Awakening Mind Film Part 2 -'The Mind Unveiled' (Official Trailer)

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"To enter into the human experience is to enter into a great forgetting. The veil of the conditioned mind obscures the truth of who we are..."

When an inner longing to know the truth takes root — Who are we really, the truth of our existence? How can we navigate—and perhaps even transcend—suffering? — it is at this point that the conditioned mind tries to take over the quest for truth. But this conditioned self, the part of you that wants to “achieve” enlightenment is itself the barrier, the veil of separation.

The Mind Unveiled is not just a film. It is a revealing of the Great Way that illuminates these profound questions and invites you on the pathless path to the ever-present now. It is here, by dropping the layers of illusion and conditioning that a truly awakened life becomes not just a possibility, but a living reality.

Cast: Angelo Dilullo, Shakti Caterina Maggi, Francis Lucille, Amoda Maa, Steve Taylor, Victoria Ukachukwu, Bernardo Kastrup, Helen Hamilton, Tom Das, Jan Frazier, and Louise Kay.

About the Awakening Mind Documentary Series:

In a time of increased conflict and unrest in the world where many are experiencing fear, uncertainty and despair, the Awakening Mind Documentary Series travels the globe speaking to wisdom teachers, visionaries, and scientists from broad and diverse disciplines, philosophies, and traditions who are pointing with uncanny similarity and intelligence to this time as an epic juncture and an invitation to a higher evolution for humanity.

Awakening Mind offers answers, resolve and peace of mind for our most intimate and personal concerns of our life: Who am I? What is the purpose and meaning of life? How am I to navigate this world experience to the best of my ability for the benefit of all? And in this time where the world feels out of control and filled with so much suffering and sadness, these questions are particularly relevant, and the answers are a lot simpler than one might imagine.

Awakening Mind Part 1, Know Thyself, released on YouTube , June 5, 2023, for the benefit of humanity and the awakening of human consciousness, has garnered over 1.65 million views in over 16 languages and is now also available on Gaia .

From Our Viewers…

“This is by far the best film/video that explains the truth with clarity. Thank you to everyone that was involved in this production. This is a masterpiece.”

“Never before was this message brought in such a clear and understandable way. Thank you all for making it so much more accessible for humanity.”

“Thank you for this most incredible video, truly magic. There is a definite longing and hunger to know more about the nature of Self. Videos like this with contributions by those who have had experiences of their own Awakening brings inspiration and hope.”

An Invitation to Join Us

As we release these films for free, your support is vital. If you liked Awakening Mind Part 1 "Know Thyself", please consider supporting Awakening Minds Part 2 "The Mind Unveiled" premiering early spring 2024.

To learn more about the Awakening Mind Film Series and subscribe for updates, please visit: Awakening Mind Films.

To Make a Donation

To make a meaningful donation in support of this film, simply click the link above. Your generosity is integral to the success of our project, and we deeply appreciate your valued support.

For donations of $1,500+, your name will be listed in the film credits.
Your support can help spread the message of awakening consciousness globally.

Collaboration Credits

The Center for Awakening (f/k/a Teachers of God Foundation)

Our Deepest Gratitude

We thank our donors for making this journey possible. Together, let's illuminate the world with this profound cinematic experience.

Give $20 and be a founding donor

We thank our donors for making this journey possible. Together, let's illuminate the world with this profound cinematic experience.

#awakening #spirituality #meditation #selfinquiry #enlightenment
Рекомендации по теме

interesting content. I've consistently felt driven to contribute to humanity's greatest pursuits, aspiring to wield influence, power, secrets to perfect health and security. Recognition has been a persistent desire, not stemming from pride or extravagance, but from a deep sense of identity and purpose. Internally, I yearn to delve into the depths of human understanding, seeking knowledge reserved for the select few. My aspiration is to embrace the enlightenment that our predecessors fervently wished for us to attain.


These films changed the course of my life and I have so much gratitude and appreciation for all of your works. They are truly a treasure to humanity.


The joy in my heart while seeing this is beyond what words can express. I still watch Part 1 repeatedly. Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing this amazing content to people like me, who are still struggling to find and maintain peace in a very chaotic world. Thank you ❤


Beloved Daniel waiting for your wise information and teaching which transforms my inner instantly. Thank you for your wisdom and sharing.


Samadhi series and awakening part 1 has helped me tremendously

Truly grateful to Daniel for making part 2


Be still and know……. I am that, I am!


All of your videos are amazing. Thank you! 🙏


Looking forward to watching it. Love what you do


OMG, glad to see part 2 is coming up soon!!
Also if you find their movies touch your soul, please consider a one-time donation, even a very small amount of appreciation would support them to continue these meaningful projects ... mutual love and support both inner and outer. Namaste!!


Wow! This is awesome. I often feel so blessed that I had been oriented on this path in this lifetime 🙏 I feel very lucky


Very nice, very nice to see Angelo there also ! ❤❤❤


can't wait to watch the whole film!!!!🥰 Thank you all!


Samadhi and awakening films always put me in a meditative State and always find myself in very good, peaceful place....i wonder if its the background sounds 🙏


Mom and I watched part 1 and it was super!


Nice to see Tom Das and Jan Frazier and so many familiar faces. Hoping to see a contribution from Paul Hedderman. Looking forward to the release of Part 2


Wow! You have brought so many greats to be a part of this film! I look forward to viewing and listening to this film.


Glad you guys got Angelo DiLullo, most clear I've seen so far.


Do you have a release date for part 2 yet? I am very excited for its release. Oh and how many parts will there be in this series?


Lets cant wait, namaste my loved ones❤


I am that I am in of the all of all here there always in all ways! Or Am I ?
Tat Tvam Asi Neti Neti…
