Dowagers Hump

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Have you ever noticed a bump at the base of your neck? 

That’s called a Dowager’s Hump and it appears when the parts of the rib cage aren’t moving as needed. 

When the sternum is pulled down, the upper back rounds and the head is pushed forward. This combination creates the appearance of the Dowager’s Hump. If you want to smooth out your neck and get rid of the Dowager hump, you have to restore normal ribcage mechanics. 

Exercises that get the sternum up and loosen the chest muscles reduce the forward head and rounded upper back position that creates the hump.

Try this physioball pull over variation to get the sternum to the up position and allow the neck to be in a more natural position.

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I swear adulthood feels like just relearning everything you already knew as a kid


"Ever see someone..." Yes, daily in the mirror. Needed this vid. Thank you.


Anyone else fix their posture as soon as they say this video? 😂


For me, instead of getting on a ball, I get a broom stick and put it behind me horizontally across my shoulder blades. The straightness of the broomstick makes me readjust my shoulder position to be more straight, and it makes my chest open up more. You can also use a broom stick to slide it across your back muscles so they become less tight, kind of like a massage. It’s the best method I’ve ever had.


My mother had a pronounced dowagers hump. Hers was created through a lifetime of extremely hard work. She had no washing machine or dryer and every time she did laundry she was leaning over a big wash tub and a scrub board. The wet clothes were rung out by hand and hung on a clothesline in the backyard, raising a garden by hand with absolutely no automatic implements, raising seven children alone and canning all of the garden produce. She spent a lifetime of hard work, heavy labor and loving we children.🌟♥️🤗👍✝️


I definitely have a bit of “nerd neck”, I’m trying to start working my back out to help strengthen those muscles and bring my chest up easier. And core exercises I find are helpful. It’s actually a little tiring sitting up straight because those muscles aren’t used to holding me up that way, I think. I’ll incorporate stretches like these too


I’ve had this since I was little and my mom took me to a bunch of doctors trying to get it fixed (young enough I have zero memory of this) and they all said it’s fine. Forever humped


if you sleep on your back, don't use a pillow under your head.
If you have a flat pillow, use it under the arch of your back, but don't overextend your arch.
I also spend some time with my chin tilted hard up like you are trying to look at your bed's headboard, create a vacuum in your closed mouth and swallow hard. You'll feel your sinuses drain.
After that, I usually sleep on my right side on an empty stomach, or left side if there is food in my stomach. Sleeping on your right side puts your heart above your liver and it has less weight on it. Sleeping on your left puts your stomach in a position to better digest food without acid reflux. I sleep on my right-side at night with an empty stomach, but I also sometimes nap on my left-side after a large meal during the day.


I think I sleep in fetal position because of childhood trauma…. Been at it for years.


Also due to long periods of high cortisol levels


Chin dips!!!! LITERALLY melted mine away


Holy crap, I literally have this exact problem. Before going completely blind I was constantly hunched over schoolwork using a magnifying glass.


It’s better to just do some resistance training with pulling motion to strengthen the back muscles and fix muscle imbalance


My mom was always ashamed of being tall and having a small chest so she hunched over. Shes now 75 and has a lump back on her back. Shes currently in physio to help her posture.


Try the "supported fish" yoga pose... its a chest opener too and feels really good!


For humps like this on neck with abscess or sharp sensitive pain consult specialist like physiopathologist like this fella in vid says.
Happy healthy life, everyone


These humps hurt a lot and make migraine headaches 10 times worse. I am currently going through PT and having my neck put in traction to relieve the pain.


I had this when I was out of shape. As soon as I started lifting and losing weight, it started disappearing. These exercises in the video are a temporary solution


Geeze I do this daily when I am working out! Glad to know that besides feeling really good it’s also helping my spinal alignment stay strong.


It's also caused by compression fractures in the thoracic vertebrae, which don't respond to exercises.
