Infant hospitalized after consuming recalled baby formula

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Infant hospitalized after consuming recalled baby formula
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I pray that this sweet baby boy makes a full recovery.


Father God, please cover that baby and heal that sweetheart in Jesus name!


I'm so sorry for the babies and moms going through this. I exclusively pump and was going to stop because it's exhausting keeping up but I'll keep going after this. This is scary. 🙏🏾


Such a sad world we live in…literally poisoning these precious babies! I pray to god every baby will come out healthy and strong after this!


God watch over this sweet little boy as well as others who have been affected by this. Sending prayers for a quick recovery.


This breaks my heart. My second baby I lost my breast milk three months postpartum. Nothing would bring it back. I did lactation consulting, lactation cookies, pumping you name it. I had to put him on formula. It breaks my heart to hear this.


I'm delivering my little girl I'm just 11 days. I pray to The Most High that I can feed her naturally of my own milk. My heart aches for mothers who cannot breastfeed, and especially for these suffering babies. I pray this turns around.


Please moms, if you can breastfeed do it!! This is the time to make it a big priority for your baby.


To all of those who think moms are just lazy: I'm sorry but not everyone can breastfeed . My son is 1 yr and I've had supply issues due to my anatomy, he wouldn't latch well and breast pumps did not work for me at all. I've been hand expressing the entire year and barely get an oz out of both breasts each time. I wanted to breastfeed so badly, and its kind of frustrating because it sounds like a lot of people think EVERYONE is able to when thays not the case. I have tried so many of those bs tricks to get my supply to go up and they don't work .


Prayers up for this family, that’s heartbreaking. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Me and my wife welcomed our baby boy this past new years and we started him off on Similac as those were the 2oz bottles given to us by the hospital. We switched him to Enfamil gentle ease and kept him on it for about a month or so until we started noticing he would actually become more gassy than usual which didn’t make sense as the formula was supposed to help with gas. We ended up switching yet again but this time to a formula called “Bobbie” which is organic and modeled after breast milk and he has taken to it extremely well. If any new parents are looking into formulas I highly recommend Bobbie organic formula.


Poor lil’ angels, Gods gifts to us. 🙏🏻


Y’all newscaster don’t know what u talking about. Donor milk cost $20 per 4oz so help me do the math here. My son had same issue with similac and was hospitalized for almost a month, very scary and now he’s on Nutramingen. I will keep u in my prayers and please decree life over ur son and over his food. God lord Jesus is the helper and healer.


I'm so sad for these babies. I'm pumping and breastfeeding and it's a tough full time job in itself but I Def won't be stopping now. I'm actually building up my supply to donate a few bags a week because this is heartbreaking. Ladies if u can donate please do so these babies need us now more than ever


I am currently nursing and will continue to, to donate milk. These poor babies!


This formula is given to moms on WIC my son has been drinking it for months until I found out about the recall its so sad as if I and I’m sure other moms didn’t already feel bad about formula feeding due to decrease of supply :(


I think now is the time to connect with each because when it come to our children don't be neglected with formulas for babies it breaks my heart someone is not doing there job ladies stand up and be heard


When I did not make much milk my doctor gave me the ok to make my own formula. Mother's there is always another way. Goat milk is closer to human milk. I used goat milk powder, vit d for infants, muilt vit for infants, blackstrap molasses, nutritional yeast, and grade a maple syrup, it has to be pure maple syrup. I don't remember the measurements but there is countless blog posts on how to make your own. My child thrived on it and you know whats in it. Hope this helps someone 💗


My child has been drinking elecare since she was 2 months she’s 9 months now! In and out of the hospital. Every can she has ever eaten was contaminated!!! This is disgusting!! We need to be at the very least reimbursed because this is unacceptable! I was treated like a criminal by trying to return unopened cans with proof of purchase. I was humiliated in front of everyone at Walmart because no one believed it was recalled. They didn’t bother to even look it up. I was forced to go pick some random formula that my child cannot have instead of just getting me my cash refund


To anybody that’s going threw this give these baby’s carnation milk when there was no formula we grew up on carnations and you just dilute it with water just like the formula! Thank me later


☹️ that was the same formula I supplemented with my daughter. I cant imagine their pain. God bless this baby and his family.
