Defeating Adventism # 117 – Ellen White is a Trinity Denying Heretic – Seventh-day Adventist

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This video addresses a very comment Seventh-day Adventist claim that while many founders were anti-Trinitarians, it is claimed that Ellen White was Trinitarian and not influenced by the anti-Trinitarian Pioneers. This video will show clear evidence that Ellen White was also a Trinity denying Pioneer and no different from her Trinity denying husband.

This video presents clear evidence from the Review and Herald magazine of August 22, 1878 where Ellen White admits to reviewing a series of articles from Elder Canright and the article of interest to us is “The Personality of God.” This Ellen White reviewed article was published August 29,1878 and it is full of anti-Trinitarian statements. Thus, Ellen White by her own admission on August 22, 1878 admitted reviewing the Canright article that was published August 29, 1878 and this shows Ellen White a committed anti-Trinitarian.

Defeating Adventism #29 – Seventh-Day Adventists and the Christian Connection / Connexion
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Question for SDAs: Can you explain to us how a person who fits the description of "the Lord's messenger" referenced in SDA Fundamental Belief 18 could have promoted heretical messages about the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ in the manner described in this video?


Wonder how the Adventists will explain their way out of this one?


With all this being shared, you still can't convince them that Ellen was an agent of the devil himself. Pray for their heart to be soften to the truth of God words. They have hardened their hearts towards the True and living God just to make Ellen a prophet. Very sad.


Wow! I've been a former SDA for about 12 years and this is the first time I've seen these articles. Fantastic research!


If you read her works that were published before her death, you will see thst she is a non trinitarian, as was the early seventh fay adventist church. You see that in the early fundamentals. The trinity, which is actually biblical heresy, was not mentioned until around 1930's i think. It did not come onto the fundamentals until 1980. By the 1930's all the pioneers had passed away, and then gradually the other early members died, that is how the trinity hetesy came to the church.


Where can I contact you...
I have two articles that I want a view from your knowledge based on the SDA.


Question…. We know Canright later renounced Adventism, but did he ever repent of his anti-trinitarianism and accept the biblical Trinity?


Jim, Monique here. Thank you for the video. SDAs know that Ellen White wasn't a Trinitarian in the beginning. This little group I followed was a branch off SDAs and we studied what Ellen White was believing in the beginning. Ellen White believed that Proverbs 8:22-30 is about Jesus begotten of the Father. This group believes that there's one God the Father like John 17:3 and 1 Corinthians 8:6 said not one God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We studied the writings of Ellen White when she wasn't a Trinitarian. And I don't think she became one. The leaders in Australia: Nader Mansour and Imad Awde proved to us that the main SDA church took her writings out of context to prove she became a Trinitarian, but she never did. This Unitarian group is growing in Australia and I think in America too. And myself, coming out of JWs, not believing in the Trinity, that suited my beliefs. I am waiting for your next video. Excellent work.


Timestamp 16:14 Adventist Believe that God has a body of a man, no wonder their confusion, when the Bible states that God wrote the ten commandments with His finger they think God had literal fingers, yes they deny God is a Spirit being


You got to remember that to this day they teach that Jesus is the Arch Angel Michael..The angels are created as much as you and I are created being..Making Jesus a created being..
and that makes Jesus not part of the Trinity..


Yes I watched this WHOLE garbage video - there is absolutely NO connection between the beliefs of Adventism and Mormonism😂 😂😂😂 You Sir are a liar...


Its interesting how non-SDA seek info./understanding from a non-SDA about SDA....
No one here would ever have major surgery from a 3rd grade math teacher...
Apparently one is ok and the other is not. Wow. Crazy world we live in huh?!?!


Well I've studied the Book of Daniel and all of the book of Revelation for about 50 years.. I didn't know too much about SDA .until I had a brother-in-law get messed up in it .he started speaking to me about prophecy.. when I realized what they did with Daniel 8:14 I had studied that text every verse in detail took me (3 seconds) to realize what created these Looney Tunes ..they did not know what the( sanctuary in Daniel 8 represented)..( not 1st a person, to this day knows what that means)). From SDA ..they took one verse out of the whole text.( out of the context)!!! stuck it in Daniel 9, , and (created this cult) the 2300 days, in Daniel 8, belongs to the functioning time of Daniel 8 the Antichrist at the end of time! As Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 verse 15 ...tells you to (understand)!!! who the( abomination of desolation ) that is standing in the Holy place is .. Daniel 8:13) the word (transgression )is used ..which is the same word as (abomination)....[and go to the Book of Daniel] to( understand it) Daniel 8, is the first place it's written!!!! The 2nd, , Daniel 11 verse 31, , third the end of Daniel 12.. you can't get from 457b.c in the spring of the year Ezra 7:9.( the first day of the first month ).[establish to the Jews in Exodus 12: 1 for their New Year's Day] to the fall of 1844 October 22nd.. October 22nd was not the day of atonement in the year 1844).. it's impossible((( with 2300 ))) the whole thing was built on a lie, , from the very beginning ..Ellen says that lie was the truth!!!.... the deadly wound was healed from the rock that hit her in the head.. she changed times and laws and all of sda followed the Beast!


John 2:19 KJV
Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
Jesus clearly says here He would raise Himself up.
Acts 13:30 KJV
But God raised him from the dead:
Here it clearly says God raised Him up.
I think those reading this can see Jesus is God.


Not only are the heretical and anti-trinity view's stated loud and clear, so is the connection to LSD and J.Smith which are masonic in their root's - thus also linking the sda pioneer's to freemasonry, something I doubt they were ignorant of.
Thank you Jim and Shaun.


No matter the insults, it will not change who she is. You are just fulfilling the word of the Lord in Rev 12:17.
Working for the dragon and the beast


You said “Heretic in a dress”, more appropriately though, she was a “Heretic in a Reform Dress”….. people who know her false prophecies will get that joke 😂


Wow! When I was in the Adventist Church, I never knew any of this. Good research work.


SDA join the JW, s, LDS, Christian Science, Christadelphians, and so on. SDA folk appear to be Tritheists. The doctrine of the Trinity brings cults unstuck. They have more in common with Hinduism and their three fold Trimutri of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Great video James, thanks.


I’ve noticed that when I compare actual photos of Ellen White vs. modern SDA artists’ depictions of her that they seem to try to draw her as more attractive than she actually was esp. when it comes to her nose as the result of her injury as a girl.

This became more apparent to me in the “Tell the World” movie the Church came out with.
