3 Reasons to be Catholic (and not Orthodox)

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Michael Lofton shares his thoughts on choosing between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. He wrestled with this decision himself because he has been on both sides of the discussion. This clip was taken from the daily Catholic apologetics call-in show called Catholic Answers Live.

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I might've used AI for the thumbnail🤷‍♂


I need prayer, if you don't mind. I have a number of disabilities, and I also really want to get married as soon as I can. But my disabilities have left me dependent on other people, so I'm living with my parents, and my illnesses are also making it really difficult to find a job. Getting married sounds like something that won't be easy, and my circumstances have left me feeling pretty depressed. Prayer for courage, please. Thank you so much


In the Third Canon of the First Council of Constantinople, the Orthodox Church recognised the primacy of Rome while at the same time it attempted (and failed) to assert itself above the Apostolic Churches of Alexandria and Antioch. Those ancient Churches responded that they recognised the primacy of Rome not because it was declared by Constantinople but because it was affirmed by scripture.


Cradle Catholic here I will never leave my catholic faith


" _Cornelius [the Bishop of Rome from 251 AD] was made bishop by the choice of God and of His Christ, by the favorable witness of almost all the clergy, by the votes of the people who were present, and by the assembly of ancient priests and good men. Therefore, since the place has been occupied by the bishop's chair and by the presence of Peter, who is the first of the apostles and who holds the chief place in the Church, anyone who separates himself from the Church in this place [Rome] rebels against the ordinance of Christ_ " — Church Father Cyprian of Carthage


It is an ineluctable fact of history that there were occasions when heresies plagued the Eastern Church that fathers went to to Rome to get definitive decisions.


Christ established his church upon St Peter the first pope and gave him the keys to bind and loose. Early church fathers such as St Irenaeus stated to look towards Rome for matters in all things. Rome has always held supremacy historically.


I’m a 14 year old looking into either Catholicism or Orthodoxy. I am not convinced by this video. Ive talked to many Catholics about the pope, but it doesn’t feel right to me. Like every time I want to believe in the papacy, it gives me a bad feeling. Idk what to do and I want to adhere to Jesus Christ’s church. I am lost.


🛐🙏💯 Catholic 🗝️🗝️ Matthew 16:17-18-19) I know a ex Greek Orthodox family that Converted to the Catholic Church in my parish.🙏🙏🛐


I am catholic but orthodox brethren are our famaly too


All the Apostles are buried in Catholic Churches. The Eastern Churches have none. Why is that?


I feel Orthodox is more right than catholic or protestant..


Much love to my Orthodox brothers and sisters.


Easiest rebuttals to this ever.

1. “Sacred scripture wills it” - whose interpretation? Yours? EO certainly disagrees.
2. Refers to the “primacy” and not “supremacy” of the pope. A very old tried argument.
3. 1st council proclaims that the creed can never be changed and RC’s changed it.

I am surprised that this channel would even post this…


and now the so-called Orthodox will be flooding this video to blaspheme Mother Church. these eOrthodox are, after all, rapid


I was born and raised a Catholic and still am but let's just say that I decide to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. My ethnicity is not necessarily transferrable to any particular ethnic Church among the Orthodox. This means I have to pick a Church to join, but on what criteria? Some are in communion with some Churches and others are not. If I join the Greeks, I just need to get "re-chrismated" (which implies that my sacraments weren't valid, another issue), but if I become Russian, my baptism isn't valid. Historically, the Church has condemned the re-baptism of heretics, yet the Church that claims to be the most orthodox of them all and true to the Apostolic Faith created an innovation.


Surely the question isn't about whether Peter was first, or that he had a preeminence but whether the ecclesiastical structure around the Catholic church and the Papacy is correct. Did Jesus envision an imperial Papacy along the lines of the Roman Empire, which somewhat prefigures what we have today or a decentralised structure of apostolic churches held in communion together by the Pope?


Bendiciones, saludos desde Guatemala. Me gusta su programa


No thanks. i´v found my home. ☦
My beutiful and glourious Lord and savior, Jesus Christ wants me there, and it is all i´v looked for from the little i´v studied yet.
The Lord knows me perfectly, and i will obey with great joy.
Now i just have to find a church in my pagan nation.. Or i´ll build one.
God bless you all.


“The Pope is infallible.” Is one of the only deal breakers for me, guys.
