DRY EYES - The Surprising SYMPTOMS And Causes Of Dry Eye Syndrome

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Dr. EyeGuy explains the causes of dry eyes, and discusses the dry eye symptoms that you might not expect. Many eye symptoms, such as blurry vision, watery eyes, and light sensitivity can all be from dry eyes. Chronic dry eye disease, dry eye syndrome, can have many different causes, and have many different symptoms. Dr. Neal Guymon discusses dry eyes: symptoms and causes. It's important to understand the causes of dry eyes, so that dry eye symptoms can be better understood. Dr. Guymon will briefly discuss the different tear layers of the tear film. The water layer can be reduced from Lasik for example. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) can decrease the oil layer of the tears. The main focus of this video is about the many different symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Some dry eye symptoms can be really surprising and confusing, such as light sensitivity and watery eyes.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Dry Eye Causes
3:56 Dry Eye Symptoms

MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.

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Рекомендации по теме

Great video. I have experienced almost all those symptoms. Some of which I didn't know were related to dry eyes! Growing up I thought of teary eyes, sensitive to light, itchy eyes, scratchy eyes, burning eyes, swollen eyelids, little pimple looking things on eyelids were just part of me "normal". Went to an eye specialist about 6 years ago and he told me I have very little oil in my eyes!


I think I have photophobia especially with blue light, and I have found that lubricant eye drops and heat masks do work for me 👏👏


I read dry eyes can also be a symptom of perimenopause and menopause.


Very helpful. I went to my optometrist and he said "yeah, looks like you have dry eyes". I asked what I could do about it he just said "not much you can do"


Glad u said about the light everything seems brighter outsude


Thank you Doctor,

I am from India and suffering from Dry Eyes for three years. Your suggestion is very helpful for me.


I have problem in one eye. I have noticed it blinks less. I use drops in that eye and get some relief. Doctor what ever you said is hundred percent correct.


I never felt dryness in the eyes, and my eye doctor did not talk to me about it but I found this video looking for causes of blurry vision (temporary and random moments).


I’m finally doing well. Cequa, a few weeks of loteprednol, Eyegiene compress, massage, scrub and Eyeganics drops- completely organic and chemical free, and night ointment. Doing great. Oh, and blinking exercises. My doc expressed my glands and they’re looking decent 😊. Life is better now! My issues are partially a result of weak closure from bilateral facial nerve palsy from bilateral skull base/C1 surgery.


Thank you Dr, you are amazing we need more people like you especially local, woke up this morning freaking out & thinking maybe I was going blind, couldn't keep my left eye open, red, sore, pain, itchy & gritty with tons of watery eye, blurred vison coming & going, eye lids twitching, I think I was dyhrated I drink alot of coffee but not much else, I took three six ounce cups of water & drank & my eyes are getting much better after two hours, thank you so much this has never happened to me before, I've had alittle bit of dry eyes before but nothing this bad & always went away with mins of waking up, this morning this was a different beast than I was used to & was panicking so thank you again you are a Saint for this video


Just watched this fascinating video. It makes so much sense of symptoms I had, but didn't know what the cause was.
I had my pre cataract operation assessment earlier this year (here in the UK) and I was told I had dry eyes.
Just not explained as well as you did 😀


I've had photophobia for 2 years, I visited several eye doctors and they kept saying that they didn't see anything wrong with my eyes. Thankfully I found another doctor a few days ago that told me what my problem is. Being undiagnosed is not a good feeling.


It gives me the pleasure to follow your valuable lectures..


Great video!

It's crazy but i have all the symptoms you described, (except for the watery eyes.) Now, i know why i have these symptoms. And i also know that i have dry eyes. In 2009, i've been diagnosed with leukemia. And to treat that i had to get a stemcel-transplantation, (In 2010.) After 2yrs. My body started to reject the stemcel's and in a matter of 2 weeks, i ended up in a wheelchair and i never came out of it. I lived with a lot of pain since then. In the end, i was diagnosed with Graft Versus Host Disease, (GVHD.) "Funny" enough, it is an eye-doctor that found out that i had GVHD. Because the first signs of GVHD were found on my eyes. I had indeed dry eyes. The feeling of something foreign in it. The feeling of sandy eyes. etc... Like i said: Literally everything you described except for the watery eyes. This has been going on for years. I've been trying different methodes. Fluid/ointment/salve's... (All by subscription of an eye-doctor btw.) But nothing helped or really just a little bit.) But i've had pain for years and the fatigue/soreness was also a very big part the last couple of years. The eye-doctor even tried some kind of subscription were they take my own blood and mixed that up to make eye-drops.

After all these years. A couple of months ago, they decided to start with scleral lenses. I can't describe how happy i am! Once i put in my scleral lenses, the pain was instantly gone! I can obviously see better as well. I can stand the light much better as well and the "hazy/foggy/blurriness" has all disappeared because of it. I can hold them in for a complete day. After of course hours of wearing them (i think around the 8-10hr. mark) they start to irritate. But you can easily drop some eye-liquid in or take out your lenses and fill them with new liquid in it. Your eyes might get fatigued of course and it's better to let your eyes rest a bit if that's the case. Always take your scleral lenses out of course! let them sit in a liquid solution (that your eye doctor subscribed to you.) In my case, it is "Ever Clean+." But it might be different in your case.

Anyway, i hope that i could help maybe someone who has the same problem as me, even if your dry eyes is because of something different. Go see an eye-doctor, it's absolutely worth it! Though for my lenses, it was an ophtal eye-doctor. But i don't know if that matters.


So interesting. I had no idea dry eye could have so many symptoms!


Thank you l have s dry and you educate me very well ..GOD Bless


I have made the mistake of using contact solution as eye drops... I believe that I have stripped my eyes of that tear film so I have had dry spots! Thank you for being so informative.


I have an eye health check every 12, months .
That always ask
What are your concerns?
I say, dry eyes . Then I’m told to do a hot flannel wash daily . Which is no relief.
So thanks to watching I have every symptom you talked about . I’ve started using, heated wheat bag for 10 min, eye scrub, and dry eye drops . It’s getting a bit better .


after 20 years of painful debilitating dry eyes (from vision correction surgery, then getting clothing detergent in my eyes. My fault) I moved to a Harbin hot springs, worked three days a week there, used the sauna, hot and cold Springs morning and night, and the dryness is more or less under control. It was 6 to 10 months of that.? Circulation and cleaning it is the key.


Glad I’ve watched this I’ve been having injections in my eye but my visions got worst I’ve got all symptoms for dry eye
