Willy Wonka Makes an Oompa Loompa

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How Wonka Makes Oompa Loompas: This is not based around the Willy Wonka Glasgow experience, but it does feature some UNKNOWN aspects about Wonka and the birth of Oompa Loompas. How Oompa Loompas are made!

Music By Diego Leal E

Sound Design by Artem Semenov

Background Art by Via Vinki

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Wait I just noticed the child's father calls minds "loompa" in the flashback and he calls drowning "oompa", so "Oompa Loompas" is "drowned minds" damn


"And like a fish clings to the water, or a bird to the skies. You, oompa loompa, are mine. Nothing less... And nothing more." This a bone chilling line


Ironically one of the best pieces of media to depict the horrors of slavery


The Knid originally being a species of bird their people venerated as an divine entity they would use in 'sky burials' so their dead would be carried to the stars, and Wonka changing and degrading it's significance to a 'vicious beast', is such a strong piece of revisionist work. That something they thought once thought as connecting them to God and the after life, was stripped down of all it's cultural context to the point that the Knid is remembered as a horrific monster that "ate them" - deliberately so Wonka can make their past more of a painful memory.


That entire "let it all... go." segment is some of the most horrifying, masterful cinematography I've ever seen. Unironically, this is incredible.


The fact that wonka corrupts their memories into believing they lived in some kind of savage harsh land is horrifying.


I love the contrast between the 2 worlds.
The island the Oompa Loompas are from has a dull-ish colour palette but people are smiling, getting along and living good, meaningful and happy lives.
Whereas with Wonka’s place, it’s bright and colourful, but there’s no soul to it. There’s no community, no comparison nothing meaningful.
Great work, I love it.


i feel like the baby is both real and metaphorical; simultaneously a lost baby and a representation of the loss of innocence, culture and a free future for the oompa loompas. crazy


The fact you could write an essay on the themes and symbolism of this is insane.


The absolute silence as the baby slinks from the Oompa Loompa’s arms is the true definition of horror.


Wonka here is a more terrifying villain than 90% of media antagonists today.


I've seen a lot of symbolism analysis in the comments, but for some reason I haven't seen anyone point out that the "Vermicious Knid" (the bird) is seemingly the Loompas representation of death, and at 3:50 when the father(?) is eaten/carried off to the horizon by the bird (dying), the next thing the Loompas see if Wonkas ship on the horizon approaching their island.

This visualization therefore presents Wonka either as *being* Death, or that he comes from the Land of Death and intends to take them all there.

I know it's probably not the most mind-blowing connection to point out, but since I hadn't read any comments that mention it I wanted to make sure it doesn't go unnoticed.


The yelling/almost screaming of Wonka's speech at the end being exactly how he talked to the children on the boat is fantastic. Jesus Christ.


Not many people mention it, but the sound design in all of these is ASTOUNDING. It's a big part of the creepy factor and you hit the nail on the head


This is a great video regarding trauma and colonization. The fact that nigh no one in the comments is talking about the over minute long warthunder ad that doesn't remotely fit with anything else in the video is a testament to how engrossing everything else in this video is


Is it just me, or does this less than 10 minute random YouTube video is more entertaining/ thought-provoking than most TV shows episodes nowadays. The music, the dialog, edits, the close ups, hidden messages, all great and enjoyable.


Bro just casually dropped the Oompa Loompa lore


Gotta say that’s super smart to make the river boat a brain wash chamber, makes you think those kids got off easy


I genuinely love the themes and symbolism here. Lofti was born from the waters and now he and his people drown in it. They will not join the stars with the elderly man once told. Its like when that happened something was lost. And then immediately after, the ship shows up.

"Feel the rivers flow" (All of the inhabitants dying or being under Wonkas control), feel their mind drift in the dream. Wonka snickers when he tells Lofti to dream big. On one had they are "Pygmies" being small trying to dream big (when they die they join the stars). A sort of dark comedy. And on the other hand, Wonka thinks they live in a small hostile environment which juxtapose from what we saw in the Elderly Man's speech. They were fine there but to Wonka they were already "Oompa Loompas". Ready to work for him.


The fact that the piccolo jingle being used as a control is just such a interesting detail and it’s just bloody incredible to think about the movie in this context
