Daniel Schmidt Interview - Meditation, Self Inquiry, The Pathless Path of Awakening

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The truth is that all seeking is based on a case of mistaken identity- you were never the character; the human avatar. The character can never awaken or become whole because the human experience is a game of separation (hide and seek). At a certain point in the game it is possible to awaken from the false character to recognize the primordial stillness/awareness that is ever- present. YOU were never in prison- it is only your fixation on thoughts and changing phenomena that has created maya, the illusion of the separate/false self. With a surrender of interest in the entire world of changing forms, and a willingness to move beyond your comfort zone (give up craving and aversion) it is possible to create the conditions for Samadhi to arise.
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I participated in a 24 hour prayer 7 days a week adoration. I had multiple hours multiple times a week. This was always my most peaceful state and it was because I became the admiration of that to which I prayed. Peace. Mercy. Grace.


Beautiful! I came across you only now... but this is perfect timing, as we know... watched Inner Worlds, earlier today... now, this interview... really grateful 🙏 it all resonates... especially your genuine authenticity... so refreshing... I know I have been shown the next step on my path. Thank you so much 🙏


I can see this gentleman has a beautiful Soul


Thank you. I was today at the Körperwelten Exposition and it remindeds me that we nuture wheres our attention goes. And our brain creates the autobahn😊 to it, so better be conscious where your attention goes and what you consume. Namastè all the best🙏


I always believed that "redemption" or "saving our souls" was about a collective yet individual act. Society, Humanity will save itself when each of us individually saves himself.


Trauma (emotional damage from either prolonged abuse/neglect or catastrophic single event that often happens in/during childhood but can happen as teenager or adult) will understandably cause a craving for safety and pushing away of anything that is perceived as dangerous or whatever makes one feel unsafe, unseen, unheard; not mistreated or neglected…. It makes perfect sense why people grasp or push away… these patterns don’t materialize out of thin air. It takes the time it takes to unwind from this. It’s not an overnight resolution.. it has taken me time to unwind the hell that happened to me. Many techniques have loosened the grip around the pain and I can see and understand how awakening is even remotely possible.. had I encountered this 10 years ago it would have made no sense to me, as I was still trying to unwind from deeply held beliefs and patterns designed to protect me (so I thought, they really were enslaving me but I couldn’t see it through all the pain) …. The patterns of grasping and blocking come for a reason.. often from horrific childhood pain.. children have no capacity to manage the overwhelm of neglect and abuse. We then become adults who can’t manage it either……..until we can….for many it’s a long process.


Most clear and succinct teaching is being transmitted. Thank you Dan 😊


Where are others who get all this already? Each of us already living our own version of the reality Daniel is verbally defining. I never meet anyone like this, just me.
Thank you Daniel
Blessings 💛🙏🤟🏼👴🏼🥞✨️


Thank you" Dan", for guiding me in the right direction. And yes I know I am still falling prey to the ego mind continuosly but your words help me to reconi ze it.


This video comes at the perfect time. Thanks, Dan for all your great work.


This is for me without any doubt your best video! Your sharp clearness and easy way to explain difficult concepts is astounding! Thank you very much


Daniel, your clear view is much appreciated on this other end. Let's all be hopeful that this message reaches most of the present humanity. Blessings 🙏🙌✨


Many blessings to you and everything you create. This is exactly what I was thinking of looking for. Thank you for sharing so clearly and mindfully.


Daniel I could listening to you forever! Thank you so much for sharing your insights! Love! 🩵💙🙏🥰


If there was such a thing as perfection. You have hit the nail on the head, Excellent format, Stalla presentation...
Sending your love blessings and respect
Thank you


I, m spanish and I can write in english but it's very difficult, almost impossible, for me to understand when someone is speaking in english. However I understand almost everything when you speak. That's for me the proof of truth, the sign that shows me that I am on the way to my spiritual goal. Thanks to you, to God and the universe, although everything's the same and I might only say "thank you".


Thank you for all you are doing to share this information. I just finished watching Awakening Mind Part 1 & 2 and it deeply resonates. I appreciate how clearly you communicate, given the limitation of words and concepts. Love from North Dakota.


Muchas Gracias Dan. Por ayudarnos compartiendo tu proceso de sabiduría.


Astounded by the clarity and simplicity of the explanations. A true awakened mind. Salutes.


Thank u Daniel, love from New Zealand
