How To Get Over A Breakup (Andrew Tate On Why She Left You)

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Breaking up and going through a broken heart can be very painful.
In this time, we have access to people through our phones, we never had before. That is why we need to work on ourselves even more, because people's standards are getting bigger and bigger.

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Remember, a queen can be replaced by another pawn, but a king can't.


Just had a break up a month ago after 4 years, she left me for another man and announced they're getting married 2 weeks later, I really went down a dark path, Andrew Tate really helped me through it. This man is God's gift to men in these difficult times for men.


In chess you don't lose the game when you lose your queen. You lose the game when the king is checkmate. You can win the game without the queen.


Tate saved me out of Depression and anxiety
I was jobless just lost my 7years gf and relationship
Here is the kickstarter He made me live and appreciate myself even more


Whenever I feel sad about my breakup I listen to Andrew Tate. Thank you for being there for us.


I went through a sad breakup in 2020. I was down for several months but I got my zeal back when I realised it wasn't love in the first place. And now I see it all as a fuel for greateness. Listen, you can't force a girl to want/like you. If she doesn't want you, move on. It won't be easy but you have to. Life doesn't end there.


Bro just go one. Let her leave. There will be consequences for those who commit injustice. Heartbreaks are no joke and God takes it very serious. Very serious consequences for those who break your heart for no reason.


She was never a queen, just a pawn in costume 💯


People can hate on him all they want but ALOT of what he says and touches on is true whether people want to realize it or not.


I married young (19) thinking my wife would help me become a King. NOPE! just the opposite - after getting married she was stepping out on me with guys that were already Kings. I call it a hard learned lesson.


Modern girls understand something guys haven’t got to grips with yet. Which is there isn’t such a thing as true love. Dating is just about finding something that enhances your life and sticking with it. It’s why they can move on so quickly while men wallow. They know that they’ll likely strike up the same bond/love/chemicals in their brain with the next guy. Where as guys get hooked on this meant to be nonsense and sit around doing nothing for 3 years then blame it all on some chick they only knew for all of 6 months.


Made that mistake.
It's a much longer recovery when you give up your dignity.
Lesson learned.


Not a big fan of Tate, but as a woman who tried so hard and got heartbroken, Tate has helped me get through it, stay motivated and focused on my goals. I feel like a man lol


10-year marriage my wife left me we have 4 kids it was tough for the first 5 days, but after listening to Tate, i got off my ass stopped crying, and started making myself better . Idk if we will get back together, but what i do know is from here on out, i will be ok 👍 i value myself more, and i respect myself more 💯


I lean on my late father's advice to me as a teenage boy. He told me...."Don't be broken up over that girl. She ain't the only show in town!!" Just move on, learn from the experience and find someone better!!


Celebrate. That’s what you do when she leaves. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out lol. You shouldn’t be too attached anyway.


The biggest sin of a man is to live trying to please a woman. Men have been conditioned to think a relationship with a woman is success. Therefore when they try and are let down they suffer badly. To all my fellow men out there stay strong in yourself. Grow your individual purpose. You all have one. Find that first. ❤


She just left me for some other guy
Didnt know what to do but after hearing this i definitely got something within me


Reading through the comments, I am seeing a big problem. Remember this, the only reason you're broken to pieces because she left, is because you made her your entire goal and focus. You CAN'T do this with any human, your goal should always be your success. Another important thing is, STAY AWAY from girls who can't make their own decisions. The ones who get manipulated easily by others, those who don't have a clue where they're going in life. These girls are no where near ready for any serious commitment and can be manipulated by her sister(s) or friends to leave you.


After 2 and a half years of being together, sacrificing for her, 1 hour ago, I've just been told, "I don't think we can be together".... I feel broken man. 😔. Andrew Tate's words are holding me together.
