The SURPRISING Link Between Covid and Dry Eyes

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Can COVID-19 make dry eyes worse? Dr. Allen reviews new research!

In this video, we delve into the lesser-known impact of COVID-19 on ocular health, with a focus on its potential exacerbation of dry eyes. As the pandemic continues to unfold, researchers have discovered a correlation between COVID-19 and dry eyes, particularly among those who already experience dry eye symptoms. The video explores the mechanisms through which the virus may contribute to worsened dry eyes, shedding light on the intricate relationship between respiratory illnesses and ocular health. If you have been experiencing dry eye after covid 19, then this video is for you!


🎉 Helpful videos on Dry Eye and dry eye treatment

Understanding Dry Eye

Dry Eye Treatments 101

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Severe Dry Eye Treatments

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Dr. Allen is a board-certified optometrist, a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, and a diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. He completed his residency through the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and is also a member of the Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society

⚡ Doctor Allen is now scheduling new patients at

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DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the site. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. All non-licensed clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes.
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As someone who didn't have DED before, I got it literally after I recovered from COVID. It has been a huge problem since, and I had papillae forming in my eyes but it took about 3 months before they showed up. Is this common or is it something that shows up quite fast after an infection? I am still battling MGD and inflammation - cyclosporine has helped a lot. The sad part is that a lot of doctors do not think it is due to COVID and some are just shrugging over the COVID part and sent me home with no further help or medicine. This video just makes me feel seen and heard, I felt like doctors just thought I was insane to link COVID and my dry eyes.


After Covid my eyes are everyday red due to dry eye. I used to tell them everything started since Covid, no one believed me.


Peoples’ screen use has definitely increased with many people still working remotely. Mask associated dry eye, increased screen time, inflammation from COVID… I’m sure it has all played a role.
Thanks for the update, I didn’t know about this link.


I have had COVID twice - June 2022 and September 2023. Since the autumn, I have been suffering with dry eyes quite regularly. I even changed to a different brand of contact lenses, thinking it was them. When I was looking to purchase a different brand, I said to my husband, that my eyes have got worse since the last bout of COVID. How right was I !!!
Keep up the great informative work!


Yes, my dry eyes have significantly gotten worse since COVID.


I am suffering from dry eyes since I got COVID. Glad to hear I am not crazy. I am gradually getting better with eye drops. Glad to know it's not caused by my bariatric, which I had a decade ago. Thanks for another informative video!

I also don't cry when cutting onions like before, but have my eyes burning instead.


Thank you so much for the vital information. I have been suffering of DED for 4 years after COVID. I managed to control my pain with next things:
1) Minimum 8 hours of sleep.
2) Right diet
3) Always wearing Ziena Glasses (it was very unconfortable at first because of weird look)
4) Control vitamin D OH-25 (very powerful anti-inflamatory thing)
5) Xanterdes eye drops
6) Ointment with vitamin A for night. It gives greasy feeling that lasts all the night.
7) Eliminate all things that create emotional stress.
8) No reading for long time;
9) No display (Phone/ laptop etc.)


You're getting more and more jacked with every video. The hard work is paying off.


I’m so grateful to you for making this video. Perfect timing for me, personally. I’ve been experiencing significant changes in my left eye since two recent Covid infections. I never put it together. I’ll make an appointment now. Thank you again, Dr.!


This is the one, Doc. I had covid for the first time almost three years ago and it's made my dry eyes significantly worse.


Really grateful Dr. -- have definitely experienced changes to the dry eyes since 2 bouts of Covid, to the point that I'm using eye drops regularly instead of once in a while (used to be that the daily warm compress would be enough), never would have connected it to Covid. You've definitely also reminded me to have my eyes looked at which I haven't done since new glasses a couple of years ago. *So* *appreciate* *your* *generosity* ❤


Sick and tired of having everything regarding my body with COVID...I have had it all😢😢


Hands down my dry eyes went from mild to severe after getting COVIDx2 .Every day is a struggle. You could do a study alone on the people who veiw you and have had symptoms. Sounds like its more prevalent than ever!


This is something I've been researching lately myself due to the trouble I've had with my eyes since having COVID


After my eyes crusted and felt bad I suggested needing an antibiotic... and my doctor suggested simple eyedrops. The change for the worse since covid has been dramatic. As you say though, specialists had never encountered this before and trusted their training first. Also, any time you learn something is a good day. That I will hold on to. I am learning to be a better advocate for my eyes rather than only a passive recipient, if by no other means than personal home care. Not to worry, I will still partner with my eye doctor.


I got a CRVO after one Pfizer Jab, I turned down Anti VEGF eye injections because they have a possible cardiac/stroke side effect and I was concerned that this would be increased in conjunction with the mRNA that still might be in my system. The eye hospital agreed this needs to be looked into, as yet no research has been done. At the eye hospital there are others with CRVO after the Covid Jab. I guess this comment may soon be deleted.


Even I was facing dry eyes problem after COVID, but eye doctor said it was not related to COVID but I started facing it after almost a year I faced this problem


Thank you for being so real with us. I find most Doctors give the least info possible. Your a True God send. ❤


Do not touch the tip of the eyedropper to the ocular surface, as it looked in a video clip.


I work with diagnostics Dr Allen. One specific bio marker we have a test for is Lactoferrin…. when levels are lower than the “normal” it indicates a sick or disfunctional lacrimal system. The incident of ACE2 in the glands are higher… I’ve ( as well as other nerds in the diagnostic circles in the US) always suspected what these papers have determined btw. Patients usually test high for MMP9 which is one of many markers of “inflammation” even months or YEARS after the COVID-19 resolved. It’s all linked brother and the boots on the ground know it. As with anything in medicine, it’s all an opinion and perspective and doesn’t mean squat.
