'What is Awakening?' - From the film Awakening Mind Part 1, 'Know Thyself' (2023)

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The Awakening Mind documentary series travels the globe speaking to wisdom teachers, visionaries, and scientists from broad and diverse disciplines, philosophies, and traditions who are pointing with uncanny similarity and intelligence to this time as an epic juncture and an invitation to a higher evolution for humanity. As we release these films for the benefit of the world for free, we rely on your support for funding.

Awakening Mind offers answers, resolve and peace of mind for our most intimate and personal concerns of our life: Who am I? What is the purpose and meaning of life? How am I to navigate this world experience to the best of my ability for the benefit of all? And in this time where the world feels out of control and filled with so much suffering and sadness, these questions are particularly relevant, and the answers are a lot simpler than one might imagine.

Our visionaries from broad and diverse backgrounds will help our audience see that life is not as complicated as they may believe, and it is possible to awaken to the understanding that peace and happiness is available to anyone anywhere in the world right now.

The "Awakening Mind" documentary series will be released for free for the benefit of humanity and the awakening of human consciousness (in as many languages as possible). We are aiming for release of the first film in 2023.

Participants include:
Rupert Spira, Gangaji, Bayo Akomolafe, Shakti Caterina Maggi, Francis Lucille, Bernardo Kastrup, Helen Hamilton, Reginadawnakers, Donald Hoffman, Victoria Ukachukwu, Steve Taylor, Loch Kelly, Lisa Natoli, Amoda Maa
Awakening Mind Films LLC in partnership with the Teachers of God Foundation (TGF), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization USA and Awaken The World Initiative makes this feature film possible through your donations and support to TGF. All donations made to TGF, USA for Awakening Mind Films LLC will support film production expenses and in accordance with IRS regulations may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.
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This is going to be so phenomenal and I was so happy to have had a conversation with Bill and his film crew while attending the Rupert Spira 7-day spiritual retreat at Garrison N.Y. in October. We are so lucky to have such visionaries among us to share this information with the world!


We are one Giant consciousness 💫
Much Love ❤️


Congratulations on producing and bringing yet another superb film out into the world. Thank You!!!


The soul is consciousness; the more one is conscious the greater the depth of our soul. Yet to deny our humanity is a huge hole in our wholeness. We are _both_ simultaneously, both *human & Being* .


When you gain God Perspective. Non dualistic attitudes and intentions....longing to serve humanity and creating joy and love in all. I can't wait for the day for THIS IMAGE to be the standard rims of humanity not the death, fear and hopelessness that is imprinted on us from birth.


Blessings and Thank-You always for the work you continue to BE!


Patiently waiting for this to come out😊


There is no God, but everything is God. We are all part of that same energy and connected at our core.


Looking Forward to the release ... Thank You .


💚🌀Intimate Contentment in a Continuum🌀💚


Waking reality is a dream projected from the subconscious, just like our sleeping ones.


Guest House - Rumi.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.


Truly something to look forward to in 2023


This little preview works for me, Dan+team. Effective advertising hooks us, points us toward the finished product. And when the "product" is Awareness or Consciousness, which is not really a product at all but the Source of all "products", Wow! Why not? I loved this tiny Thanks for the important work you're doing!!!


Awareness is what the ancient art that I discovered here in North Carolina seven months ago taught me. It seems that no one else wants to know about it because everyone else says that these photorealistic portraits of ancient human beings painted on white pieces of quartz are simply rocks. It is all about awareness, that’s why there’s a giant eyes on their foreheads. I’m very excited for this.


What these people are refering to is much different to enlightement in buddhism ( which is also sometimes called awakening). I believe what they mean by awakening is a process which is going on for many years and it starts with the understanding that regular meditation changes your life into a positive direction and opens your eye for a totally new and different view on one's individual conciousness.


Good to see all of us knowing that we all are One. : D


Well, we can't go wrong with Mr. Rupert Spira... Briliant!!! xx..


Spoiler alert - The meaning of life is to live.

Now, go. Live. Be.


You can see God only through meditation
