Why I Became Catholic Instead of Orthodox w/ Dr. Scott Hahn

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Dr. Hahn explains why it would have been easier, in some regards, for him to become Orthodox instead of Catholic. But also, why he just had to become Catholic anyway...



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Hugs from an Orthodox for all my Catholic brothers and sisters! :)


I am Catholic and I have lots of respect for my brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church.


I was raised and only baptized Catholic, later got lost in the world like most people do, then coming back to the Church I found myself searching for a more reverent liturgy so I was in between an Orthodox Church and an SSPX Church, the reason I didn't become orthodox was quite simple, all the Orthodox priests, deacons and laity spoke to me was how is it that Rome is wrong, how Rome do things incorrectly, how is it that Rome's theology is wrong ( they call our Church "Rome", at least here in Chile), and then when I went to the SSPX Church all they spoke to me about was Jesus, his Holy Mother, The Church, how to live as a catholic in this world...
Basically one Church told me how is it that the other is wrong and the other Church taught me about God and how to live as a Christian. I had my first Holy Communion, Confirmation and Got Married in the Catholic Church within a year from that experience.


Orthodoxy is not “ethnic” and there are no “denominations.” What there are, are different Archdioceses that, at least outside of America, operate in different languages for different cultures. Greek, Serbian, and Antiochian Orthodox Churches are not “different Churches” and a member of one may commune at any of the others because they are all part of the same united Body of Christ.


God bless my orthodox brothers, from a catholic. We are more alike than different


I have deep respect for both traditions and hope and pray for more unity between these beautiful ancient churches.


Ok, I too support a full length discussion on Orthodoxy and the Catholicism between you too. Most of us need that in our lives. Please and thank you. Thanks Matt for setting this up!!


Both churchs are real. They are on different traditions and liturgy, but are real churchs of God.


The Eastern Orthodox churches have the apostolic successions and are also very much closely aligned in theology and practice of Sacraments with each other and with the Latin Church, variation in cultural presentations have always been part of the Church, including variations in local traditions; this happens in the Roman Catholic Church as well to a certain degree, especially in contrast with the Eastern Catholic rites. I think the problem is just the Apostolic authority, which rightfully belongs to the successor of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome, which the Orthodox churches are not in full communion with; and also because the schism has occurred for a very long time, the "lost communion" time gap is huge and there are quite a number of things to be "synchronized" before full communion between Rome and Eastern Orthodox churches can be re-established. I think the division is more political and cultural than it is in matters of faith and life of the Church.
Just my own thoughts on the matter.


PLEASE do the episode you spoke of!
I love seeing the variety of Churches in full communion with Rome and the richness that results, but it would be very interesting to see an educated discussion on the proper boundries.


Growing up in a hippy bible church that grew up out of the Jesus revolution movement in the 70s I didn't even know what a Protestant was until I was around 18yrs old. I knew there were Catholics and from all that I heard is that they weren't saved and that they worshiped Mary and the Pope or didn't believe in the bible. When I wanted to be a pastor, I was involved with church plants and music ministry and eventually became a missionary. However, it was a Orthodox Priest I met named Father Lawrence that taught be about my bible, how it became the bible, as well as the Church Fathers. It was the seed that began to grow into my life that there was more to the body of Christ. Eventually, the hippy church and I parted way and I felt lost. I never felt like I fitted in and tried every denomination I came across. Until I went through a tragedy and ended up walking the Camino in Spain. At this time still very far from the Catholic faith. But I experienced a supernatural healing and a connection to my faith I began to fall in love with. My wife and I met at a charismatic protestant church which we both really loved, then the pandemic happened. I tried to become a pastor again and again, yet each church found ways to turn me away or ignore me. I felt lost again and wasn't sure what to do. My heart was to serve, and I had very it was to be a pastor. Then I learned about the term "Domestic Priest" from Fr. Mike and Jeff Cavins. I listened to the whole Bible in a Year podcast and felt hungrier than ever to learn more about the Catholic church. My wife and I are now on our road to Rome so to speak purposing in our hearts and lives to become Catholics. It's uncomfortable because most of our Christian family members have such deep (yet unfounded) prejudice towards Catholism. However, we are not deterred by this obstacle. Nor are we upset with all these wonderful at times or at least in their well intentions, protestant churches. I am happy to know that the calling of a Priest is chaste, poverty and obedience. There is a higher calling than that of a Domestic Priest. I am happy for this distinction. Because a Catholic Priest has a perspective that I do not have as they are living a life more set apart. This is not a hierarchy but a respect thing.


Please bring back this discussion. It is most crucial as a convert to Catholicism from Armenian Orthodox (American born). I can agree most with Dr. Hahn and especially on the issue of ethnicity. Again, bring him back because there are some issues among Orthodox pointing fingers towards the church of Rome or us saying they fell off from the true Orthodoxy. I know that's not true.


It seems ethnic because immigrants from Orthodox countries came to the United States and would form churches to serve their communities. Greeks and Russians also did not have the numbers to reinforce their presence early on(they already had come later than the Catholics), causing this ethnic, foreign feeling. The Churches reflected the people they mainly served, including having customs. Of course, there is a problem with how some stay in the Church more as an ethnic club than a Church, but that’s a problem with the individual, and not the Church.

Edit: Now I believe that the change that needs to be put in place is for the churches to return to Rome. I recant that previous opinion.


Please have him back for this conversation. I can't wait! God bless and keep up the hard work!


With respect, Dr. Hahn’s oversimplification of Orthodoxy as “ethnic” betrays his ignorance and thin experience. In America, a country of immigrants from multiple diasporas, Orthodoxy does have churches that are ethnically based (as do catholic parishes, synagogues, etc), but also the Orthodox Church in America and plenty of parishes that have less of an ethnic basis. He seems also to completely ignore the existence of African orthodoxy. There are Orthodox in Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya…also the Malankara in India, etc etc etc. The whole point of the body of Christ is that it is global, and will always take on the culture it emerges in. Hash it out about the filioque, but don’t indulge a stereotype because “you know a guy.”


I would not be Orthodox unless I was born into the nationality of one of the original Orthodox Churches. If you are, and that is your family and culture, God bless you. You are our brothers and hopefully we will all be one again soon.


can someone explain to him that the Orthodox churches are called Greek or Russian because they are located on the territory of Russia and Greece (roughly speaking, this is an administrative division ), not because it is a church for Russians or Greeks. For example the Russian Orthodox Church is native for two hundred nationalities(sorry for my bad english)


To be fair, a lot of the early churches were regional churches, in other words; ethnic. (by in large)


Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”


These two arguments are really not good. To an Orthodox, hearing this makes me more inclined to stay Orthodox because it tells me one of your best really has no idea what Orthodoxy is.

1. They aren’t ethnic churches. If they act too ethnic, it’s a negative tendency, but not what they are. They operate under different patriarchates or jurisdictions. Like how the first millennium church operated.

2. There are different ways one can understand a “sending.” Catholics use the shallowest understanding and fall into a word-concept fallacy. There is a sending in terms of temporal sending forth, an eternal procession, and there is a hypostatic origination. The Creed was in reference to the hypostatic origin, as the Fathers talk about how the Son is begotten vs the Spirit is spirated. The Filioque confuses the Son as a second cause of the Holy Spirit.
