Samadhi Movie, 2021- Part 3 - 'The Pathless Path'

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There is only one thing that could be better then this wonderful masterpiece. It's the incredible amount of people that are watching it, little by little the revolution begins...


To be detached doesn't mean you own nothing, it means nothing owns you.


I've always felt a compelling urge to play a part in humanity's grand endeavors, aiming to harness the levers of influence, secrets to optimal well-being, and safeguarding. The longing for acknowledgment has remained steadfast, not born of vanity or excess, but rooted in a profound sense of self and mission. Inside, there's an insatiable thirst to explore the intricacies of human comprehension, pursuing insights reserved for the chosen few. My goal is to embrace the wisdom that our forebears ardently hoped we'd grasp.


I was guided to this movie (Part 1) Jan. 2020 after being in the darkest time of my life, and after a suicide attempt Dec. 2019. It awakened me spiritually and two years later after healing a lot of trauma, I feel deep peace.


Blessings to you for another soul-piercing film which effortlessly brings me back to home- to Self- to unity. 🙏🏽❤️ Love to All who is reading this right now


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Deepest gratitude 🌹


Just in case no one has told you lately, I'm proud of you ❤️For moving through the mess no matter how hard it is at times . For building resilience and strength every single time you get back up after a long and treacherous fall . For getting up every day despite the heaviness that has settled into your heart . For having the courage to persevere through the storm . For holding on to the hope that something better is awaiting you on the other side of the mountain . For continuing to cradle that hope when everything around around you is unknown . That takes strength, bravery, courage, & that is something worth being proud of ❤️👑


I had an experience of Samadhi, as I understand it now, not consciously. I mean, I didn't even know that this could happen, I had never read before, and at the time there was no Internet. It was in the Russian army in the 90s, I was freezing to death, very tired, lived in cold barracks constantly hungry and dirty. Dirt, cold, hate, fatigue, hunger, fights, pain non-healing wounds from the humid climate and 2 years of service ahead of us here in a nutshell the state that accompanied us every day. Frozen tired in front of the furnaces of the furnace unloaded a whole day car with coal. I was deadly tired, passed out and found myself there... Infinity and my self floating in the infinite ocean of pure energy, and all that space was infinitely filled with it. And the wave of that energy flowing through my Self (that's how I felt I was with a capital "I") and making music, it was...perfect is not the word. It was the best I'd ever heard. There was no past, no unclear future, nothing. Just nothing, nothing was needed anymore and that's what I needed so much. In this state of flight in the flow of this heavenly melody, which I created myself, it can be forever, it cannot get boring. I flew and created the divine music! I did it myself! And there were no obstacles, not even the slightest bit of evil or doubt that I could not or would not get in my way. I opened up to the maximum and saw and heard my absolute, but I would write that word as Ab-Salut! It was really a Salute to Freedom! How can I even describe it in words? I woke up icy in a dirty, icy stoker, the boilers were out, I couldn't move. One half of the gate of the boiler room was open for some reason, even though it was difficult to open it and the icy wind was already walking around inside, throwing snow on it, and I felt that if I began to move sharply my bones would crack. I remember my eyes could hardly open my eyelids were stuck together from the frost. I began to sway and blood started to flow... I remember the sensation to this day as the blood burst into the icy veins even seemed with some kind of crackle and noise.No riches of the world are not worth even a second of such a state. We are really trapped in a prison and there is freedom, freedom of consciousness-Great emptiness!


It's here at this most Divine Time
To all you Souls who see this message
You are Love You are Light You are Everything!


These film series are big milestones on spiritual evolution of human being, thanks thousand time


When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Thank you so much for these videos. They are truly beautiful and unbelievable teachings. 🙏🏾 You are my Yoda


"BE Quiet" that's "TRUTH"..!!
"BE Still" that's "GOD"...!!!
~Sri Ramana Maharshi 💗🙏✨


dear santa....i dont want much this year...all i want is that human civilization is shaking on its foundations without too many casualties, that people are waking up to their higher consciousness and can heal our current civilization of accumulated trauma from our lost society and crooked failed rushed evolution, that we may onlock our unimaginable potential into devine blissfull beings.and into a higher vibration of awareness and way of being, thank you


This is crazy. I don't know how I got here but it is EXACTLY what I feel right now. I woke up, checked my phone, then opened YouTube and here I am. This is like my soul speaking to itself.


This film never gets old.
I watch it at least once every year


It's amazing to know that many of us have been directed to these masterpieces at random times, probably when we are knowingly or unknowingly ready to be AWAKENED. I'm so greatful to the universe for choosing me and letting me experience this miraculous journey. Just hearing the word SAMADHI instantly makes me happy and my mind goes for a beautiful state of peace. Cannot thank enough for this! ❤❤


Waited for year to this masterpiece. Daniel along with his team changing lives 💚💚💚



After reading through the comments, I've learned that I'm not the only person who has experienced a profound spiritual awakening after watching this series. It is truly a blessing! Your work has been a fantastic gift to humanity. Thank you for that!


This is the greatest meditation track. Only an awakened person can make something like this. Thank you, Dan ❤


I hate to say this but there is a slim chance for the whole humanity to rise upto the level of samadhi in our lifetimes, yet I am thankful for my life that I got to know yoga nd through that I understood god.
