Why I’m not Orthodox

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Why I’m not Orthodox

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If you cant get much of an understanding of orthodoxy and its usually very kind people then please visit a monestary or a parish. It is not worth speaking too many words with someone who's zeal surpasses their willingness to be kind to others. And there are plenty of new converts such as myself who are very hyped and can sadly give into the extreme end of things(ive done this too), if youve encountered overzealous people who harass you, please forgive us! Have a great day and again I suggest you visit real churches and monestaries in order to have a proper feel and explanation for orthodoxy, maybe youll also find a good elder to talk to! May God's love and forgiveness be with you!


While we may debate different theological topics, in the end we’re all brothers in Christ, God bless y’all


Love what you had to say, I’m exactly the same. I’m a Catholic and I have an account on IG where i make edits of Christianity and specifically of our catholic faith. I get attacked from everyone. Baptists, Lutherans, and even the orthodox. & I include the orthodox more sometimes over our own faith. But people just like to be hatin & idk why. At times i do consider converting to orthodoxy, but i love our Mother way to much. I believe the orthodox don’t have rosarys either. So that’s a no go for me. I just the Virgin Mary so much and for others to say that she was a vessel, or she was stained like the rest of us, no thank you. So though orthodoxy may feel temping, i feel at home and safe here in God’s church.
Great video by the way!


What I have to say about this is this: Orthodoxy is the true church. I don't know whether Roman Catholicism is or isn't, and I don't make any claims about it. I'm totally open to it being "the true church" as well, but experience has led me to believe that Orthodoxy is capital T True. How, then, could Roman Catholicism be True, as well? Well, I think it's possible that the schism may be only an "outward" appearance, that East and West never split ontologically, but only politically. I really don't know, though, and we should respect what our hierarchs say regarding these matters. The time is not yet ripe for communing together, sadly.

As for the points you made during the video:

1. You said we don't worship the Body and Blood of Jesus, but we do. Our whole liturgy revolves around that. The whole of it. It's all about preparing ourselves to receive the Sacrament, to praise the Sacrament, to bow before the Sacrament, and then to be thankful for receiving the Sacrament. The whole of the Church hierarchy -- bishops, priests, deacons -- exist for the administration of Sacraments, being the Eucharist the most important of them all.

2. That we "don't believe Mary was without sin": we do believe that she is without sin. Without *personal* sin, that is, she never did commit any sin during her life. As to original sin, we diverge as to what it means: sin is not a fault, but a disease. We do not inherit Adam's guilt for disobeying God, but we do inherit the consequences of the sin: we are prone to sinning.

You see, what Adam did was not infect us with guilt, but to change our condition. If we were in a pre-Adamic state, we would not feel inclined nor tempted to sin. Original, or Ancestral, sin, is not a guilt, nor a crime of which the guilt we share, but a sorrowful tendency of which we all partake that makes us concupiscent, selfish, fearful of others, suspicious, unloving. And Our Mother Mary shares our human nature, in that same condition: she, too, had in herself this sorrowful inclination.

But here's the difference: unlike everyone else, she never did listen to it. She never fell into temptation. She never gave in to sinful thoughts or desires. She was always faithful. She was always holy. And because of that she is greater than the Cherubins and more venerable than the Seraphins, for she was in the same condition, she was met with the same ontological hardships as we are, but unlike us, she never did fall into temptation. She is the human person with the most merits, the only one, apart from our Lord, who is free from sin.

The way we orthodox see it, is that the Immaculate Conception believes that to be born with Original Sin is to partake in the blame. For us, Original Sin is not something we carry the blame for, but a condition we suffer from. Since you believe the Original Sin is a blame, then Mary needs to be blameless if the Lord is to be born of her flesh, so you have to find a way for her to have been born without this blame. If you, however, considered the Orthodox interpretation of Original Sin, then for Mary to be born without it would be a preposterous doctrine: without it, she would not have acquired victory over the hardships of human nature, for since we see Original Sin not as blame, but as proneness to furthering sin through personal sin, she would not have had any inclination to sin. She would not have had the same hardships, nor would she have had to overcome them. She would then not be like us, like the other humans, but some other kind of being that only seemed human, but did not participate in the hardships of human passion. She would not have had to overcome anything, so where would her merit be? If you do not have any inclination towards sin in your nature, then where is the merit for not sinning? You're playing the game on easy, then. No, the Theotokos is a human just like us, but she is holier than any of us: for she has the same nature that we do, with the same hardships, with the same sorrowful inclinations, but she never gave in to them, not even in thought.

3. You do you, my brother.


Please forgive my Orthodox brothers and sisters for harassing you. Please forgive me


I have been a believer of Jesus Christ as LORD and saviour for about 4 years.

I believed what I read in the Bible, and I still do.

I believed what the Catholics taught me when I completed the RCIA program, because my Pastor has a love for God that amazed me. I no longer think Catholicism is correct.

I belong to a Reformed Protestant church because the love my brothers and sisters, at this church, have for God shows me that they love God. I am basically convinced that Calvinism is incorrect.

