Encounters with the Seraphim: A Message for the Future of Humanity (+ Transverberatory Journey)

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Realizing Samadhi is only the first step in an unfathomable unfolding journey to expand the inner lotus into higher worlds; an enlightenment process which is a development within the levels of self structure and soul, as our sphere of care or compassion widens. Awakening is waking up to the unchanging dimension of absolute "being", pure consciousness, while enlightenment is about the ongoing dance of evolution and involution within the manifested world, the endless cycle of "becoming" and connecting our sense of what we are to more of what is. The human game allows the possibility of creating an expanded and purified vessel to interface with divine consciousness, or higher "impersonal" levels of consciousness. When we sacrifice the egoic wants to allow this divine connection to unfold, we become part of an expanded level of existence and part of a higher "plan".

Through imitation of the Seraphim, or by matching their vibration, humans can have the same unmediated union with god. We are meant to imitate them, learn from their example, merge with their light, but not to worship them. Nor can we invoke their presence or try to summon them from the lower mind. We merge with them by becoming like them, by matching their resonance as we evolve on the spiritual path.

Please note, the purpose of the audio-visual component is not to necessarily make you feel warm and fuzzy, peaceful or relaxed, although those things may occur. The purpose is to help you to evolve beyond your egoic preferences and attachments to experience new dimensions of yourself. For many people the experience will bring up resistance. Some forms of inner resistance (hindrances) are 1) thinking, 2) unpleasant sensations or emotions 3) discomfort within the body 4) sleepines or dullness 5) attachment to pleasant sensations 6) expecting or wanting something in particular to happen. If you let go of all thoughts and sensations, judging nothing as good or bad, but simply observing, you may be able to observe the sound swirling energy around inside of you. Just observe, seeking nothing, resisting nothing. The experience may feel completely different depending on what is going on inside of you at any given time.

#yoga #meditation #awakening #angels #prayer #love #enlightenment #newearth #ascension
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I am 68 been a loner my entire life and became lost in contemplation and analyzing everything. In the last two years something began pulling me to meditation.
I now know why. Thank you all.


I had a similar experience with 2 archangels. I appeared in a dark room when this tall and dark man said" RESPECT the Universe" I knew I was being reprimanded. Then this other angel appeared to my left and said " You are the Universe" he then pulled a small sword and passed it over me. Then I turned around and those 2 angels merged imto ONE. I saw pure light emanating from them it was like a fantasy movie, then I saw my own face in that transformation. There's just no word to explain and as the narrator of this video said is best not to identify and just be. I was never the same and I am better each day that passes. Blessed be to you all. Remember that you are Consciousness 💟❣💜


I too have been fortunate enough to witness the Seraphim whilst in a meditative state. It was around 2012/2013 when I was going through quite a lot of upgrades. I also witnessed them as an ever shifting fractal, kind of like a 3D kaleidoscope. Unfortunately I was not in a high enough state to converse with them and could only watch and marvel and somehow knew this was the true form of angels. Although now I see they are specifically Seraphim.

I have also witnessed loving beings of pure white light with colourful eyes. One of them led me up a crystal stairway, at the top I saw the Universe. It was deeply moving, tears, the whole nine yards. I didn't want to come back if I am honest.

The most profound experience happened spontaneously, so I consider it a gift. I was resting on my girlfriends bed and mustve drifted off. Next thing I know I am floating in front of a giant sphere of shimmering liquid light experiencing the most Divine unconditional love, it was intense. There didnt seem to be anything else around, just the blackness of the Void. Next I experienced being connected to everything, there was no thought, it was a pure experience of awareness. After that I experienced being in all time and eternal. After that I was floating there observing the ball of light and then I went into fear, I had the thought "where am I?" Then poof the experience ended and I was shot back into my body.

When I came to I didn't recognize the room at all, nor did I have any comprehension about what day it was. After about 20 to 30 mins I eventually began to piece some memories together and recognised a few things, then realised where I was. When I got up my legs felt like jelly and my body felt weird; like what is this thing I am in type of feeling. Took me about 2 hours all up to reground back into my body.

