The REAL Reason China’s Economy Is in Crisis Mode

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China's dollar woes have jumped in recent months, so much that they've come out of the eurodollar shadows enough to impact the onshore banking system in an unexpected way. Foreign holdings of negotiable bank CDs have exploded. We'll discuss what that means and how it relates to China's dollar shortage and the surprise set of rate cuts announced by the PBOC earlier today.

Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis

Bloomberg Global Funds Pile Up Nearly a Trillion Yuan of China Bank Bonds

Bloomberg China Surprises With Rate Cut After Xi’s Big Meeting Disappoints

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In light of the ongoing global economic crisis, it is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. This includes exploring opportunities in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the challenging economic situation, it remains a favorable time to consider these investments.


We can all agree that Jeff is running out of USD


Every crash/collapse brings with it an equivalent market chance if you are early informed and equipped, I've seen folks amass up to $1m amid crisis, and even pull it off easily in a favorable economy. Unequivocally, the bubble/collapse is getting somebody somewhere rich


Thanks Mate, the sad truth is that no one has a clue, we all react to what happens as it happens and try to analyse it but can’t predict an iota of what is going to unfold in the markets… content creators are like amplifiers, when times are good they affirm it and try to tell you why it’s good and that it’s looking bullish but then all of a sudden the market turns bearish and everyone affirms it again and try to analyse why… it’s so sad that many are so powerless and it's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady during trading...managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 19Bitcoin in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Kerrie Farrell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape....


I always turn to this channel when I have trouble sleeping or when I need a good laugh.

China do not have a dollar shortage., it has too much of it due to the huge trade surplus and the problem is how to get rid of it quickly before it loses its value.


Not only does China have a trade surplus, but also it has a positive Net Investment Position (NIP), so it owes less to others than others owe to China. US on the other have have not only the trade deficits, but a NEGATIVE NIP. As always, Jeff doesn’t know what he’s talking about with regards to China. China has more dollars than it has the use for.


China no more. India, Mexico and Japan are rising super fast. As a trader i've seen this trend for 5 years actually, but never seen a boost like this in this recent year.


Why can't China sell bonds to cover the shortage of dollars, isn't that the point of reserves?


Happiness is the key 💯, God is the greatest and I will continue serving him till I'm no more. Having a fresh 23k coming every week ain't a joke. I can help out now and support the Lord's work❤❤❤❤❤❤😊


Mutli-billionaire investor Ray Dalio: "The US is now a terribly indebted poor nation that thinks it's still a rich nation. China is the world's biggest creditor nation and a rich nation that thinks it's still a poor nation"


This is my favorite channel. Despite the dip in crypto. I still thank you for the level headed financial advice I started crypto investment with $7, 500 and since following you for few weeks now, l've got 25k In my portfolio. Thank you so much mrs Elizabeth Slone


Oh Jeffiboy here you go again with your CNA inside info, haha
Great source you have CNA


The sale of cheaper subscriptions, in the context of this video, would mean there is a whole lot of crap you can't sell, so you have to cut the price. Isn't that what you are saying about the dollar have a personal dollar shortage because you have found all the suckers and now in order to obtain more suckers you have to go down the economic scale?


China will not shortage of dollar because China surplus trade with US about 435 billion dollar in 1st half 2024 .


Jeff's "Anniversary", a look back:

A year filled with failure. Faulty "analysis", silly face clickbait filled with stuff hitting the fan, major warnings, crisis after crisis, fear, panic, distress, desperation, and just outright nonsense with markets at all time highs.

Day after day Jeff attempts to run his Confidence Trick on the naive; hoping to get a few marks to pay him two grand a year for his "analysis" so he can use their money to fund his losses. After all, he's right and everyone else is wrong LoL.

Thanks again for being on the other side of the Short TLT/Long TBT trade, much obliged.


(1) Liquidity has no Price!!! (2) Confidence!!!! (3) Flight to Quality!!!! Remember that!!!!


The funny thing is, the CCP says it doesn't want to do business in dollars, but in yuan. However, all their lending under their flagship BRI program is in dollars.


Where can I find the premium that China is paying for dollars? Where is that shown?


China has annual trade surpluses of over 1 trillion dollars and about a trillion in reserves in the Chinese central bank'. there's no shortage of green bills there.


*Amazing video, you work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires*
