The Secret to Being Great in Bed

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This tactic was discussed years ago in the book Have a New Husband by Friday. The premise was instead of nagging on the things your partner does wrong, start praising them on the things they do right. People are less motivated to change or strive to be better when you harp on the negative. When you make them feel good they will chase the behavior that led to the positive feeling.


No matter how many times you fail, you are not yet a failure until you quit trying.


For me sex is just the extension of communication on another level. Is the communication good, the sex will be good as well. That's my experience, it was always like that.


IMO i think there are many things required for being great in bed, firstly there has to be animal attraction and appealing to all the senses; smell, touch, taste are important. Then there’s the mental aspect: emotional, psychological, intellectual with a willingness to be vulnerable, uninhibited, dirty and ability to push each other’s buttons and push each other to the limit, at the same time, have trust and caring for each other. For me, without any of these aspects, i don’t Feel strong sexual attraction


Like the saying goes "it's not what you say, it's how you say it."


I like his gfs perspective!! I love that he wants to include her in his life. He wants us to get to know her and she is making it more interesting!! ❤️❤️


I love that Audrey is on podcast along with Matthew, Stephen and Jameson!😄Such a breath of fresh air to have a female voice🥰.. Love you JAMS❤


Yes and no.. I think our best selves come out after we are fairly comfortable and added on that have a connection with and encouraged to be confident by our partner!


Without sounding big headed or that I know everything, as I know I really don't..I think the majority of the time Im good at adapting to sexual responses in the moment. I am very Intuitive and my senses are super heightened, so I pick up on those physical changes. If I see she changes position even slightly or there's a small change in her, good or bad, I react accordingly. I've had some blunt pushbacks though straight off the bat and that can kill the momentum instantly. It doesn't need to be done aggressively or sometimes even said, it can all be through movement, touches to communicate, nods or changing position, and when it's good you'll know..🤗


I absolutely Love how You two are looking and smiling at each other it shows so much Love ❤️


So happy you two have met and share what seems honest strong love❤️❤️❤️


My biggest thing is meeting a decent guy that wants more. So many want friends with benefits, and don't want to get to know you first. And then if you do anything or don't they ghost you, they say they're too busy without any context. If someone is new in your life, take time, but be yourself, if you want a chance be kind. It takes me awhile to get to know someone. We all have insecurities, but if you expect perfection from someone, know that your not perfect either. The "I'm drunk" excuse is flimsy


Communication is always the key and respect, sensitive


Not sure if this has been a topic of discussion, but I'd like to hear more about the next step when you are mentally and emotionally ready for a "healthy" relationship, after all these toxic ones. There is someone I like, but neither of us have had healthy relationships, we don't know the good habits and "starting points" to keep in mind or to move forward with?

Been best friends for 5 years, not sure if we are friendzoned, though neither of us say "friends" or "like siblings" ever! Maybe we just aren't used to, or aware of a friendship foundation first and foremost, and how to step out of that into a intimate relationship. Both of us are shy which is Great 😫🙃


You‘re all just great, guys. Thank you for you and for the value you bring along in EVERY video! ❤️


That look Audrey gives Matthew at 2:27 sums all of his flirting techniques. I gotta try this! 🤪😈


Being good in bed is feeling safe and comfortable with each other. If someone makes you feel ugly, judged, or unsafe it's not gonna be good.


I peoples best sexualising selves come out when they feel!


I love audrey. Please bring her again on the show. Would want to hear more from her.


“wHY are yoU giGgling liKe ScHOOl children?”
Me: 😂
