Does Alcohol Make You Fat?- Thomas DeLauer

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Does Alcohol Make You Fat?- Thomas DeLauer

It may not be the actual drinking that causes the weight gain, but something entirely different.
Essentially, when your body sees alcohol, it begins to metabolize it as a poison. Which means it prioritizes how it metabolizes it. This process causes your body to focus efforts on metabolizing the acetaldehyde and the other toxic components of alcohol and not focus on metabolizing food. This can lead to weight gain, fat gain, fatigue, nausea and a multitude of other performance busting symptoms.

I encourage you to watch this video all the way through as I show you how you can keep alcohol from causing an uncontrollable amount of weight gain. Some of these tips can also help increase your tolerance to alcohol if you are responsible :)

More tips on my FB as well at:

See you soon!

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I have always been skinny / slim . Lately I’ve been drinking a lot of wine i eat pretty much the same and do about the same amount of physical activity but I always look super bloated and have put on so much more weight. I don’t even recognize myself. Mentally I’ve been struggling with letting drinking go because it’s become a comfort and stress reliever to have some wine. But I want to look and feel like myself again.


Eating high-carb food (rice puffs) with alcohol? Sounds like perfect recipe for putting on fat.


I went from zero alcohol to a bender (for me, about 3 shots of gin daily) for about 2 weeks. I was skinny and added 4 kg. omad. Low carb, high fat. If it wasn't the alcohol, what was it? The rest of my diet stayed more or less the same.


So alcohol makes you fat. If you weren't drinking it then it would digest the food first


I have a better idea. Just quit drinking, then you don't have to deal with this. I've been sober for 2 years.


I used to drink 1-2 times a week, heavily! I could easily slam 15-20 beers, and i would allways eat "hangover" food the next day.. so.. i gained.. especially belly fat! I had been over weight before, and lost some weight through intense workouts and harsh dieting.. But it wen't pretty slooow.. Cause i still drank at least 3 times a After cutting alcohol i've lost about 17lbs in a VERY short amount of time (eventhough i eat the recommended amount, and kind, of food).. It's just been soooo much easier, and I feel great!
These videos help motivate people to quit the sauce, or at least cut down signifficantly. Keep 'em comming!


I also have a medium glass of water for every drink if I'm having more than one glass!! It's rare but it works to stave off hunger and great for no hangover if you're really going for it!! :-)


I think it’s cool you left some mistakes in the video, re-takes. Shows your just a normal guy too who makes mistakes


Rice? Are you kidding me? Could you pick anything with a hight glycemic index?


Nothing better than getting up and eating some rice cakes


Great video! How do you balance drinking/socializing n staying in shape?


This person has no understanding of the human metabolism or biochemistry. Sugars and alcohol are metabolized through the same process and competitively in the body (as he describes; sugar is an alcohol metabolised by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase just like drinking alcohol.) If you are drinking and want to ease the burden on your metabolism, avoid sugars and limit your caloric intake.

Eating rice cakes (filled with carbohydrates) is about the worst advice you could give anyone trying to lose weight while drinking.

And the obvious advice is avoid drinking for a while, exercise and more importantly limit your caloric intake. Theres no magic solution to weight loss. Its effort and willpower.

Eat foods high in fiber. It is an indigestible sugar which your body cannot breakdown and improves gut health. Things like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, greens etc
Source: a mildly obese alcoholic with some knowledge of biochemistry


Bro am I trippin or was the whole conclusion to this video, rice cakes? 🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂😂😂


Rice cakes? Three years passed i am quite sure Thomas would say something more on this subject rather then rice cakes :)


Thomas you make awesome vids...keep up the great job


if I been boozing nearly everyday, i've gained 40 lbs, how do i fix this, stop drinking and then what, milk thistle and drink as much water as i can?


what you can do is: not drink at all to begin with! which means no wieght gain to begin with. There you go problem sloved.


Do you meal prep for each week Thomas?


Yes it does make you fat. The alcohol itself has a lot of sugar and it makes you hungry, and some people eat double while intoxicated.


I just fast for 24 hours before drinking and then skip dinner that night and just drink the alcohol. The alcohol give me the calories I need and after a few drinks I'm not hungry anymore. I gained a ton of weight when I used to drink and then eat dinner after.
