The Physics of the Future - Dr. Michio Kaku

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Author and physicist Dr. Michio Kaku spoke at the Museum of Science on March 23, 2011. A professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and co-founder of string field theory, Kaku is also the author of various science books including: "Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century", "Hyperspace", "Parallel Worlds", "Physics of the Impossible", and The "God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything".

0:00 Introduction
0:01 The Physics of the Future
5:26 Physics of the Impossible • Impossible physics?
6:08 Predicting the next 100 years
6:58 Verne's predictions for "Paris in the 20th Century"
12:30 How would we view a visitor from 2100?
13:42 We will have the power of the gods - but will we also have the wisdom of Solomon?
14:17 Moore's Law
16:02 Every decade, a new revolution
16:39 The Internet: The Magic Mirror-the internet will be everywhere, including glasses
21:54 Augmented Reality - When unlimited virtual information is imposed on reality
24:22 Cell phones with flexible intelligent screens
25:44 Your Living Room of the Future
29:18 Transparent screens and 3D- TV (Without Glasses)
31:43 Cars of the Future
32:04 Driverless Cars, Using GPS, radar, and chips
33:23 Mind-Control of Surrogates and Avatars: controlling machines with the mind
33:57 Telepathy and Telekinesis
35:16 Brain-Computer interface
35:43 Even paralyzed people can control computers
39:34 A lesson from the movie Forbidden Planet
41:38 Smart Pills - chips and TV camera inside a pill you swallow
47:06 Miniature MRI Machines (they will be the size of cell phones) and Star Trek "Tricorders"
48:11 The Human Body Shop growing new organs from your own cells as they wear
48:28 Growing Ears and Bone (and heart valves, blood vessels, skin, cartilage can be grown today)
48:43 Growing Human Bladders
49:27 Smart Mouse Gene - intelligence and memory of mice can be enhanced genetically
49:43 Mighty Mouse Gene Headache for the Olympics and professional sports if we can enhance the body physically

Dr. Michio Kaku, an American theoretical physicist, science communicator, popular futurist, and holds the position of professor of theoretical physics at both the City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center. He has authored numerous books on physics and related subjects and is a regular guest on radio, television, and film.
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A visionary physicist known for his theories on spacetime and future technology.


This talk was in 2011. As he predicted did chips cost pennys by 2020? And many other predictions of his did came to pass ?


Love Dr. Kaku as a physicist and a communicator.


I love listening to Dr Kaku as he gives me hope for the future of the planet. As the year is now 2024 I wish to raise a practical matter of driverless cars. While many think this is the future for automobile travel it has been found that as I live in Australia and we have a marsupial called a kangaroo. Kangaroos have NO road sense! They can hop out in front of a car suddenly and at any instant causing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of damage. I live in a lovely country bushland part of Australia where this is a problem. I wonder if someone has found a way around this? If cars become airborne, the problem with kangaroos would disappear but then who would control the air-space for when cars can take to the air?


Martinez Michelle Gonzalez Kevin Johnson Lisa


wow michio kaku is 64 here. he looks late 40s


Mr. Miagi...👋🤔where have all my friends gone🎉 Have you seen the kamasutra kid?


Future physics nobody can understand..


Most of his predictions are 20 40 years or more away


So much of this technology - will have to be powered by energy resources - which we are pillaging, at every second - these resources will not last eternally. It is said - in Raja Yoga circles - that this civilisation, based on electric power and the nuclear version - is destined to fall. And then. Humans will have to regain the love for Nature and work with her - with the real humility needed. Spirituality will take on a central part - of this new thinking and doing. May it be so !
