F4F | William Hinn's Pelagian Heresy Paloooza

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Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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He said he’s “so tired of hearing about the devil in church.” I’m so tired of hearing the devils in the pulpit!


He might be a Hinn, but Costi came out and was truly saved. Let’s pray for him. ❤️


When preachers say they are sinless I just wonder how sinful they really are.


I'm in Houston. We barely have stars anymore because of all the city lights. The northern lights are something I've always wanted to see in person. That picture is so beautiful! What an amazing God we have that He would give us such awe inspiring displays of His majesty.


Haha! Ol’ Billy Hinn should’ve known that Chris Roseborough - Pirate Christian Captain- would be able to call him out on nautical nonsense! Seriously though, it’s not Aesop’s fables: this really happened. Jesus slept safe and sound, knowing that His hour had not yet come. The Galilean Times headline was never going to read, “Son of Man Dies in Tragic Boating Accident!”.


William hinn: ‘Jesus said to the storm you’re better than this, you’re liftink’


Him: “Sin in this house better be a non-issue”
My response: “ What do I do when I, a sinner saved by grace, sin today?”


I absolutely love it when you go through Scripture and the original Greek and Hebrew! And thank you for being very blunt and forthright in this video. I'd rather trust in the perfect life and sacrificial death of Christ than in people like Todd White and William Hinn or, even worse, my own ability to not sin! :)


Being a false teacher must be an absolute headache because you always have to twist scripture out of context, spin it and do some gymnastics


It’s worldly - the world changes definitions of words all the time!


Thank you Chris. I've been really struggling with whether or not I am saved. On a conscious level, I understand I am a sinner saved by grace, and that I am declared righteous by God through Jesus. I have said all the right words and thought I believed Jesus, but my walk has revealed what my heart truly believes - that I am suppose to be perfect in order to please God. I didn't get it until you described the despair the Pelagian heresy leads to. I've been truly depressed, even suicidal, over this.

Jesus lived the perfect life God requires. I can rest in His perfection.. And His perfection satisfied God. "It is finished."

Jesus has also made the way for me to be able to ask God for forgiveness when I do sin. He is the way. I don't have to be perfect; Jesus already is...and was...and always will be. Therefore, to HIM be the glory forever and ever 🙏

Only The Holy Spirit could reveal my sin to me as well as the lies of Satan. I don't have to be perfection to others; I can simply point them to Christ.

Thank You, Father for not letting me go. Thank You for walking with me during this very dark time and leading me into Your Light. Thank You, Jesus for being all that I am not and for letting me truly rest in You and all that You have done for us. Thank You Holy Spirit for guarding me and for teaching me through this dark valley. In Jesus' blessed Name Amen


Wow, he can’t even read what the Bible says????

The bullpen wowing doesn’t help 🤦🏽‍♀️ this is so sicken!


"The storm heard the voice of it Creator"
Amen .


Harry Ironside did a wonderful job of refuting this bad "sinless perfection" doctrine in his little book titled Holiness: The True and The False. He points out the root problems of this teaching.


I must say Chris you are a masterful teacher, I thank God for you I give God all the glory for what he's taught you and your faithfulness to Proclaim it, thank you and God bless you always.


So thankful for your wisdom, honesty and teaching!


After watching this, I've left a voicemail for Mr. Hinn's people to offer up my username.


A church I attended years ago had this weird doctrine of “sanctification” that I had never run into before in other churches. They believed in what they called a, “second work of grace” through which one would become sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and after which one would be magically immune to temptation and cease to sin. As Chris describes, this set up a class system in the congregation wherein the “sanctified” were at the top and the merely “saved” were at the bottom. Periodically someone would be promoted to the glow-in-the-dark “sanctified” class, largely by self-proclamation and the making of a public confession of same in front of the congregation. Generally, only the “sanctified” were asked to serve as elders or leaders of important groups, such as adult Bible study or counseling (any old unsanctified slob could take the helm with the youth group, hospitality team or help out in the nursery, of course). I didn’t have the theological chops to challenge this heresy and to have done so would have basically meant leaving, which I eventually did.

One interesting side effect of this belief is that whenever someone who had been deemed to be “sanctified” was caught committing a sin, the explanation was that they were really never truly sanctified in the first place. Or, they’d re-define what constitutes “sin.” For example, if someone was caught looking at porn, they’d say that that wasn’t really a class-1 sin, just a minor blip on the sanctification radar. Eventually this led to anything less than devil worship or openly consorting with hookers being assigned to the “it’s not really sin” category (I exaggerate, but you get the jist).


I think this is a case of "wrong-a-gesis"


Ahh yes! “Epi- Tomahoh”, I am familiar with the injectable tomato.
