KingdomCraft: Why I'm not an Evangelical

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Honestly I grew up in a conservative evangelical family, and it took me forever to eventually find Traditional Catholicism and Protestantism, and I began to study more, and I am now an Anglican, and honestly my parents were so opposed to science that they never even took me to the dentist, or to the doctor.


I'm brazilian. I was raised evangelical, but I think the same things about the movement. now I want to go to a traditional church here in Brazil. I'm studying and maybe become a Lutheran. Your videos helped me. thank you very much.


As a hardened Evangelical Christian, i think you are correct with the issues with the movement. And I do believe our fear of "liberal" ideology is a big reason the Church is dying in the west. However I also belive that sound doctrine is incredibly important. And in the modern-day day we are seeing Mainline Church leaders compromise our Faith to fit the Leftist Religion of Self we see in society rather than teach true Bible and true doctrine. Im glad your personal Church still holds to sounds doctrine. But as you stated in your 95 theses video, many mainline Church leaders allow blatant heresy to run rampant in there congregations. That is why I remain a fervent Evangelical. I guess I'm just fighting for our isolationist mindset to change into true evangelism.


I think evangelicals deserve some credit for keeping Christianity visible and thriving in their own way. Believing the Bible and being distrustful of academics may be cringe but it seems like their instincts were in the right place even if they went overboard on certain issues. Retaking the cities for Christianity is a great lofty goal but I find it hard to blame someone trying to raise a Christian family running away from the cities and joining a rural church.


im an evangelical and my church is super charismatic, today i went to a reformed church and it was very interesting how similar it is to catholicism in terms of tradition. i guess i like that. it’s always interesting to see how different the body of Christ is


As someone from a very rural area, cities do not influence us except in the form of aversion. What we see in cities, we want less of in every sense. Friggin’ hate big cities. They’re full of


By the way, I've lived my whole life in California where the so-called "Jesus movement" got it's start and same thing with Pentacostalism and I think Calvary Chapel - so I will say this that it was through this charismatic evangelicalism that I, an economically-left, pot-smoking, acid-dropping, coastal college boy first understood the gospel first hand in defiance of my firmly non-religious parents, and was for precisely this reason: that these movements (particularly the West Coast charismatics) based their whole identity on welcoming the kid with long hair and sandals who was often scorned by traditional protestants but, ironically, looked externally a lot more like Lord Jesus Christ and His impovershed fisherman disciples than the attendees of a mainline Protestant church looked like. The evangelicals are masterminds of, well, evangelism. The irony is that once he becomes a Christian, the newly-evangelized often becomes interested in theology and history and quickly leaves the movement for a more intellectual tradition such as Orthodoxy or Reform-ism.


What's this? A level-headed, reasonable take on the whole evangelical vs mainline, religion vs science debates?? Heresy!!!


thanks for this video, as an evangelical i’ve found myself believing a lot of dumb things, starting to break from that partly thanks to your channel


I will say, i trust the scientific method. But I absolutely do not trust the scientific community after going through college.


I just go to a Baptist Church cause it's familiar as I was born southern Baptist in Texas. And I would consider myself an evangelist considering it was decreed by Jesus to go into the world and preech the gospel to every creature.


That's not really how all evangelicals behave but broadly I see your point.


I was raised as a fundamental Baptist.

I’m now an Eastern Orthodox Christian.


I find that before a certain decade, what we now think of as "Evangelical" (or neo-evangelical) had constituency within the Mainline bodies: charismatic Episcopalians, Billy Graham telling people to find established churches post conversion etc etc

This is in distinction to the later neofundamentalism which overtook large swaths of the Evangelical tradition in the coalition of the Christian Right. After that point, the lines were more rigidly drawn between conservative Evangelicals (politically and theologically) and progressive Mainliners (politically and theologically).


"You shall know them by their fruits"
The protestant reformation created the 'churches' that don't even believe in the resurrection, as well as all sorts of other lunacy that seems to constantly spring forth from them.
That's why I'm comfortable being catholic, even if the current pope says some things that sound dangerously close to heresy. The trad-catholics and the more liberally minded catholics still agree on what matters most. My priest has given a lot of sermons recently on "leaving your flags at the door", warning against choosing to attend a church that just aligns with your political values. I'm pretty traditionalist myself, but I'm proud that my church won't let that tear us apart. We are the one Catholic and Apostolic church, and that becomes more and more clear to me the more I study it. Jesus gave a special responsibility to Peter, and the Papacy is the continuation of that responsibility.


I think their eschatology could've influenced their decision to leave the mainline churches 🤔
Also I don't think being against (theistic) evolution equates to being against science. I'm not convinced of the YEC position anymore, but you can think evolution is wrong without being against science.


The conservative evangelicals did run away, but they didn't hide, they separated themselves from the mainline. I live in a rather large city and even when traveling across the nation can find at least one fundamentalist (conservative evangelical) church where ever I go, and the places I go are not rural. That isn't to say that there is _only_ one per state (because I live in the U.S.), the place I live has around 10 big fundamentalist churches (btw, this is not in the bible belt).


Mr. Redeemer we really need you at the Presbyterian Church of India, the largest Reformed denomination in India. My church is not liberal but it has deviated so much from reformed theology and is so much influenced by the evangelical movement that it has practically become an infant baptizing Baptist church at this point. No tradition, low church, no reverence of sacraments. I think there is a tendency among Presbyterians in general to become more Baptist everywhere around the world.


There’s one thing I would argue, but first. This is all really informative and helpful, I’m chocked at how much you know considering that you’re probably close to my age.
But again, there’s one point that I would argue against and it’s that we oppose science, evolution primarily. Evolution is entirely opposite to the doctrine of the Bible and is poison to the gospel.
Believing that man evolved from the ape which (eventually) evolved from single called organisms goes against Genesis where God made *Humans* male and female.
Also believing that God could use evolution for creation would put millions of years of death and disease before the fall of man.
This would mean that death doesn’t come as payment for sin, but rather predates it and therefore would make the death of Jesus meaningless because he our sin doesn’t give us the death sentence.


i grew up in one of the few evangelical churches in europe and i cant stop watching this video since it perfectly sums up everything i didn't like about my church. i am protestant now
