Hijab Ban | Why Did Karnataka HC Reject Muslim Girls' Pleas Against Hijab Bans? | The Quint

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Decoding the #KarnatakaHighCourt's judgment dismissing the pleas filed by Muslim girls asking for protection of their right to wear hijabs. Here is why the judges said hijabs aren't an essential religious practice, and why uniforms are a reasonable restriction on fundamental rights.
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Quint needs to stop this affection for this one community


I have faith on my judiciary and a Muslim female activist had already said wearing hijab isn't necessary in Islam.


I really don't understand this. When a school/college has prescribed a uniform which is same for all students to wear inside the premises, why is it so hard to follow for some? I literally don't understand why we spend so much time and energy on these frivolous things instead of seeking progress and development. I live in Hyderabad where half the population is muslim and other half is Hindu and we are used to seeing muslim women in burqa in public. But rarely have I seen muslim girls wear hijab in our classrooms. In my college with several muslim girls in our class, one girl wanted to wear hijab in the classroom, took permission of the principal and wore it. Nobody thought twice about it neither did the rest of the Muslim girls. Everyday after college hours, those girls used to change to a burqa and leave the college premises. Nobody said a word about it. On the other hand, there was a guy who was an ayyappa bhakt and wanted to wear his 'maala' during their auspicious month. He took prior permission and wore it. Nobody said a single word about it after that. THESE are personal choices that were requested and granted appropriately but I don't think any of these students would have minded if their request was rejected. Can't we live in peace like this? Why are we debating as if it is a question of life and death? If a school/college is restricting any piece of clothing other than their uniform then so be it right? Accept that there are a few compromises in life and move on.


Court can say because in a democratic country constitution prevailes over any religion whether it is Hinduism, christianity, Islam....
Uniform means no discrepancy in terms of caste, creed and religion


I wonder how they would enforce everything according to their will.
No gay rights, no bikinis, no humours, no intermixing with general crowd, no music, no yoga, what's next ?


Equality before personal and religious laws. Uniformity before religious freedom. This is true secularism. 👍


Who are you people to tell girls what to wear and not to wear. If they wear Hijab so be it. What's your problem people. Educate yourself please. This is embarrassing.


This verdict makes muslim society feel more isolated. Of course, this judgement also in favor of the government. The judiciary is the only reliance for such people. It is very dangerous even the judiciary to take the exact position of the government.This will not be good for the society and the concept of Indian Union. It is the responsibility of the Court to interpret the provisions of the constitution and the law in such a way as to sustain all secular, democratic....etc matters. But that did not happen in today's verdict. It is not for the court to decide what is the obligatory practice of a religion.Todays coursts judgement has absolutely no insight. How long will Muslims have to spend their time and money in courts. This is hijab today and another one they will bring tomorrow.


All of us know that what's the actual goal doing so. But I wanna say that let them do whatever they could to deprive us from education. But Don't Sacrifice ur Education & ofcourse wear Hijab ( outside the campus). Bcz there's no gain in doing Protest & exaggerating! Give ur best in studies & be a great personality like APJ Abdul Kalam who undoubtedly contribute a lot for our nation, India. And the whole india respects him a lot ;)
And yes, Allah knows everything!! There will be justice sooner or later ... :)


Who the hell is this guy to interpret a high court judgement, he does not know anything about the interpretation of law by the court


I applaud their decision 👏👏👏👍 the school doesn't allow it so they can wear hijab outside the school. Nobody gonna restrict them from that. I myself sometimes wear head scarf to protect myself from sunburn n there are instances when people mistook me for a Muslim girl. This mustn't happen in classrooms. In a classroom there must be a sense of equality. Otherwise they can go to a institution which allows it. Problm solved.


Ok bro. Whats the issue here. No one objected people wearing bands, tilaks and black slaws and walking into school without shoes. Anyone opposed sir. Pls try to understand that these students wearing school uniform and top of that they wear the scraf bro. We should stand by the oppressed peoples


So does that mean, Punjabi people won't wear their turban too?


Please bring uniformity by cancelling reservation.


From when secular institution became proficient in religious books and started interpreting religious books?


This is so wired for the Judge's to say that wearing of hijab is "not essential part of Islamic faith", then this judges need to go back and read the Quran, Any thing that is mention in the Quran is a essential for a Muslim men and women. who told this judge's that wearing of Hijab is not an essential part in Islam ? from where they got this knowledge ?, I'm wondering who appointed this people to the post of High Court Judges, when they don't even know the fundamentals of a religion Islam. Everything that is mention in the Quran is a guidance and code of a spiritual life to be followed for a successful life in this world and hereafter, there are many thing informed for a believing man and women need to follow and if they do not follow those guidance it is Allah who will decide the punishment, what the Allah Says in the Quran is always essential whether someone follow it or not, this is what Allah say in the Quran regarding the Hijab "O Prophet ! Tell your wives and your Daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known as free respectable women so as not to be annoyed, and Allah is ever forgiving and most merciful." if this is the order from Allah to the believing women's. Than how it become non essential ????. Yes if a Muslim women choses not to ware the hijab, it is between Allah and her that what punishment Allah hold for her for disobeying his order. It is so simple to understand, but it looks like this Judges are working for this criminals government.


Court doesn't have jurisdiction to intervention religious Issues.
If govt. Institutions matters dare to ask sikh jawans to remove turbans in army.


what about our constitutional act 25(1).
Request to judges, please obedience to our judiciary system,
Our law is superior than Karnataka government's code of uniform act.

Still we have little hope 😭 our judiciary.


Oh yes it's an essential practice as per Islam. It's a verdict not justice


The quint is more concern about hijab as compare 2 those girls.