It was an amazing experience and I am very grateful for it. Because of that I can relate to your experience. A while back I received a download that said I am from the Seventh Ray of Light. The angelic realm feels very real to me. I am not sure why I am here, whether I came to help, or just got trapped by the Archons. All I know is I have had enough of this place and want to go home. 😇


I am glad I found this movie. I had been thrown into samaddhi experience that you were going through, without direct manifestations of Devine as Seraphim. I was gone, by letting go an detachment in meditation I just lost my sense of body. I stopped breathing. I stopped being my mind, my senses. I was immersed in state of bliss for a very long time. Surrounded by pure love and energy. I started dying as a persona. The moment I started dying, I had a knee-jerk reaction of fear, my mind started working again, and I came out of it. There are no words to describe something unknown. But since then, a month ago, my accelerated evolution is unstoppable. I can let go any emotion, any thought instantly, driven into purity. Samaddhi state is almost a continuum of my existence, and I am forced to keep purity of very existence, what I eat, drink, think. I am immersed in beauty of everything that surrounds us, and see life as me. But I still need to completely die as person, as ego, as this life form to release the me that is. I am glad I am not alone.


I think many of us right now on Earth are having similar experiences to this. I know I had one in 2018, and it profoundly changed my life. I no longer fear anything, even death. It seems Earth right now is going through some kind of dimensional growth. I don’t know any other way to explain it. This is an extraordinary time to be living life on Earth.


💚 From Syria ....we are all One pure Love and One pure Consciousness


For 6 months I’ve been practicing meditation for 2-3 hours a day in order to cope with my debilitating physical pain. I had no idea what worlds would open up. Recently I have flying, fractal white beings surrounding my periphery and a huge dragon who keeps his/her beautiful eye closely on me. Your films brought me such peace and understanding. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences to help shed light on a vital part of our journey.


I've watched 'Samadhi' several times. It's probably the best series I've ever listened to. Thanks to this post I noticed you have some guided meditation vids I hadn't noticed. I struggle with quieting the mind when I meditate on my own and I couldn't think of a better guide. Thanks for your work. ♥️


I had this experience by "accident", i was overwhelmed and decided to just sit and breath, I focused on one point without any knowledge about meditation. I started breathing and didn't think of anything, while breathing I felt like my energy started changing and all of my chakras activated. When the crown Chakra activated I was in Samadhi state. Seraphim came and "merged" with me. I was nothing and everything at the same time. They told me without using any words that they were seraphim. I had no previous knowledge about them but I was in their presence. It felt like they were a burning holy energy. I was in ecstatic state and experience lasted for about 30 minutes. Glad to hear someone else had similar experience. Another time they came and they commanded me to say continuesly and praise the God. I am still trying to figure it out. Peace! ✌️


Just need to warn people to be careful from a genuine sense of caring and an indescribable experience. Not every otherworldly thing you encounter is as it seems, keep this in mind. Forms are elusive beyond this world, and may be used to slowly persuade a person into an intoxicating process. Things to look out for: Cutting contact with others, reluctance to share some parts due to being told not to, etc. The goal is not fear or panic, but rather truth over intoxication.


You released DMT from your third eye, it happened to me once and there are no words to express my experience, you have explained what I never could properly, what an amazing thing to experience 🌈⭐✝️


"An angel is a conscious field of fluctuating energy"-best description I have come across


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had a similar encounter in 2015 that turned my worldview upside down and have been searching for answers ever since, practicing Vipassana in different centres, catching fleeting glimpses and learning to trust the Devas' guidance. But today, watching this video, for the first time I feel acknowledged, that back then, I wasn't going crazy, that it wasn't just a trick of the imagination.
It was when I also began to feel fear, and told them I was scared to go higher up in case I left my body completely that I tumbled back down and out of that realm. I feel emboldened by your message, it validates my own experience and brings me courage to go with love should I be humbly bestowed with that choice in future.
I have so much respect for how dedicated you are to curating and sharing wisdom over the years and helping to clarify the path. Giving us this glimpse into your personal experience and encounter is even more heartwarming and connecting. May you continue to be blessed with such grace and truth.


We see the world as we are, and not as it is...wow so profound.


To the person reading this message.. don't worry.. the pain your feeling is temporary, close your eyes and remember tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start! Take deep breathes, your gonna be alright! I promise. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, peace, and abundance! Namaste! <3


The artwork in this film is so good that I couldn’t stop focusing on the images. I guess I will have to watch it twice. It’s so pretty!


This is an awesome testimony, perfectly described, of the true awakening. Daniel, you have achieved the most difficult and most profound milestone in humanity. And sharing it with such clarity really makes you a worthy member of our species. How I wish more people were like you. Please keep it up to teach us more about how to awaken our Kundalini and help us transcend!


Thank you, dear Daniel. The wisdom of your encounter is such a beautiful affirmation of my inner journey.


From the United States, I support this channel. Never stop this content. It needs to be spread worldwide.


I am ready to accept any vibration that can lift my soul closer to God
