Should You Buy A Graphics Card Right Now Or Wait?

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With GPU prices continuing to stabilize, PC builders are left with a tough decision right now: should you buy a graphics card right now or wait for the next generation? After years of holding out you might be itching to hop on a GPU you've been eyeing forever. But by all indications, Nvidia and AMD aren't done releasing new graphic cards this year, including a possible new generation. In this video Keith weighs this decision, but what do you think?

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#GPU #Advice #GraphicsCard

00:00 - Intro
00:33 - Pricing Trends Recap
01:26 - How Long Have These Cards Been Out?
02:07 - Next-gen Around The Corner
03:20 - What To Do?!
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I'll say the same thing I always do when this question is asked; The best time to buy is when you can buy the parts that do what you want them to do *right now* for a price your comfortable with. If your always waiting for a better deal or the next big thing you'll be waiting till the end of time.


"If your are on a RX 480..." I feel called out, but if I am upgrading from my £200 card, it's going to have good value.


I’m sorry to say this because it is a very unpopular opinion… but the right moment to buy is when you feel to. If you want a new gpu now an can afford it, go ahead and buy. Yes it may block further discounts for others but at some point you have to look at yourself and do what you think is the right thing for you to do.
You have to learn what value something has for you. If there are two places to buy coffee, one is 1$/cup but crowded and you have to wait 15min and the other place is 1, 80$/cup but you don’t have to wait, I’ll go to the 1, 8$ place if time is important to me. Even if the coffee is 40% less tasty. Coming back to gpu’s: You have an old gpu, for example a GTX770 and want a 3080ti strix now for 1500$ and you can afford it, buy it. Yes maybe you can get your hands at a better 40xx for less money in October. But it would come with the cost of playing 6 months with you current gpu. And when it’s 2023 amd the situation looks good for 40xx series cards you can still sell your card and upgrade.


I have a feeling we will have a dejavú all over again when the new series GPU's are released.
I think the Miners / Scalpers are waiting to get their hands on the new series cards :)


If my local PCworld store actually had ANY graphics cards in stock, that'd be a good start. :)


been waiting for a few months to put together a new high end PC, am now am ready to wait a few more months if I have to. Not buying anything above MSRP!


$430 for my 5700XT was hard enough for me to pay, plus another $130 for a water-block. I'm not paying what they're asking for a 6800XT or 3080. I'll give up gaming first.


I still have my i5-4690K GTX 960 SSC. But it's been nearly 8 years since I last build one and I feel exciting to build another. Recently I want to play Elden Ring but my PC doesn't seem to reach minimum system requirement. If I go now, maybe I will have a PC that can play all the current AAA games instead of feeling a bit frame drop here and there. Also with RGB, the next build would look much prettier. My SSDs, case, and power supply still in good condition so I can cut some cost not buying them. The only thing else I need is a good monitor to replace my recently broken one.
And then after that maybe in the next 4 years I will build another one.
Or I will wait longer and I starting to feel more impatient while not so sure whatever or not I will get scalped.


I've historically always had really good luck with selling my old gpu right before a new line launches. I Sold my GTX 760 for enough to get a GTX 970 for a heavily discounted price, I sold my 970 for enough to get a good deal on a GTX 1080 TI, so I figured I'd keep that lucky streak going. Before the RTX 3000 series and RX 6000 series launched, used GTX 1080 ti's were going for about $450-500. I figured I would undercut them to guarantee a quick sale, and sold my 1080 ti for $400, which meant I was only going to "theoretically" pay about an extra $180-200 to upgrade to an RX 6800. Biggest mistake of my life. I've been scraping by on a backup GTX 750 ti just waiting for things to at the very least reach msrp. They're closer to MSRP, but a majority of things are still selling new for above msrp. On the one hand, I've made it this long it's hard to not want to wait for the new gen of cards, but on the other it's scary to think if they encounter the same level of shortages/scalper problems.... I'd hate to go another 2 years with this 750 ti lol


I still have a msi hd 6450 everything runs in windowed mode with low


I5 4460 and r9 380 here. I have completely given up on even trying to run anything released after 2019. I have this setup since 2015 and will probably upgrade when the next generations drop. My problem is that i will have to essentially build a whole new pc because nothing is compatible with my current motherboard and I can't just buy a new card .


GTX 1080 Ti owner here — I've been just fine for the last 5 years at 1440p. Still playing games on ultra and high.


As a long term ITX builder …. and able to get MSRP / close to on RTX3000 series gpus in my builds …. I’m staying on my current GPU lineup for a little bit as the rumoured RTX4000 series are going to need a nuclear reactor psu to run them which is making it harder for many higher-end ITX builds to occur without going to SFX-L 1000w gpus! If SFX-L can’t get to at least 1200w … then SFX in general may go way of the dodo or go more th3 budget route as high end gpus will need 1) powerful psu 2) generally 3 or 4-slot design to dissipate heat 🤕🤯🫣. Food for thought 🧐


True, I am still holding on to that "hall of fame contender", the 1080 ti. Although, I'm not really laughing all the way to the bank. I know these things fail eventually.


I've been with my 980 for 6 years, that beast still runs everything I want it to run just fine


If you need a card and you find something that fits your needs at a reasonable price, buy it. But, if you don’t need a card or yours can last a while, wait for the new line ups before upgrading


I’d probably say it’s building a new PC not to sure what’s in store with either to wait longer for prices to drop significantly or buy now while prices are dropping. Thanks for the thoughts tho.


I'm gonna wait. I'm still on a Vega 56, gaming at 1440p and it still holds up. Most games I can hit 60 with high settings and even some better optimised ones like Resident Evil 8 I can get 80 - 100 with settings maxed out at 1440p. I usually don't like upgrading often since it feels like a waste but i think the 7000 series might be where I buy something new since we'll start having next gen games coming to PC and buying 6000 at this point would be great but I can hold out. Likely aiming for something like a 7700XT.


I mean. my 1080 still pretty much plays every game I want so I'm in no rush. maybe I'll snag a 20 or 30 series when they go on sale.


GTX 1070 owner here, I've been just fine for the last 6 years at 1080p. Still playing games on ultra and high
