The Graphics Pipeline and You | Writing Unity URP Code Shaders Tutorial [1/9] ✔️ 2021.3

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✔️ Tutorial tested in 2020.3 and 2021.3
🚨 Edits: If you create your project from a template, ensure "Depth Priming Mode" is set to "Disabled" in your URP settings asset. To find this asset, open Project Settings, navigate to Graphics, and select the renderer asset at the top of the window.

Would you like to start writing shaders but don’t know where to start? Or, have you encountered a limitation of URP’s Shader Graph you need to overcome? In this tutorial series, I’ll walk you through writing a fully featured, general purpose shader for Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline — exclusively in code. Don't know HLSL or ShaderLab? No problem.

Tutorial series:
1️⃣ The Graphics Pipeline ► You're watching it!
5️⃣ Advanced Lighting ► Coming soon
6️⃣ Advanced URP Features ► Coming soon
7️⃣ Custom Lighting Models ► Coming soon
8️⃣ Vertex Animation ► Coming soon
9️⃣ Interacting with C# ► Coming soon

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🔗 Check out my website for a searchable list of tutorials!

📚 Reference scripts

⏲️ Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:53 Ad
1:26 Tutorial scope
2:58 Project set up
4:50 ShaderLab
7:02 Intro to HLSL
8:52 The Graphics Pipeline
9:34 The Input Assembler
11:09 The Vertex Stage
12:40 Spaces
15:45 The Rasterizer
16:04 The Fragment Stage
15:52 Hello World
18:54 Properties in ShaderLab
21:34 Properties in HLSL
22:31 Texture Properties
23:46 Macros
25:16 Sampling a Texture
26:35 What Are UVs
27:12 UVs in the Vertex Function
29:06 Interpolation
30:22 Hello Textures
31:26 Wrap up and credits

🎖️ Credits, references and further reading:

#GameDev #IndieDev #Unity
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This might be the best shader tutorial I've ever seen purely for the depth of information that many tutorial author's skip over. Thank you for delving into the detail!


Your tutorials have been amazing so far (absolutely love how you also have written versions). I've been working on learning HLSL so this has come at the perfect time.


Sire, I cant thank you enough for these videos. The effort you put in with the script, the visuals, the consise explanation. Everything is top notch. I would pay good money for a content of this quality. Thank you for sharing it


🚨 Edits: If you create your project from a template, ensure "Depth Priming Mode" is set to "Disabled" in your URP settings asset. To find this asset, open Project Settings, navigate to Graphics, and select the renderer asset at the top of the window.

Hi everyone! Thanks for watching!

Why do you all want to learn to write URP shaders in code?


I want to thank all the patrons too. This is the stuff we need tutorials on. Really insightful stuff.


Thank you so much, Ned! With your explanation i finally could understand the core structure of a shader, and now those structure makes a lot more Sense ! Looking forward for the next Episode!


I can't express the imense gratitute I'm feeling towards you at the moment. I was bashing my head against the keyboard trying to learn shader programming in unity (especially using the URP because its documentation is incomplete/hard to read).

I'm an experienced software developer and I was so annoyed that this experience didn't translate at all to knowing how to do stuff with shaders. You have filled 90% of the gaps I needed to go forward with my project. Thank you so much! Continue this series please!!


I have some experience writing shaders both with Shader Graph and HLSL and yet it’s so refreshing to watch your tutorials. Thank you so much for making such high quality content!


Great and wonderful tutorial, as always. I learned a lot, Ned! The unity MainColor and MainTexture properties and macros, in particular, were entirely new to me. Thanks for the phenomenal work.


The way you explain everything makes it look so easy and achievable! I'm so thankful for these tutorials, as of today it looks like you stopped uploading them but if you read this I hope you know you did a great job, thanks! ❤


Have loved all you're previuous shader tutorials, and am really looking forward to diving into this tutorial. Was exactly what I was hoping to find when tryig to bridge the gap between shadergraph and HLSL


You are a godsend
I've never been able to fully understand shaderlab until now
Thank you so much


Thanks a lot for taking this initiative. Looking forward to Part 2!


I just spend about a day and a half figuring out why my texture was shading my entire object with one color selected at a point on the texture instead of just showing the texture. I know it was doing this because I could get Unity to offset the texture, and the object would change it's color. But the entire object was one color.

After creating a new shader, re-doing the code slowly so that I remake it entirely as was shown in this tutorial, I could not, for the life of me, break my code in the way as my initial shader.

Copy-pasting code, line by line, I finally found it. TEXCOORD0 was misspelled as TEXTCOORD0. It did not produce any error, at least while using JetBrains.


God bless you man, amazing tutorial :D
I'm fairly familiar with shaders, but now how to use them in Unity and this has been the most straight forward tutorial I have found, definitely finishing the series!


I can't believe I found this video. It's simply amazing! You helped me a lot, dude, thank you so much. I was strugling a lot with shaders. I'm a beginner on shader coding, and it feels so hard to find help online. It's so good to have everything so well explained in one single video. I'll definitely check your other tutorials, your way of teaching is clear and effective (at least for me lol).


This is underrated. Great tutorial! I was really struggling reading the Unity docs on shader lab and HLSL, your editing and explanation of the render pipeline clarified everything! Thank you


Even though I already knew everything about this topic, I decided to watch this just to evaluate if it is a resource worth pointing people to (it is). And I ended up learning URP some specific stuff. Just the kind of things you manage to do by being so thorough. An amazing job. Thank you!


Always when you find good tutorials the creator is MIA. Pls come back and finish this series ._.


Ned your content is awsome! Very helpful info on a topic that is very hard to find on youtube. pleasssseee finish the series, if you have time for it
