Best psoas muscle trigger point stretch - iliopsoas muscle release - hip flexor stretch

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In this video, you will find the best psoas stretch for myofascial trigger points. Looking to stretch your psoas muscle to relieve your trigger point and muscle knot pain? There are many iliopsoas muscle release techniques out there. However, most people may be making their hip flexor stretch more difficult than it needs to be.

We demonstrate a gentle iliopsoas muscle release and hip flexor stretch. We also demonstrate the most common hip flexor stretch out there and show why it may not always be the best option.

The psoas muscle runs through your hips to connect the lower portion of your back to the top of your thigh. A tight psoas often contributes to your back pain. The psoas syndrome associated with a trigger point is an easily missed diagnosis. That's why its important to follow a step by step system to obtain long term muscle pain relief.

Remember, if you have myofascial trigger points or muscle knots, you should self treat them first before attempting any stretching exercises. A trigger point is simply a small contraction knot in muscle. If you feel your pain is not getting any better after starting your stretching program, stop immediately and go back to self trigger point therapy. I have found that you may need to do this several times before your stretches improve and the pain relief is more permanent.

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Рекомендации по теме

Unbelievable how much this gentle stretch helped with my hip pain in just a few days. I have been suffering for about 2-3 years and this is the first thing that has made a significant difference. I am grateful that you posted this video. Thank you.


this man knows what he's talking about, I've been in pain for years, this stretch has cured the chronic pain in my left side hip, many thanks


Cause of the relief, I've laughed and cried at the same time after doing this. You are a true wizard.


I have scoliosis and have had intermittent pain for years in my lower back which has always stopped me from really working out and getting healthy. I only recently found out that the problem may be my hips, not just my back. After a bunch of vids on hip stretches, this is the first one that actually feels good! Thanks!


THANKS for the SIMPLE and DIRECT instruction!


I love this simple stretch. At first you think "this is doing zip" and is a an oh so gentle ache in your pelvic/lower back area as that protesting muscle gets a bit of use! Go easy at first and build up as he says.


What he said at the start guys is very very true.

I've been doing that lunge stretch and it provides little to no relief and only aggravates things. His supine lying stretch is gold!


I started this skeptically.
After holding it for only 30 seconds, I could /feel/ it!
2 more reps and I was done.
Thishas become a regular addition to my routine


This really helped reduce the tightness & nerve pain on my lower left side.


It's like a
Last 2 months I have much pain in lower back
So I was searching you tube help...
When I did this .
I think I am feeling well...
Now I can walk properly, and I can rotate also...
Thnx a lot ...


I like professional people like you
You have different experiences and you guide the patient to the right direction directly
I agree with you that first exercise is making the iliposoas tighter and I really felt it
The exercises you gave was very effective and I found great results in short period of time

God bless you 🙏


Wow, Ive been doing less than a week and already had major relief. Thanks for the help


This is exactly what my physiotherapist taught me to do with my pain on the inner side of my knee! 👍👍


Thanks for this, it looks like a pelvic tilt/bridge. Just tried it as have had sciatica caused by tight psoas and could really feel it! Will let you know how it goes. Thanks again. 🙏🏼


This is it! I could not reach this muscle because it was so painful. This targeted it perfectly. I can only hold it for about 10 seconds but it is my new favorite stretch.


Wow! Thanks so much for the video. I have been doing the kneeling stretch (knowing from previous experience that my lower back pain on only one side was caused by the psoas) but it was doing nothing. This stretch took the pain away after the first try!! Seriously, thanks so much!!


I was given this exercise, and was seeing improvement, then had to see a different PT and was given the deeper stretches. I was in so much pain for the next 4 days that I could hardly get out of bed! I won't allow a PT to overrule what my body's telling me again, lesson learned.


I didn’t think this small stretch would do anything. 30 seconds in and oooo.. Thank you . .


Had lots of hip flexor tension. This alleviated a lot of it. Thanks


For a week i've been walking with a pain as if i had a crack in my spine, this video has solved my problem in 30 seconds !
