9 BIGGEST Sales Mistakes To Avoid (At All Costs)

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1. Doing what they expect.

What we want to start to do is avoid doing anything that they expect. If they are expecting us to do something, that's a mistake that we're making. We cannot be doing what they expect.

2. Pitching.

Most salespeople have been taught that when they get in front of what they believe is a qualified prospect, and that's, of course, a pretty low bar, but they believe that they need to be pitching that prospect. What we should be doing is engaging prospects in a conversation, to understand what's going on and determine whether there's a fit. And then ultimately down the road, we would give a presentation that's customized to the challenges that they have. But we need to stop that pitch right away.

3. Being excited.

"Hey, let me show you all the reasons that you need to business with me because we have the best service. We've got the best product, everything that we do is amazing!"

Many of us were taught to show high levels of enthusiasm, high levels of excitement about our product or our service. It's supposed to show somehow the prospect that we believe in what we're selling.

4. Persuading.

The problem is that sales are not about persuading people. And I know that goes counter to what most of us have been taught, but what we want to do is rather than trying to persuade anyone that's in front of us, we want to take a step back and understand what is most important to them? Understand what are those biggest challenges and determine whether their challenges and their needs align with what it is we have to offer.

5. Talking for more than 60 seconds straight.

This is one of the most common mistakes that I see salespeople making all the time. We get excited about what it is we're talking about, we feel like we're on a roll and we keep on going, and going and going and going. The problem is is that the data shows that prospects start to tune us out after close to 60 seconds, it's a little bit less.

6. Closing.

Modern selling is not about closing, but it's about taking prospects through a process that is going to both determine whether they're a fit and create value in that process so that way at the end, the only question we ever have to ask is, well, what would you like to do next?

7. Needing the sale.

When you need a sale, immediately the prospect can feel it. It's like it just oozes out of you and they feel it immediately.

8. Following up.

Instead what we want to do is always have clear and scheduled next steps so that way at the end of every selling interaction you are always scheduling a next step, always.

9. Letting them get back to you.

If you are ever in a situation where you're waiting for the prospect to get back to you, you're in trouble. Never, ever, ever let them get back to you. Always keep control of the selling interaction.
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I’m currently applying for sales jobs and I stumbled on your channel....love your content and learning a lot ... it’s even helping me prep for possible questions i might get asked during an interview.
Especially for bigger companies that are VERY picky with their candidates and usually do multiple interviews before giving you the job.
Thanks a lot man!


One upside of correcting the “following up” and “letting them get back to you” mistakes, is that you now have an immediate feedback on your overall approach, and get a clear indication if they really do or do not want to talk to you, and you can turn that into a self-improvement feedback loop. Without that, you have no way to differentiate the people who really are interested but just failed to reconnect, from the individuals you really turned off.


I'm a small business owner where i do surveys myself. His videos helped me beyond, I think i could from a YouTube video.

Thank you, sir for your hard work making these videos.


I am a property manager in Colorado springs, and I tried these techniques for my toura yesterday and I was able to sit down with them and really connect and build true rapport with them they took apps and we are scheduled to chat soon!

Thanks for the info!


Very honest and firm about your time. I find that works. Say "how are you on" blank blank, give them a window that shows your busy and not low value.


Love this! Starting my first sales job (cold calling and selling telus products) and this is SO helpful


Thank you for all of these tips. Big help as I’m just getting started in sales


As a high level closer let me tell ya that #3 is cringy asf. When I’m called to close sails from a sales person who died this I always succeed because I flip it. I always speak with the prospect and apologize for the overly excited she’s person and then ask if they had any other questions for me or what option will we start today?Works 95% of the time. Learn psychology and the dark matter spots if the human mind and how to manipulate them.


So there is some good stuff here, obviously. One thing that kind of struck me though, he said "don't show exuberant excitement", yet that's exactly what he did when he pitched us at the end of the video.


My biggest take away is that I should keep control and set up a clear, scheduled next step.


It a true and I do all the mistake. Thank to let me know what should I avoid.


This video is truly amazing.
An mind 🌀 and happily agreeable


You never ask them what to do on a close, you assume and move unto the closing. Assumptive Closing! Scheduling a follow up after a close solidifies the close and helps retention!


Going to a prospect after seeing the video, Thanks ❤️


8:40 so does this mesn you should give up on the sale? Im new to your videos. Would be cool to see a video of when to know you should give up on the sale if ever.


Is it a New York accent? I LOVE how it sounds! Also thank you for the content - it’s gold!


Appreciating this fresh perspective; very classy, thanks.


Great tips and so refreshing to hear. Keep up the good work!


Hello Marc! I like your pragmatic approach (full of pattern interrupts), which really helped me start to win those 'first 7 seconds cold' ;)
But truth be told I am totally confused at this point — what you say is really the exact opposite of what other authorities on sales are saying (e.g. Grant Cardone). And I am not sure whose methods work best in our situation.

We are an IT Company that works with the Hospitality business and typically our customers come to us when the need to maximize occupancy rate, increase direct sales to save money on commission they pay OTAs like Booking.com or Expedia.com, etc. In fact, we are a start-up in the US and nobody comes to us so far :) This is a highly competitive industry and we have to cold call, follow up, and be aggressive (in a way) because otherwise, we won't take any market share from the competition.

Could you give us any expert advice, please?


I've found that 'suppressed' enthusiasm/excitement is far more effective.
