will get miracle healing but all of us will get the promise jesus gave us in the end .I've seen heart ache I've cried with people who suffered and died but ive also seen those who held their faith to the end. So to say God doesnt perform miracles today to me diminshes the love and power of God.


This really helped my understanding. I still am a bit confused like praying for . healing of a sick person when it would require a miracle if it's possible or happens now. I know all things in Jesus name are possible but i've not seen healing in practice. Maybe i need to truly open my eyes. anyway god bless top job mate.


I don’t see very many healings today . Now when I was younger and didn’t need healing it was easy to say “ oh, you just don’t have faith “ or say when you’re healthy I feel blessed everyday when I wake up, but the rubber meats the road when you wake up sick everyday then your arrogance goes out the window . Some arrogant younger people who get well after being sick say it’s healing when it’s more having a strong immune system and your body heals easier in every way . So if healing should be true if you’re 20 or 60 . I just don’t see 60 years olds getting healed from anything serious . I would like to settle this in my mind once and for all . We should all want to settle this, because everyone of us is going to be 60 one day . Even faith healers of long ago died sick and some died young.


Respectfully you don’t address the question directly l Why doesn’t God affirm his presence today there are more people today than it’s ever been.


What don't you see ? Everyday a parent is called to come and get their kid some wise guy drugged shot up till you get there you have to revive them then rush to E R . If your kid comes out alive there's your miricale .


Dr Betters I have been watching videos of a person who escaped North Korea and the way she lived, no one should like that.The leader of North Korea doesn’t like Christianity and having a Bible could put you in a prison camp and I know God loves everyone, how can let these innocent people suffer under this evil Leader? I don’t know if you’ll have time to address this? I was just wondering.


Where were the miracle 🤔 during slavery and all the atrocities done during slavery? Can anyone answer...


Miracles are performed for the sake of the believers. Unbelievers wont believe them, and even if they did they still wouldn't do anything with it.


Miracles were given mostly as a sign to the Jew in the early days of the apostles. We as Christians now, with the church established, are supposed by walk in the Spirit by faith, not by sight which miracles were. The Christian church, by that I mean Christendom is in ruins and heading for apostasy in these last of the last days of this dispensation. They are so full of their own self righteousness and ritual, that they do not 'need' Christ who is shut outside the door of the church (Rev. 3 v 20).
Having said all that, when a sinner is saved by grace and passes from death unto Life, it is as good a miracle as any performed in the past.


So after all that fancy talk, you never answer the question. What
A waist of time and be careful with what you teach.


With due respect Dr. Better, please and for the sake of the Blood of the Lamb, stop this wrong teachings. I listened to what you said and you are calling God a liar. God change not. And Hebrews 13 v 8. Please sir remove this video for God still work miracles today, 2023. Please let God lead you in your teachings. This teaching is wrong. Very very scarily wrong. May God not hold you responsible for this wrong teaching on the day of judgement and I pray the same for myself. Please sir, this is theology here and this is wrong theology. Please let God lead you. My name is Joseph.
