Signs and Wonders – Why Can't More Christians Perform Miracles?

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Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason explains what Jesus means by believers doing "greater things" in John 14:12.

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For more on miracles, see the following resources:

Why don’t we see Christians raising the dead or multitudes of healings?

Should Christians Expect Miracles or Suffering?

Is there a credibility difference between the accounts of miracles found in the Bible and pagan folk traditions?

Can miracles be historically proven if miracles are the least likely to occur and historians look for what most likely happened?

Are Miracles Illogical?


There is a difference between works and miracles. I can do great works like feeding, clothing, housing and teaching thousands if not millions but I can not save myself. Men may pretend they can do miracles but God reserves all the credit and judges us on what we have done with what He alone has given us.


I believe it just like Jesus said it. I wouldn’t ever change what Jesus said. I think if Jesus said we can, we can. We just need to grow in faith and go after what’s possible.


I entered Christianity through a revivalist culture over a year ago. I've seen, experienced and heard of so many miracles happening in Jesus' name. I wrote about just some of them in a book. It was surprising to me to learn that these supernatural occurrences were not more widely known and cultivated!


How do you reconcile this verse?
Mark 16:17–18 (ESV): And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”


No one believes on God anymore. And when I say believe I mean putting ALL your trust in. We are to busy in life and put God on the back burner. We make time for him when we are done doing everything we want to do.


Spot on. The purpose of visible supernatural signs and wonders was to validate the writings of the Apostles (like Paul) after the Ascension of Christ as we get instruction for the purpose of the church. If supernatural signs and wonders were present today, it would be really confusing, since many Pastors could claim visions from God would need new books of the Bible. God had a better way, and the conclusion of the supernatural signs and wonders put a nice period on the entire Bible itself.


1. If Jesus meant that all believers would do greater miracles than Him, why don’t we see that happening today?

2. The book of Acts records some miracles performed by some individuals, but it was not the case that everyone who believed did miracles.

3. Writing to the Corinthians, Paul tells us that not all will do miracles.

4. Think about the kinds of miracles that Jesus did. He turned water into wine, read someone’s mind, healed the lame and the blind, fed 5, 000, walked on water, and even raised people from the dead. There isn’t an individual who has a miracle list as impressive as that.

5. The works of believers aren’t greater in miraculous quality, they’re greater in worldwide scope.


Why don't we see thst happening today? Simple a lack of faith and knowledge


I kind of see his point, yet like some who’ve commented here, it doesn’t appear as if Jesus is speaking about “quantity of miracles.” It IS a very perplexing struggle, bc it isn’t most of our experiences, and I don’t really believe the majority of early believers had more faith or walked a more holy lifestyle. The BIGGEST difference I see is they were persecuted, and we’re really not—I think this is why u often hear about miracles and signs in countries that persecute Christians.


Thx for the video. Please consider excluding background music in your videos going forward. It's hard for some of us to focus on what you're saying and it's stressful when you speak in excitable tone to deliver an audible message above the tone of the music. I don't understand this trend and find it super annoying.


How does this position resolve with Matt 17:20? Perhaps we do not commonly see miracles because of the quality of our faith? We live in a world fashioned under the strong influence of philosophical naturalism. Should we be expending our efforts with hypotheses regarding the lack of manifested miracles or should we be concentrating on building our faith?


Try doing these things in the same name they did them, the name YESHUA.


Reading the books of the New Testament, we probably asked ourselves more than once: *"Why 2000 years we do not see those miracles that accompanied the Сhurch of Christ in the I century, as described in the New Testament?"* Why do the so-called preachers of Christ have to prove that Jesus really existed and atheists boldly deny the historicity or divine origin of Christ? Maybe because the Сhurch of Christ has not existed for 2000 years?

The Сhurch does not exist in the form in which it is presented in the books of the New Testament, but there are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and other christian sects claiming to be the place of the Church, but they not have the only thing that distinguishes the divine from the human and is characteristic of just the Сhurch of Christ -the reinforcement of the word with signs, that is, miracles (Mark 16:15-20).

Therefore, some researchers doubt the historicity of Christ, and some of them are not opposed to declaring him a an ordinary philosopher, teacher. But even if Jesus were an ordinary philosopher, his disciples would be ordinary followers of Jesus. And they would not dare to write about the miracles that not only Jesus, but also his disciples, could perform.

If there were the Church in our time as described by the authors of the New Testament books, where miracles are performed, the sick are healed, where prophesied, and the dead are raised, no one would doubt the historicity of Christ. Then there would be the same controversy throughout the world as in the first century - Jesus the Son of God or the false prophet who seduces the world by miracles. As a result, we can say that the emergence and development of christian sects and atheism was the result of the fact that over the 2000 years the Сhurch of Christ did not exist.

Find *"The Mystery about the Church of Christ"* video on YouTube. The video reveals the prophecy of the disappearance and reappearance of the Church of Christ before the End of the World. Watching this video will give hope to all who sincerely seek God and will interest those who are not too lazy to think freely. Click on my name to watch the video (The video is in Russian, but English subtitles are included).


“First, this interpretation goes against our experience”, maybe because it’s false. I know apologists aren’t allowed to entertain that possibility, but if the Bible is falsifiable in principle, then it *stands to reason* that one possible explanation for this is that Jesus was wrong.


Signs and wonders miracles dont happen anymore. Things like medical miracles, prophecy, tongues, words of knowledge. The miracle of salvation still happens which is better than signs and wonders. Put away childish things and think like a mature adult.


As important as it is to feed the hungry and preach the gospel to all nations.... Consider this there should be signs and wonders following the preaching of the word of God today we are still in the New Testament ...them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where,  the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.


You can make excuses or you can make progress but you can't make both at the same time! They that believe will do things from the following list .... It's my pet peeve when people like this guy to try explain away the supernatural into oblivion we serve a supernatural God with whom all things are possible! All won't do those things all the time but all will do all of those things at least some of the time.


People don't do Miracles because they choose to not to use the ability, choose to not believe, think that it's crazy and most of all choose not to fully submit to God and live the way Christ lived.


