KingdomCraft: Why is Christianity the correct religion?

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My video on how we can know God exists can be found here:

The first song is the music for Psalm 124 of the Genevan Psalter by Claude Goudimel. The lyrics to that can be found here:

The rest of the music is written by me.
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You my friend are quickly becoming one of my favorite channels on YouTube. Keep it up. I loved your summary of each book of the Bible. Great work and God bless


I believe this is the topic where apologetics, specifically the historical claims of Christianity, can be important. When many of the historical claims of the Bible- including its miracles- can be backed up, it means the religious claims of Christianity are also likely to be true. And Christianity makes the claim it is the exclusively true religion, leaving no true room for pluralism.


I'm not so sure. I feel like a lot of these points only hold up if you look at this from a Christian perspective. Like the point about Christ being the remedy to the natural evil inherent to humans. This in of itself is a Christian problem. Original sin is a concept that exist exclusively within the realm of Christianity and is not explored by religions like Islam. As such, I feel these critiques, while educational when pertaining to Christianity, simply do not apply to other religions.


i was hoping your points would be a bit more objectivity based but unfortunately your arguments are mostly just circular reasoning. this video is less “why christianity is real” and more “why christianity is better”. as a christian, i still agree with some of your views but i don’t think these arguments would convince non believers.


My man taught me Minecraft architecture AND apologetics. W


1. Claiming that Christianity is correct simply because it embodies the properties of Christianity is a fallacious argument. It essentially amounts to saying, "My religion is the best because it is mine."

2. Christianity being touted as the best solution to the problem of evil is unfounded. Even if it were the most compelling solution known to humanity, it wouldn't automatically make it the true solution. Moreover, what makes it the best solution? Is it solely because of Christ? (see point 1)

3. You mention that the central event of Christianity, the resurrection, is a falsifiable miracle. How exactly is the resurrection falsifiable? You have failed to provide any evidence to support this assertion. Additionally, even if it were falsifiable, the burden of proof still rests on you. Can you provide any convincing evidence that supports the claim of Christ's resurrection actually occurring?


Hinduism just left the chat the moment you said that "Jesus is the only truly man and truly god" 😶


“I think through nature and logic and reasoning we can come to a sense of monotheism” that reminded me about a book I’ve read by an Islamic philosopher called, “Hayy ibn yaqzan.” That’s basically the gist of it cause it’s about a guy who’s raised on a deserted island who comes to that conclusion but later becomes disillusioned after meeting with religious figures later in the book. I apologize if I’ve misrepresented it at all it’s been years since I’ve read it but I thought that was pretty neat.


Really good video, I was actually planning on making a video on this topic and you pretty much mentioned many of the same points that I was going to make. I did however made a video on my channel called "The Gospel Explained" using some of the points you have made. I create animations on dreams to do my videos, kind of how you use Minecraft to make your videos. Keep up the good work dude.


There are two main reasons as to why I believe in Christianity and believe that Christianity is the only correct religion:

1. The Christian God is the only god who can make true, genuine, accurate prophecies that were actually fulfilled. The Bible contains many fulfilled prophecies. Like, Daniel 11 predicts hundreds of historical events hundreds of years before their fulfillment in great detail and accuracy, and Ezekiel 26 predicted the destruction of Tyre, which really happened. Moreover, there are also hundreds of Messianic prophecies in the OT that all lead to Jesus. No other religion has these kinds of fulfilled prophecies.

2. The Christian God is the only god who can raise people from the dead. There is a lot of strong and solid historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ. Like, the resurrection of Christ has multiple eyewitness accounts; all of the four gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, claimed that Jesus rose from the dead after He died on the cross and was buried. The apostles were also killed for spreading the Gospel of Jesus' resurrection, and it has been historically confirmed that Jesus was buried in a tomb and that the tomb was empty.


Follow you on Instagram. Now I found you had a YouTube channel. God bless and thanks for your work.


Can you do a video about religious anxiety/ religious OCD?


That's not really an accurate description of


I mean these (especially the first two) might be reasons as to why Christianity would be the best option if it were true but are they arguments as for why it's true? Is/Ought problem and all that...


Christianity is the only "religion" where you don't have to earn salvation. It futile to try to "prove" why we're "right", because many people want to be their own gods, they won't accept any "evidence".


"Had there been within them [i.e., the heavens and earth] gods besides Allāh, they both would have been ruined. So exalted is Allāh, Lord of the Throne, above what they describe." Quran 21:22


The video is great.... but basically 99% strawmans of other religions.

1) Many religions have some form of God incarnate, either explictly or in a language that may lead us not to see it:
- Hinduism has the concept of avatars, who are deities incarnate. Each deity is a manifestation of the one God, making the avatars an incarnations of the one God. There are countless supposed Avatars even in the present century many of which are claimed to have performed miracles. The purpose of their descent is generally to enlighten and guide humans, spiritually and ethically.
- Buddhism has the concept of non duality where the Buddha (and anything else) is one with the buddha body. While the Buddha body is generally not referred as God, that is because it is alwais experienced and described in first person: any enlightened person realised to be one with the body of infinite creation... which other religions may call God.
- Shamans in indigenous societies, "die" into the infinite, and realise their union with the whole.

2) Your point about "solving the issue of evil" in buddhism is also a strawman. It's not that buddhists "accept" evil. They understand that suffering comes from illusion, and that by dispelling this illusion in one's own mind we can dispel suffering. Accepting reality as it is, is one part of that dispelling of the illusion... but it's a process that is inherently transformative. As people attain a more proper view of reality they also act more sanely, transforming material reality and not just their own mind. The whole point of the Bodhisattva vow is to try and help all beings be relieved from suffering.

3) The idea that the resurrection is falsifiable is really odd. How can i prove that the disappearance of a body is the product of divine reincarnation? Even if it is potentially falsifiable it still needs to be proven outside of faith or circumstantial evidence.

Trinitarianism is a concept that can be found in almost major spiritual traditions. This is one of the best examples of trying to recognize three main "domains" that all build up to one:


You calim christian things and than "prove" christianity. Lol
Why does a god need to want to destroy evil without destroying humans?
You need to answer this first before you can come with your argument.


What do you think it means for something to be falsifiable?


Mashallh brother u know how to build castles