I am growing in belief that the Eastern Orthodox church is the Church that Jesus gave to the apostles for many reasons.

At the end of the day, I love God as much as I can with what He has shown me. I wish to love God more and more forever.

I love my brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of labels added on to Christ. If you love God, I love you as a brother or sister.

If you do not love God, I do my best to love you as Christ has commanded.

I only believe that if one does love God, they should continue to try to learn more about Him, in order to love Him more, no matter the consequences.

I pray that all of us know God in eternal life.


You know that Jesus wanted us to connect with Father through Him. His goal was not to make religion that will divide itself by people's personal beliefs and make more fights and wars than it should end. Everyone who judges others based on religion (especially their brothers in Christ) is not a true christian. Again, I'm not taking sides, just saying that connection with God is the only thing that is important, not religional separation


Reasons for me
1. Eucharistic Adoration, right there with you.
2. The Filioque. It feels like it’s downplaying the role of Christ in The Trinity to not say it, and it feels not quite like Arianism but more like Subordinationism a little bit, to purposely not say it and know better. Just my opinion. I think The Filioque is not only appropriated but needed in The Nicene Creed.
3. The immaculate concept, is also a deal breaker for me. Mary Mother of God was not only the Holy Mother of God, she was also full of Grace and born away of original sin. Through the immaculate conception. She is the Queen of Heaven who was assumed into Heaven, The Ark of the New Covenant, of which is her Son and alongside her Son our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ being the New Adam. Mary full of Grace, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven is also too the New Eve.
4. Papal Supremacy, I think Matthew 16:18 makes itself very clear. Aside from the outside documented history of the Papacy and among other verses, (Paul’s Epistles if you really want to dive into it)
5. Purgatory, which I’ve not really dived into, but still believe.


1) We also believe the Eucharist is the body a Christ. We may not have Eucharist Adoration service but we have our own practices of showing reverence to the Eucharist every liturgy. We take it very seriously.

2) We also believe Mary is sinless. We don’t believe in the immaculate conception because we don’t believe in Original Sin. We believe in Ancestral Sin meaning only the consequence of Adam’s sin affects us but we don’t have Adam’s sin that needs to be removed.

3) Catholics do the same thing, but you don’t let it stop you from being Catholic. So isn’t this a bit hypercritical?

I think if you don’t want to be Orthodox you can just say that instead of coming up with a superfluous list. If you enjoy the services more it’s better to say that, but at least go to our services and learn a bit more before making big claims about our beliefs. It was kind of disheartening to see the first two had misinformation and the last one Catholics also did.


please, forgive our Orthodox brothers and sisters who may have harassed you in this comment section, a lot of them can be like this


the last point isnt a very strong point. Ive seen Catholics mock the holy fire during our Easter. so Jerks are a universal issue.


Okay, so let me understand this: you put out a polemical video trashing Orthodox theology (by implication) and stating how superior Roman Catholic theology is on two points but then you say on #3 the equivalent of, "But you can't refute me on this so don't bother." Then why bother putting out the video? Basically, you want to poke the bear but then turn around and blame the bear when it gets angry and attacks you.


How was Mary, the beloved mother whom I respect, and love born without original sin? she was born like any other human, but Christ Jesus was not. I can agree that she turned away from sin but was not sinless.


The Virgin Mary the most obedient to God gave the Rosary to St.Dominic who is Roman Catholic. The Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe converted all of Mexico and South America to Roman Catholicism. The Blessed Virgin Mary helped France stay Roman Catholic as Our Lady of Lourdes. How about the crying Virgin Mary statue in Akita, Japan in which the church is papist. How about Our Lady of Las Lajas? Does orthodoxy have stats like that? Orthodoxy claims to be the true church of Jesus Christ but who owns the Holy Cross and Nails of Jesus?...Catholic Church. Who owns the crown of thorns?... Catholic Church. Who owns the Shroud of Turin?...Catholic Church. Who owns the veil of Veronica?...Catholic Church. Who owns the wedding ring of Mary(La Santa Anello)?...Catholic Church. Who owns the Holy House of Loretto(House of Mary and Joseph)?...Catholic Church. Where you at Orthodoxy? Show me.


1. we do its just a part of the liturgy not something different. Wasnt a part of the church of the first millenium no point to add it.
2. immaculate conception was also added very late
3. thats very sad

I love my catholic brothers but you dont have the fullness of the faith. love from Poland my friend


I came to Catholic from LCMS, and I just can't Catholic. Spidey senses for days.


1. Wrong
2. No Biblical evidence neither in Holy tradition for that claim,
3. No need to comment


Ooooof, should make another one "Why I'm not Christian". Orthodoxy is just RCC lite anyways.


Urnt catholic im telling u this in charity ur part of the novus ordo sect i suggest that u Google principal errors of vatican 2 and read it along with official documents it references to make sure errors of "v2" was already condemned by popes ... now since church is infallible u cant have popes teaching error and well they havent but u must recognize the vacancy


The idea that Mary was born without sin is entirely unbiblical
