How does an OS boot? //Source Dive// 001

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In this installment of //Source Dive//, we're learning about the xv6 Operating System; Specifically the low-level boot code that gets the CPU in the correct state to run the OS!

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The YouTube algorithm just landed me into a gold mine, this is pure computer science heaven ❤


It's very difficult to find such amazing detailed videos elsewhere. Please continue making them!


The step by step walkthrough explanation of the source code of how an operating system's kernel is bootstrapped from asm to C systems level code through showing how the compiler, assembler, linker, etc. sets up the stack frame, system registers, interrupts, exceptions, privileges, modes is just as good as watching Ben Eater's series on how to build a CPU from discrete logic gates and integrated circuits. Job well done. I'd love to see how far this series will go and where it will end up.


man this is just absolute gold. To find videos that focus on the right details and with such clarity and simplicity is amazing.


spectacular video, i’m so happy someone actually goes through every single step of the process and doesn’t just describe what’s going on generally


This is briliant! I'm a self-taught Software Engineer working daily with high-level Java / Kotlin web applications, and I've always felt the need to understand what's going on in the lower levels. This series is both very well explained and detailed! Keep it going!


I never got the chance of going this deep into CS since I majored in electrical engineering and then transitioned into dev jobs so I've been filling the gaps over the years, I hope you can continue this series sincce there is not a lot of Operating Systems content specially as well explained as this.


This is an absolutely fantastic video. I really enjoyed your prior series on building a bootloader, and this scratches that same itch. I've been a professional developer for almost 30 years, but I've never really worked at such a low level, and I find this stuff fascinating. I'm looking forward to the rest of this series, and would love to see the next series tackle adapting this to physical hardware.


I agree with the crowd. Such videos (explanation of each line of code)is much more useful than most of related videos available. Thanks!


I just find low level programming extremely fascinating and this was very well-done!
Thank you!


God bless youtube for recommending this channel.


Wow, I'm honestly shocked how small this project is. When I first saw you open the folder I thought "that's it?" Really helps reduce the intimidation of looking at kernel source code.


I took two undergrad OS classes that used xv6 and oh boy does this bring back some memories. But they were some of my favorite classes and it’s super cool to see this kind of material on YouTube. This video was very well explained and I look forward to watching more videos in this series


Man, kudos to you. I've been on youtube for many years trying to find a youtube who knows how to tell a story during a tutorial. I love your approach to explaining how OSs works. You have my sub!


finally, long-form detailed content I can actually learn from.
no snappy edits, no doom-y & clickbait titles, no music and fiesta, just learning together.
great video! binging your channel rn.


For all the grief I give the youtube algorithm, every now and then it puts out a gem. Thanks for making this video.


My bachelor project was implementing an OS. I made a 64-bit version of JOS originating at MIT. There were references to XV6 in there too. This is a spectacular video reminding me a lot of that work. - The structure of this OS is very similar to what I made


I am a Mechanical Engineer with 30 years in (Manufacturing) Engineering Industry in Equipment Maintenance (Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics), not from computer engineering background but a computer and electronics enthusiast. I use to watch such videos and learn everyday about coding, programming etc. new latest happenings. I have used regularly the most of the OS from MSDOS 6.22, Unix, Linux, Windows, Android ... Still I curiously watched your video, and enlightened with many things I never thought about the internal functioning of OS ! Thank you for such amazing explanation videos !


Great video! I really appreciate the emphasis you're putting on understanding code. As someone who's been in the software development field for years, I can vouch for how crucial it is to comprehend different coding styles and logic.

Your videos are not just informative but also incredibly valuable for developers at all levels. Even though I've retired, I can still see the need for these resources in the industry. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to more code reading and review videos from you! 👍😊


This video is really awesome. Keep making these videos please.
