Real Reason China Ended ONE CHILD Law

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China committed to a strict One Child law for over 3 decades, but the repercussions of constricting the population have come back to haunt the nation as it looks ahead to the future. Find out the real reason China was forced to end this controversial law.

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This policy is the definition of "congratulations, you played yourself"


Modern youth in China also holds a lot of resentment towards older generations. There’s a lot of inter-generational trauma passed on from the cultural revolution and the one-child policy made everything worse. Think about it: a single kid inherits the trauma, hopes, and dreams of at at least six individuals, with all the socio-economic pressure to match. To say we have mental health issues is an understatement.


Killing off the one child that actually 'creates' the child should have been an obvious clue that this wasn't gonna work


Who else is glad to be out of this mess! 😅

I was born in the 2000s as a girl, so my parents left me at the porch of an orphanage. I don’t care about any of my roots, nor have I bothered to learn mandarin.


My cousin’s cousin was an abandoned baby girl that was picked up off the side of the road by her now parents who were infertile and unable to carry their own. The wounds of one child policy run deep and their scars are super visible today.


It’s disastrous. It’s now one young fella taking care of 6 old people in China now. They are even trying to encourage childbirth and weddings in China through Chinese social media now


Nobody gonna point out they kidnaped the Infographics narrator?


Immigration is definitely not an option for China. For one, the CCP has stoked a deeply nationalistic, xenophobic mindset in the population for decades, and even if it hadn't, the Chinese population is so ethnically homogenously Han, that at least from a sociocultural perspective, immigrants will always be viewed as outsiders no matter how long they live in China. This is reinforced by the fact that immigrants to China have virtually no path to citizenship, have little to no access to social welfare and other socioeconomic programs, can't own residential property, can't start and own a business, and are generally viewed with suspicion by authorities.


Developing governments need to realize they don't need to actively try to decrease the birth rate. If the standard of living improves, it becomes more expensive and more expensive to raise kids. This in itself causes people to raise less kids.


I have a cousin who is an only child, and she's always been envious of me who had six other siblings. She ended up having five children I had none. 3 out of 6 of my siblings had children, but only two. I think that's ideal because it's pretty lonely being an only child


It was even worse, as at one point it was decided to do a “100 days with no birth” in some parts of China…..with little warning, and this was brutally enforced despite the fact that some were far along in the pregnancy.


The Consequences of one child policy is not only lower populations but criminal cases of child and wife kidnapping. I read a case of a woman kidnapped by a whole village. She gave birthed to 4 children before she runs away. She regretly leave behind her children. She was treated like an animal. China is also famous for Children kidnapping


it probably isn't the biggest problem, but only having one child led to their parents spoiling their children like crazy resulting in arrogant monsters


Ermmm.... In Chinese culture it's estimated that the WOMEN take care of the older generations as well as take care of the kids... Mens only "obligation" is to earn money, but nowadays a single income isn't enough to sustain a family, so many women just opt out of the entire family making thing since they will be the ones doing 75% of all work.


I was actually a product of this law. I was born in YuYang, China. I bare no I’ll feelings against my biological family because they did what they needed to and did it in a way that gave me a better future than I would’ve had if they had just hid me.


Also I think so many people grew up where everyone had no siblings. And single children grew up in the mindset that this is the norm. Having more than one kid might sound strange. Not all of them probably. But I assume so.

People can't afford one kid or even themselves and a potential spouse. Let alone 2 or more kids.


Then: you are not allowed to have more than 1 kid
Now: you are not allowed to have below 1 child


Nice but now no normal Chinese family can pay for more than one Child, you cant force people to have more children than they can affort.... This only works with love and fair wages....


To illustrate how economic development naturally leads to smaller families, let's use my family as an example. My paternal grandparents had 7 kids, my maternal grandparents 5. Of their children, my parehts' generation, none had more than 2. Only 1 person in my generation has 3 and that was because he had 2 daughters and wanted a son.
Why? Well, most live in Korea and the country has experienced *massive* economic growth in the 75 or so years since my parents were born. The cost of living and of raising a kid has also skyrocketed. People just can't afford to have large families anymore.
The government never implemented draconian population control measures like China did. Turns out, they didn't need to. Now the country's birthrate is too low and the population is rapidly aging and shrinking. Same is true in Japan.


Problem now is that the younger generation thinks having children is very expensive and due to the economic situation....
