What Happens To Your Body If You Skip Rest Days

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What Happens To Your Body If You Skip Rest Days
Curious about the impact of skipping rest days in your workout routine? In this video, we delve into the fascinating world of rest days and their crucial role in your overall fitness journey. Discover the importance of rest days for muscle recovery, especially for men over 50, and how they contribute to optimal muscle growth. We explore the benefits of rest and recovery, why rest days are important for men, and why they are essential for overall well-being. Don't miss this insightful discussion on the significance of rest days in maximizing your workout results and achieving your fitness goals. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind the power of rest days and their impact on your body's recovery process.

0:00 Intro
0:30 Increased Risk of Overtraining
0:57 Muscle Breakdown and Impaired Growth
1:26 Hormonal Imbalance
1:53 Decreased Performance
2:16 Increased Risk of Injuries
2:42 Mental Exhaustion and Burnout

#RestDays #Recovery #FitnessJourney #MuscleGrowth #WorkoutRoutine #WellBeing #MenFitness #Over50Fitness #ExerciseRecovery #OptimalPerformance #FitnessGoals #MuscleRepair #BodyRecuperation #RestAndRejuvenation #FitnessTips #RestAndRecovery #ExerciseRestDays #WorkoutRest #RestForMuscleGrowth
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A long time ago, I read in an article on the internet that our muscles are not developed when we are exercising. They are developed when we are sleeping. When we sleep, new neural connections are made in our brain. That's why rest is as important as exercise. That's why my exercise routine is 4 days a week, from Monday to Thursday. And then the next three days, from Friday to Sunday, complete rest. On Sunday, I do headstand with 30 deep breaths. Headstand every sunday.


I'm a gym addict, and it's sooo hard to take a rest day. However, I train really well after my rest days. On my rest days, I dream about lifting and psychologically feel a pump. 😊🏆💪🏿


Even for work we work Monday to Friday 9 to 5 but then our rest days from our work are 2 days Saturdays and Sundays. Same principle must be applied to bodybuilding or anything exercise related. Rest days in every aspect of life is needed.


OMG, I've skipped rest days. That's why my muscles grow so slow and i felt exhausted day by day. Thanks man❤


I'm stronger after rest days. This is true


I was just thinking if I should take a few rest days. Nice video, thank you


I'm 54 and have worked out off and on since I was 21. More off than on. Last October I lost total vision in my left eye due to diabetes. I have worked out consistently since March and changed my diet. I tend to work out every day for fear of old habits coming back. You know, one day off turns to a week, then a month. Before you know it you've quit altogether. I am forcing myself to rest today. I'm trying to stop the all or nothing routine.


I've been so exhausted from my 5-6 weekly workout that I'm feeling exactly like what this video said. I took a rest every after heavy duty workout. I'm so sore.


I have worked out before I got Covid & dont have that drive anymore but slowly getting back into it but when I did intense workouts, rest days was essential.


Take. 2 to 3 rest days a week watch how much muscle you put in. Well if your going for muscle building that is


I don't work out but my daughter challenged me And I was able to do two and a half minutes at 59 years old.


muscles need rest and recovery during workout and on off days. this will help your body get quality worksouts as well.


very important to get 2 to 3 rest days a week.


Do swimming require rest day? I swim daily for 40 minutes in a slow motion with a little break every lap. 40 minutes usually allow me 20 laps average. Beside swimming I brisk walk 70 minutes daily. Am 70. Am I overdo for daily walking and swimming?


Who's going to carry the boats and logs ? IYKYK


Great video, however I don't believe that rest days are actually required. Your body is pretty amazing and if subjected to continuous exercise it adapts. I recall reading about the 'Bow' effect and this explains how this occurs. i have also proved that it works. I did not know about the Bow effect when i decided i was just going to keep exercising - it was later that ioi read abouit it.
Probably reading this comment you will disagree with what i have just said and agree with your video that indeed rest is essential.

I'm over 50 - joined the gym 2 years ago, was 25kg over weight, poor health, low muscle mass high body fat 36%+, so many things wrong. In the space of 6 months - i turned around my weight problem dropping 20 kgs and reducing BF to circa 24%.

last year went to the gym 364/365 days (sounds impossible- but i did it) missed xmas day.
I went thru a 2 month period i was completly exhausted and everything you say in the video is correct - i experienced this, however - i came out the other side and reccovered stronger and far more energy and better health, fitter then before and more so then if i had of stopped and rested.

i developed my own training program that builds into the program 2 days rest within the program for the muscles that i have worked before they are worked again.
This allows me to train all muscle groups 2 times a week on average 18-20 sets per muscle group. i have lots of time in the evenings and would do between 60mins and 120 mins. I try not to go over 90 mins but it can be hard for me to puill muyself out of the gym at times. I like working out. I could easily wortk out over 120 mins a day and continue to go to the gym 7 days a week continuous. At this stage i find it easy. I'm in my 2nd year at teh gym and so far i have not missed a day.

i currently have a BF of 18% and on a bulk stage till Aug - where i plan to cut for a month.
So for the very few reading this - there is not much on continuous exercise out there - but from my experioence - it can be done and in my opinion is very rewarding. I have goone from what looked like a half dead old man 52 going on 70+ to a 52 yr old that feels like 40. I have a super amount of energy now and my concentration, focus, drive etc is all high. My health has never been better.

I think that continuous exercise has not properly been studied or trialled and without proper reaserch on it - i don't think we should just dismiss it as been all negative.
As noted above - if you try it - you will see - you will hit a plataeu and bottom out for a period. But your body will adapt and you wiill be a better, stronger more stamania version of yourself after you rise out of the plataue. I dont think you get the same from resting and exercising as i think when you rest you restore the energy max level that your body is set too. My not resting you are forcing your body to reset your max to a new higher max.

Perhaps in years to come you will see research to back up what i am saying here. This is not meant as a brag - i am writing the comment to enlighten people that feel they have to rest as they are always been told rest is essential, like in this video, I just wanted to share I have not rested and i am a better version of myself. If you dont want to rest it is very possible and there are really high rewards in my opinion. I will same it does take a lot of will power to go through the low sump you will get to after a few months in - but keep with it and you will come out the other side stronger, better, fitter version of yourself. Write a smart workout program for yourself and its very doable.


I trust the comments section rather than the actual video


If you’re new to exercising, remember that when you start, you don’t need to lift heavy weights. Focus on having good technique to avoid injuries and gradually lift more weight over time.


What do you guys this about my workout schedule? I do Push M, Pull T, Legs W, Push T, Pull F, Legs S, and then Core/Forearms S. I do not have a rest day but I do stuff I don't normally do yk? Is this fine?


I workout everyday. Resting is simply in between workouts! You rest when you go bed that night. Lol It’s amazing how far you can train your body and mind to progress. Push yourself and you too will be surprised!
