Pelagianism a Christian Heresy

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For an opposing point of view about Pelagianism and the teachings of Pelagius, I recommend:

Also the text by Dr. Ali Bonner as follows : (Accessible by subscription only).
The Myth of Pelagianism. By ALI BONNER
Published: 10 December 2019
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Baruk Haba Bashem YAHUWAH RAPHA NISSI ELOHAI TSEVA’OTH!!!! Shalom Mishpacha.


I was convinced that we are born absolutely innocent whilst viewing a baptism, this small child had the glow and happiness of Heaven in its face and eyes....and I thought, absolute purity! The World works its ways on all of us, hence sin.


From a very early age (even I think when I was enrolled in catechism) I quietly thought that the doctrine of Original sin was the silliest doctrine put forth by Judeo-Christianity.
Either we have absolute free will to sin or not to sin (Pelagianism) or we have no free will at all (Calvinist side with Pelagius in that we are each capable of manufacturing our own fall, and not beholden to Adam or Eve for our removal from God's presence.


I am inclined to think that the book of James is as close to Pelagianism as the scripture can get in one book. I am also thinking parts of Hebrews too. Not so much the Judaizers aspect but the works part of Palagious.


I, like Pelagius, can envision a human, with the right and exceptional upbringing, remaining pure or almost pure of sin....such as young men and women being raised in holy seclusion of a monastery, or may be some examples from amongst the we have at least two literary examples in Sir Galahad and Sir Percivale from the Arthurian all of us can envision this sort of moral standard.


Augustine lied about Pelagius. Pelagius did not believe what Augustine said about him. Augustine tried to smear Pelagius's reputation. You should do your homework.


I'm inclined to agree with Augustine that Pelagius was an enemy of the grace of God. I think of these scriptures: "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." "God has concluded all men under sin that he may have mercy on all." and "The Lord's delight is in them that fear him - that trust in his mercy." This concept would seem to be borne out by Jesus himself when he even refused to call his human self good: "Why callest thou me good? The idea that God's ultimate concern is the good behavior of his creatures seems pretty ludicrous in view of the way he worked out his plan of salvation.


Have you read Pelagius or are you simply basing you answer on Wikipedia? I teach research skills to college students, and I will not let the use Wikipedia because this site is untrustworthy.
