Lost My Job - What Do I Do?

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I can tell each of you this... God never fails. I have been through 2 job losses as a single dad and God gave me a better opportunity each time. Trust in God and call upon the mighty name of His Son Yeshua (Jesus Christ). In the end things will work out. Save when you are going through times of plenty and trust the promises of God.


USE THE GI BILL AND GO TO COLLEGE MAN! It pays you to go to college, I was infantry too. You can do it..


Dave: ok we're gonna have you delivering pizzas by nightfall
Josh: I don't have a licence or vehicle
Dave: 👁️👄👁️


This is why you never just depend on a job for income because you never know what can happen! You never put your eggs in one basket!


This guy's biggest problem is he doesn't believe in himself at all. He stated he was "only a GED kid", basically implying he is dumb, and is scared for the future. However, he made very little. Go to any Walmart, or grocery store, and you will get hired fast and make the same pay. Literally whatever the closest store is to you is where you should go and tell them you are a hard worker. After that think of something you like and start reading books, watching videos, and doing small stuff in that area to get better and eventually get a job in that field making more money. Most people do not care what your educational background is as long as you can prove you will work hard and make them lots of money. Never let a GED or anything else stop you from doing big things.


Buy a used lawnmower for $200 & go door to door for $25/lawn.


If he was layed off, he should apply for unemployment and if he qualifies, for government assistance, until he gets back on his feet.


I can't stand the standard, "get a job at Mc'd's or delivery pizza". How many of those jobs are available. Also delivering pizza is a terrible suggestion for poorer people. Old cars that usually guzzle gas is what we own and there isn't a Mc'd's for 20 miles. Why doesn't he just suggest they go to a temporary employment agency?


Dude has no confidence in himself and is thinking to small. Age 25? Bro you can still go to school and be an attorney if you wanted to. Sky is the limit man


Lost my job that was 17.00 an hour yesterday in IL. I hit a mailbox in a very wealthy area and was suspended for a couple of days. I was very honest and cooperative with everybody. I was brought in yesterday to tell about all the details and they decided that letting me go was the best punishment. First accident in my driving career and I’m only 24. I was sad because it was a great job and it had great people, the pay helped a lot also. I hope what did was good, I was a man and faced the consequences. Now I have to move on and forget about what happen.


If there are old people in your neighborhood, Josh, they might need help. When you're old, or sick, everyday tasks like washing dishes, getting the mail, posting a package, going shopping, cleaning the sidewalk, doing a load of laundry, running the sweeper...and many more, become monumental. I'm not talking about people who need to be in a nursing home...just someone to come in once or twice and week to even take out the trash. Look around. If you treat them with respect and can stand to let them talk a little (a lot of old folks are lonely), you might be able to get some income, without a car. I hope you see this! (:


Check cleaning companies! I found a second job cleaning dr offices!


Can't deliver pizzas everywhere and make money at it. In Texas at least, you need commercial car insurance and it's expensive.
I hope he finds a job fast! Prayers!


His reply is always deliver pizzas. I would hope he had better advice for this guy


Maybe try a small hardware store? They tend to pay decent.


Dave and this "1, 500 a month delivering
That salary may not be accurate everywhere.



Would love to hear an update! Hope you are in a better place today! Blessings😁


It would've made more sense for day to tell this guy to file for unemployment, then go sign up for his GI bill. Next stop thinking about marriage at such a young age.50% Of marriages fail with in the first 3 years. Listen to me guys, especially those in the military, don't just marry a woman because you love her, I promise you it just won't last. People change, usually for the worst. Marry her because she brings just as much to the table as you.


The advice offered by Dave Ramsey was not at all practical or useful in this dire situation. With such a small emergency fund The caller and his girl friend could find themselves homeless in a short period of time. The commentators to this video offered more realistic and useful advice such as applying for unemployment and government assistance. One commentator who was a veteran also suggested getting education thru the GI bill. His standard advice of delivering pizza to bring in money could not be used in this situation. I believe he let his caller down.


Wow I just lost my full time job this week.

Thankfully I have a part-time on the side. Company closed down for a bit, and laid everyone off. Definitely got to watch this one. I was going to make the call but someone already did. Thank you Dave, and Team!

Thanks for asking the question too!
