Your Ex Will Feel REGRET If You Do These 5 Things

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Learn 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW to make your ex regret breaking up with you. These are practical, real-life steps you can take that WILL force your ex to second guess the breakup... start to regret ever questioning their commitment to you... and come running back, begging for a second chance.

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✅ QUIZ: Will Your Ex Take You Back? ✅



0:00 - Intro
1:06 - Step One
2:38 - Step Two
4:11 - Step Three
5:38 - Step Four
6:42 - Step Five

#breakup #exback #relationships
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Nice video, I'm still struggling with the end of my 7-year relationship. My significant other, who I considered to be the love of my life, left me a month ago, and I can't seem to shake the constant thoughts of him. Despite my efforts to bring him back into my life, nothing has worked, and I feel frustrated and hopeless. I've tried to move on, but my heart still longs for him, and I don't see myself with anyone else. I apologize for sharing this here, but I just can't seem to stop missing him.


Don't ask your ex for another chance make them want you back on their own accord.


Your previous no contact videos helped, he did come back.we were very happy for a few months but nothing changed with still played mind games, Brad im done wanting an ex back, it prevents you from getting into a healthy connection with someone else


I think I'm done with my ex now I'm going on an adventure soon maybe meet someone new keep up the videos and to all of you who want there ex back good luck


I was 3 years completely single by choice before meeting what I thought was a really lovely woman. We had an awesome 3 months together before she shut down emotionally for the first time for no apparent reason. I have zero tolerance for bad bahaviour in relationships so after 4 days I drew the line in the sand and ended it, instinctively went what I now know as 'no-contact'. That was 7 weeks ago. It's real hard for her because she knows with me that if she comes back she has to face up to herself so I don't really expect to see her again. But now I don't care too much anyway. Having been single for 3 years I am so ready for a relationship and I am inundated with some really lovely women. I'll be very careful who I get with next time, these avoidant types are very sneaky and not so easy to recognize at the start. I'll not be fooled again and that's why I am here, to learn. Great videos, thanks very much, I appreciate it.
From New Zealand.


Rebounds are good in basketball, but typically they are toxic as hell in dating. ☝️ Jumping back in the fire of casual dating has far worse consequences than the break-up itself.


Why would you want to stay with someone who no longer likes you or love you?


Absolutely doesn't work if your ex have strong feelings for someone else 😪💔


Brad, I like this video and the succinctness. One question.. how do you "remind your ex of the positives" (point #3)?, if you are practicing "no contact" (point #1. Thank you!


I left 3 weeks ago after 11 1/2 yrs, but I know I'm going to be ok.


Is a year after the break up to late to go no contact? My ex and I talked after the break up as friends and she just recently went to eat with me but she’s pulled away and says she doesn’t want a relationship with anyone but I have a gut feeling she’s talking to or with someone else. We were together for 12 years.


How do you do step three, remind of the good times, if you aren’t contacting them?


I would like some advice please. I have been in NO CONTACT for 7 weeks and have been blocked. Yesterday I met my ex and he came to me and asked how I was doing. we naked a short chat was pleasant. I made a mistake asking why he still blocked me?? he said okay I'm going to unblock you soon but today is already the 2nd day and I still haven't heard from him. what should I do


I walked away from a three year and a half relationship… I got up grab my things and walked out like a man… 20 minutes later, she text me back I did not reply… it was July 11, 2024… at September 6, 2024… I wonder what she’s thinking…? It hurts walking away…. I stand myself as a man I stand my masculine and stay focused. I just go forward.


After no contact my ex who dumped me i initiated contact we chat talking on video calls told me that we can talk about our breakup and he's joking about our weeding will be it seems like he wants to come back but is me who initiate contact sometimes he's cold and hot we had a serious relationship and planning a weeding i love him what can i do?


Hey ex bf dumped me and after a month of no contact he called me. We were casually talking and he said "I am not feeling spark towards anyone, you have gone away taking my fuse" . Does this mean he still has feelings for me?


Hi, I was buying your course but there were some problems. How can i contact you for assistance?


I brokeup with my ex 2 months ago, due to talking with other guy on phone. She said sorry but i didnt forgive. She blocked me & Then next day she disrespected me when i tried to talk with her and blocked me in another app. i go no contact and its been 2 months and she is showing sad posts in fb everyday. Should i contact her now in another way, or hold ego as she is holding & wait untill she unblock me and reaches me out? Please give advice.


Do you think she'll come back?
She broke up with me 5 months ago but we were still in touch but she was distancing herself from me slowly.
After a month of breaking up we had a horrible fight and she blocked me. But again contacted me after a week. She said she was missing me but she didn't wanted to get back with me. I was confused.
She later found a guy on some dating app who had a similar liking and disliking as her and she got attracted to him. When I asked her if she's dating someone, she got upset and blocked me. And now they are in a long distance relationship. I last talked to her a month ago. I still miss her a lot and pray for her to come back.


Yes but if you start dating somebody and then your ex comes back and then you take your ex the other person heart starts to break I don't want to do it's best just to leave your ex where she is a distant memory. The last thing we need to do is inflict pain on somebody else's heart and use them just to prove something to your ex
