Your Ex Will Regret The Breakup

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Your ex will regret the breakup. In this video, Coach Craig Kenneth and Coach Victoria discuss how and why an ex will regret breaking up with you.
In this video, we're discussing how your ex will regret the breakup and leaving you. Craig and Victoria discuss the different types of regret your ex may experience after leaving you, and how you can prevent this from happening.

If you're wondering how your ex will feel after breaking up with you, then this video is for you! We'll discuss the different types of regret your ex may experience and help you to prevent them from happening. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of what your ex may go through and how you can help them to heal.

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So…. An ex, that I haven’t had contact with in 5 years…. And we broke up probably at least 15 years ago added me on social media 2 days ago


"Sometimes others are not ready to receive what you have to give."


I've rejected my ex's attempts to come back but am still watching your videos. ❤ Thanks for helping me through one of the darkest periods of my life - now I am so much better version of myself. ❤


The mother of my daughter came up with dumper remorse after five years. Around the time i was just ready to open up for real to my new girlfriend... A disturbance in the force


Having a difficult time. 3 months and my heart is so heavy. ❤🙏


I started listening too you yrs ago, and your knowledge and advice, help me get through a difficult time in my life, I thank u for everything, You said, no contact, how they will act, and when they try to come back all happened, 3yrs ago, even though that part of my life is over, and I moved on, now I watch because I love your show 😊😊


these consolation videos are great. Certainly im sure she will never come back, but at least these videos are helping us to feel better


It’s one year now for me, I have done a bucket load of work on my self and my life. It is obvious to all around me and they all comment. I have just started dating again and suddenly my ex is hovering nearby. No direct contact, but restarted watching my stories after six month and arranging to be near by when I pick up my truck, but pretending not to see. However, when I look up, she quickly looks away and walks off. It’s almost a pantomime. I just laugh.

I am now quite cool about the whole thing but I also continue watching your show as you helped in a really bad time and I got addicted to your calm humour and sage advice. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.


It’s been two weeks since he dumped me and I can’t believe he did it. It was a shock. We had a trip planned this summer and everything. I haven’t contacted him since the break up. I just want him to reach out so badly.


No contact is even worse if you are older as you begin to feel what if something happens to them ? What if I never get chance to speak to them again or see them. I’m trying to stay in no contact but I’m also terrified of them dying and I won’t have chance if I don’t reach on now. I know this is my anxiety but what do others think ? I was with my wife 10 years and I still love them as much as I ever have, when you are the dumpee that just doesn’t go away.


Thank you so much for all the love and advice you give us. You're wonderful people, you changed my life and thanks to you I learnt how to choose better partners. Thank you so much. Love and peace from France.


I was the client that they said still helps pay her bills 😅😅


Us FAs are big on self-sabotage. Both my ex & I (both FA) were doing it. I felt he was out of my league a bit (actually he was what I was aiming for & when I actually got it I freaked out under the pressure I put myself under, for example starving myself to look thin for him) Maybe we both felt not enough for the other. So sad. 🥺😥💔


What if the dumper regrets the breakup, but is to afraid to reach out because he thinks the dumpee has already moved on, or is angry at him?


I finally just built up the courage to block her on all my socials a few days ago. She wanted to break up and leave after being together for 3 years (living together for almost 2 years). She kept posting herself and friends getting drunk constantly and she’d reach out on Snapchat to keep me at arms length but it was hurting me emotionally. Hopefully now that she’s blocked and I’ve started no contact things will get better. It still hurts my soul because I truly thought we were gonna be together long term but she’d rather live a party life than to make things work with her “soulmate”. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through because I still love her with everything I have but I know I have to just push onwards 😔


My ex is wearing a white dress today, she got engaged a week after our break-up three months ago.


Not gonna lie this video I caught myself smiling the whole time and staring at her hahah I fell in love and completely forgot the purpose of why I turned this video on. Hahahah wow
Awesome video guys. You’re getting me through a very tough time and give me sense of relief and motivation to keep pushing through. Coach Craig Kenneth I’ve been watching you for a very long time from my first break up like 5-6 years ago. She’s so pretty I wish she was my girl. She looks so understanding and very well put together. I love it


What if it was a situationship? I feel like I can’t really call them an ex. Will those who hurt you in those types of situations regret their decision?


This was the video I needed. I loved the self-sabotage topic. ❤


My ex felt the relationship was stale after 2 years living together, she said shed been feeling this way for a month before she finally cheated on me with some guy from the bar who was only in town for 3 days. This was after i paid for her to come with me to Vietnam 2 months before, and got her a bungee jump for christmas. She confessed and was super guilty, but just said she was drunk and things just happened. Then i saw the messages and they hooked up 3 times and she was egging him on. She said it was just a distraction from her emotions about breaking up. She cheated the day before the breakup, and twice after, while still living with me. Idk how to feel, i kicked her out and will leave the country in 2 weeks for good to go back home.
