Giving Birth to my 5th Child (Unedited Raw Footage) | Part 2

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Part 2 | Giving Birth to my 5th Child

When I was pregnant with my first baby I had no idea what to expect when giving birth. I wish I had someone to walk me through how long labor could potentially be, the interventions that are used, and what my options were. So l decided to document and share my entire birthing experience from start to finish. I begin recording as my first serious contractions took place.

Since I have been induced for most of my births I didn’t know what contractions would feel like when occuring naturally. I was worried I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and real labor contractions.

I had been experiencing Braxton Hicks for several weeks at this point, but on this day the contractions were different. They were stronger and I could feel my whole uterus contracting, rather than just a localized area. They became stronger and I began breathing heavier. That's when I knew the contractions needed to be timed.

They say you know it's time to leave for the hospital when your contractions are happening at least every 5 minutes, last for one minute each, and have been happening consistently for 1 hour. It's called the 5-1-1 rule.

I birth big babies, I am talking over 10 lbs, and never once was a c-section mentioned to me just because of their size. I have had an epidural for all my births so for baby number 5 I really wanted to try to have an unmediated birth.

Unfortunately I didn't make it. I was close, but I knew I would lack the strength to push if I continued to suffer and fight the pain.

I have actually enjoyed my epidural births! They allowed me to relax and be more present for the experience. Being able to relax is key too. Each time I tried to birth unmedicated labor wouldn't progress.

Please note, this is just my personal experience. Everyone is going to have a different birth story 🤗❤️

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Full birth video (Parts 1 & 3) is tagged in the video!


That's so sad. She is worried about her double chin when editing this video. I guarantee no one but her would ever notice or think that. She's bringing life into the world! ✨💖✨


With my first baby at age 19, I arrived at the hospital and they put me in this little waiting room before moving me into the delivery room. I had been lying there quietly for about an hour when a nurse came in to check on me. She was floored that I was already at 8cm. "How are you not screaming your head off girl??" Lol. I had been in a terrible car accident years before with life threatening injuries and learned that going crazy only makes the pain worse. Relax your body as much as possible and breathe slowly and deeply. I gave birth with no epidural or other pain interventions. My next two kids were born at home.


Girl you are pushing a WHOLE HUMAN out… don’t worry about how you look ❤


Just had our second baby! Thank God for the epidural. I got to 9cm before they could give it to me. That was a whole new kind of pain. So worth it though ♥️


You did wonderful momma! birth is hard, emotional, beautiful, and chaos all together. Thank you for allowing us to take part in this very intimate and amazing moment of your life.


Wow. When I see videos like this, I fully realize that when I had my baby, I was truly blessed. I pretty much slept through 11 hours of labor. I even had to be awakened for the nurse to check my progress (had a male nurse. he was so sweet & hilarious). I would go back to sleep and when it was time, they woke me up to take me into the delivery room. My Dr was great. He talked, told jokes and we all laughed through the delivery. I was so calm that they thought that I'd done it before. I was surprised that it went so well. Because it did, people thought that I'd be back a few more times to have a few more babies. Not so. My son is an only child. It was a great experience. Thank God. 😊🙏


Got my epidural too late during induced labor to feel any benefit whatsoever, wasn’t dilating & childbirth was utter torture, the most traumatic thing I’ve ever experienced for over 15 hours, throw in an episiotomy & forceps, literally thought i was dying & have never forgotten the pain; love my son more than life, but bless your heart on 5 kids, don’t think i could ever do it again! ❤


Your pushing out a human being, your not meant to look like you just walked a run way. Your beautiful and strong!


I’m glad the nurse/doctor was telling you how to push (like you have to poop) I didn’t know how to push with my first and it was so hard then one of my sister in laws told me it was embarrassing to poop during labor then I really didn’t know it was a normal thing.


i love content like this, your not fear mongering or anything you are showing the normal parts of childbirth and making them less scary by being truthful, also, congrats momma!! you are an absolute superwoman and supermom<3


Ugh, I had my baby boy 18 months ago and I still can feel that pain. Wasn't allowed to have an epidural and have to say that the feeling of being torn up is... unforgettable.
Wish you all the best in your motherhood, a lot of health and patience. 💛


I have 5 kids. Thank God for the epidural . It helped me to relax


You looked FABULOUS!!! Bringing a new life into this world and your 5th, you are amazing! Many blessings to you and your family!


Idk if you'll ever have anymore kids but having a waterbirth was a game changer for me and really took alot of the fear and surprisingly the pressure to where I could mentally focus on having my baby. I'm on baby #3 and couldn't imagine having a child differently now. I understand tho different strokes for different folks and that's just fine and congratulations on your newest addition.


The baby shakes are something else honestly! Especially the after passing the placenta shakes x


My husband and I are trying for a baby, and I just wanted to say thankyou so much for these open and honest videos about birth as a mom/woman!!

I’m not close to my mom, and the reality of growing and giving birth to a child has so many unknowns and it’s SCARY. Thank you for your vulnerability and joy, and for sharing with us all because it’s truly been a Godsend 🤍


Your hubby said, You look pretty Baby💕 Great Guy. Knew exactly what to say. Congratulations 💐


I had six all unmedicated. Back in the 70s it was all about natural childbirth, epidurals were not routinely offered. My fourth was 10 lbs. 1 oz., two weeks overdue. Somehow you manage. When my daughter had her second, she had an epidural and I was her birth coach. I looked at her and couldn't imagine why I didn't ever get an epidural! What a difference it made for her!


Just had my 3rd and went from 4 to 10 in 30 minutes lol. I remember getting the shakes, I call them chihuahua shakes lol, and was like no no no I was just 4 wtf. Luckily my husband was there cuz there's no way I coulda done it without him
